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Seriously why has this type of MMO not shown up yet?
It can be such a promising game if a company actually took this on. Here is what I think should be in a Zombie MMO and see what you guys think (of course input is always welcome to make it a better idea)
So here goes:
First Question is: Is this going to be a theme park type mmo or a sandbox mmo. I say how about a little of both? for this thread lets just say the level cap is 40. You start out in say, the east coast of the US and the leveling process to 40 is your journey across the US to the so called "promise lands" of the West Coast. The usual questing from small settlements along the way. and for those of you who don't like PvE questing, put in things like Rift's idea of random events of public questing, and PvE Dungeons. But I would also like to see something implemented in someway to relate to the Zombie Apocolypse, with some type of DaoC type battlegrounds for those who like to level just through pvp.
So now that we hit level cap what now?
This is where the sandbox part of the game comes in. Lets say the entire west coast is the end game content. San Diego to Vancouver or something like that. Yeah thats big area to cover but it would be a great wide open presitene world. Now in the sandbox part of the game; Guilds are what make this part of the game. You form guilds and create towns/settlements. Of course you get to build these from scratch. But lets spice it up a bit and say you can build these anywhere not just in certain predetermined locations. Also on top of that you get to create your own style of buildings and such, and of course defense buildings such as walls, towers, etc. for those pesky zombie hordes and possible the neighboring settlement down the river?
So now that we have a settlement/town what is there to do?
Well to be a bit diffrent and fair let this game have no gear grinds. People really don't like gear grinds and it makes it unfair for newer players vs. vetern players. So use a system where gear is crafted not found. Of course the gear breaks so there is always a need to continusly farm mats and craft your gear (sort of like Darkfall system). But lets have more than just gear and weapon crafting, something more along of the lines of actual survivability type crafts. Say engineering, so we could have electricity in the settlements; farming, so there is food to eat ( some how implement eating in the game to survive); medicine, to heal and save people from wounds and such; Hunting, to bring in meat for food. Things like this and a lot of different proffessions so there is a lot to do. But only allow one main proffession to each player to make it more realistic since it is called a "profession" and being a master at something not many. Also with only allowing one profession to each player, would also bring about more of a sense of an MMO, where you actually need to interact with other people and form guilds and such.
Now that we have the crafting underway, where do we get mats?
Tired of going to a node and hitting a button and seeing a progress bar, then it appears in your bags. Yeah me to! A lot of people like PvE dungeons in end game. So I was thinking to have open dungeons, where it is an instanced zone but you can have as many groups enter the dungeon at anytime. Allowing for some PvP type dungeons making it a bit more exciting. "But if there is no gear grinding what do we get out of these dungeons?", well of course this is where you get your mats for all the types of crafting. Let say for expample one of the dungeons is San Francisco where your goal is to go into the zombie infested city and try to sypon oil or something of that nature somewhere in the city limits. So now you have to fend of zombie hordes but also other guilds who are trying to also get the mats for their settlements. But there needs to be a limit on the spawn of mats to a daily thing or something of that level so there isn't an overabundence of mats floating around. This way it gives the game more of a feeling like your scavenging for the last remaing resources in the world.
So what is there to do in end game other than craft and run some of these dungeons?
This is the part I like the most. I was thinking of some sort of system like DaoC, with a Frontier. There be an open RvR area/areas where there is also resources which can be held kind of like Battlefield Objectives, so guilds fight over these resources/BOs. Maybe something where you hold the resource/BO and your guild/alliance gets buffs and advantages or something like that. But mainly implement a DaoC system with a touch of Lineage II where its guild vs guilds not factions. So also on top of resources and buffs and such implement a rvr ranking system so that people have something to work towards. But not as small and easy as the prestige in Rift where you can obtain it in a month or so. I say make it like WAR where it takes a very long time to obtain. But also on top of this there should be territories that can be ruled by guilds. That way guilds can own large amounts of land and there is more incentives for rvring. In these territories should be resources as well so there is incentive to take zones. This also brings about guild pride and such, allowing for conquering in the name of resources.
Other random comments and ideas I have:
- Zombie Hordes. So taking the Idea from Rift and their random events of Rifts popping up, why not have random Zombie hordes/invasions of zones/settlements or just roaming hordes so its random dynamic events to keep things spicy. I think these events should happen even in the dungeons to keep things interesting. And if one happened in a dungeon say, the guild you are fighting with for a resources might just team up together to defeat the zombie horde or something for the meantime instead of fight against eachother.
- Class system. Not quite sure what to implement here but I would like it to be more true to reality in the sense of not having magic and no healing, minus say if you are a doctor proffession or something, but even then its just kind of mending not healing. But there should def. be different roles like snipers, assualt type soilders, engineers, things of that sort. Of course I would still like to see the game be in third person and not a 1st person shooter type mmo like Darkfall.
Well thats about as much as I can think of right now, but I would like to see what you guys think? Comments, things to add or something you would like to see in this type of mmo?
Playing: WAR
Past Games: FFXI, WoW, EQ2, D&D, Darkfall, Aion
Waiting for: SW:TOR
It has.
Always read the small print.
Wasnt there a cinematic trailer for the zombie mmo theyre making? I cant remember what it was called but it was the one playing backwards iirc....with the lil kid falling off the hotel room!
''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
Actually that was for the game 'Dead Island' which im pretty sure is a non mmo title.
That trailer was awesome though.
join us on seastone (btw no cash shop to run your bank account dry)
There's also this:
Unfortunately, these guys are console sellouts so I haven't been keeping them on my radar.
the game is going to be too dumbed down to hold it's own on the PC... We're not missing out on anything.
ZZzz...too bad...i not really like this games~ i think they should think before launch this games ~ lol
For the Food/Hunger system, you could have your settlement require a weekly quota of required foodstuffs to survive, make less food, you go onto rations which can influence Morale and combat awareness, a glut of food can be traded/sold to other communities.
The scavenge idea is a good one, having the instances with a timer such as, Zombie hordes are coming, you have X time to get resources and then get to the exit grid. This may change the multiple groups aspect, however, setting it to a schedule can hurt the game, but that can be solved with a lockout timer (24-72 hours) to simulate the Zombie Horde decimating the area, it being an unsafe zone (from your PC perspective). Im liking the idea of having to scavenge in a Mall instance, Suburban Neighbourhood, Military Base/Shipyard, Docklands with Shipping/Freight Containers, im sure there are many other areas that get much better when you add zombies.
I do so very much love the part about gear being a temporary item buff. It promotes crafting, but also promotes trade and interaction, puts a bit of a damper on casuals looking to join for the shooty shooty aspect though. RE: Professions, I like the one profession aspect, however, perhaps you can pick one Main profession that you excell at, and you get a very basic and rudimentary general knowledge skill that covers most other professions, be a shame to have to go visit a chef/cook to toast some bread you just bought from the Baker, but you can cook up a basic meal with a very minor stat/morale boost (if one is to be implemented for a profession based system)
Looking at what you are suggesting, is quite the mammoth task, I am jaded and cynical, and the only kind of Zombie MMO I would expect to see from todays gaming developers would be some very basic shallow themepark crud aimed at the big dollars from casuals who would balk at having to rely on other people in a game when they want to log in, get instagratification combat shooty shooty zombies go splocht, and then log out.
Only problem I have with the lockout timer is that then it becomes less like a PvP style dungeon and to much like a PvE style dungeon. In this case of trying to make this work, I was thinking something along the lines of what EQ2 had going for their instances on PvP servers.
I do like your idea of the Professions, allowing for one main role and then some minor ones with limited knowledge in the minor ones. That makes more sense and a bit more casual then hardcore.
I know this will never be done, just thought it was something fun to see what other people had in mind for an mmo of this style and what they like to see in it.
Playing: WAR
Past Games: FFXI, WoW, EQ2, D&D, Darkfall, Aion
Waiting for: SW:TOR
Also this...
I went to check that out with great excitement. But alas, it's a browser game. They can be a fun diversion, for sure, was just hoping it was a full-blown MMO.
Zombieville pretty much. I'll probably check it out anyways, looks interesting and strategy games are always fun for the most part if it requires a real amount of thinking and not just button clicking.
I've been playing my zombie mmo of choice for a bit some years ago... The game is very simple, fun and addictive. Might provide a zombie mmo fix for whoever needs it
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
Never heard of that one either. Thanks for the tip, I will check it out.