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The meaning of your life is not found in words but in your actions.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
I know where you're coming from. Simutronics would be the ultimate company to GM for, it seems.
I don't think the main problem would be only working during the Summer months. A Summer apprentice type program might be a great idea! Maybe a bit early in the development of the game to consider adding an apprentice program, but certainly something to consider down the road if it has promise.
I suspect the main problems would be getting trained on all the systems quickly enough to actually get any work done before the Summer ended, and whether or not it would pay enough too.
Still, it might be an idea to bounce off Simutronics. Who knows, maybe if it also proved useful for marketing purposes and a good source of more help, they might consider it. I guess in the long run it all comes down to time and expense. Will the worker have enough time to contribute and accomplish something? What will the cost be to have them working there?
All that being said, many -- actually probably most -- GMs work very flexible shifts part time offsite, so it could potentially be a part time job year round for those with enough time, interest and self discipline.
I've been a Simu GM for 5 years now. Fortunately for Simu I've always been a Dev GM as I'd probably drive players off in droves if I was a CE GM. But if you are CE or Dev, a GM's schedule can be extremely flexible. For CE there is normally a set number of hours a week and number of events or items you have to make. You will pull shifts but as we run 24/7 that means there are times available for about anyone's schedule. Dev normally has set number of hours but in reality it more ties to being assigned projects and meeting those goals. Meet your goal, you're golden. Many GM's will start out as CE or Dev and switch to the other over time. The actual number of hours a week you really work may also vary widely, slack off a bit when nothing major going on and you just cover shifts and the like or it may boost incredibly if a major merchant or festival type event is planned. Similarly for Devs, you might only have small amounts of ongoing development going on to provide the constant world updates and support for CE type events or things might go into overdrive for a major expansion or project. Of course all this is on top of your normal RL.
Being a GM has one major reward as far as I'm concerned and thats hearing how the players enjoy a new system, critter or merchant. Knowing that makes me keep doing it even with all the hours I devote I feel that it has been worthwile.
But if you are interested in becoming a GM, it never hurts to apply. You can always change your mind and say no if you make it through the resume and interview process. We're always on the lookout for a few good men, women, gamers, cats, dogs and a parakeet or two.
GameMonster Uska
Critters Rule