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alright a guy named jofahy has got a clan called living legends and i for one would love to start in the game with a clan because the clans that start out right from the beggining are the biggest ones so show your respect for humans and check it out
i have already put my post down to join
This is jofahy from the warcry boards
Just thought id wave and say hi,
Let just hope some more heads pop outta the Ark
I'll build you a bike for your hard work
Why did people stop posting here? this would be a great place to post guild formations and such since there are so many people registered here. I'll be Playing human on AA when it comes out.
Death to the Mutants! Death to the Bio Meks!! Long Live the Human Race!
I can Only please one person per day.
Today Isn't your day
Tomorrow doesn't look good either.
Big clans suck theirs almost no way to ever advace in rank unless you were their from the begining, it would be cooler to have a clan that has like 10 guys in it and their all extreamly high levels, like a motercycle gang taht roams the country side smashing everywhere and people would be all like "on no i hear the *clan name*s are in the town to the east so lets run like school girls in fear. Other then a " hey its that clan with 2 good players and a trillion noobs and i hear one of the good players left becasue of all the noobs. Its like comparing clan "Map" warcraft 3 and clan "Sphear" starcraft, sphear was their from the begining and had a hand full of awsome players and a trillion noobs, the pros eventually left becasue of all the noobs but clan map is the map making elite, if you get into it its like ascending into a being of perfectness. Anyway why would you want even a single noob in your clan it just brings dishonnor when they lose at anything.
Their are 10 types of people in this world, those who can read binary and those who can't.