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Alfie of AQ posted a pretty good video he created entitled "History", which can be seen here:
Here's the link to the original post:
Very nicely done!
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Yes, seen it before. It is a nice video indeed!
I agree - it's a nice video.
In these games, especially in sandbox-style MMOs, the player are the ones that really make the history of the gameworld. It's as fun to look back on as it is to imagine what is yet to be created by players.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I keep on hearing about this "make your own history", could you please provide a couple of examples where players impacted a world in a deep way that rest of the player base could see, and which still have effects on the community?
I mean, sure, you killed some named and destroyed few keeps.. so? Dead creatures didnt impact the world in any way, new keeps are rebuild.. and it been 10 months now, sure enough time for some great world changing events to happen and "change the history"..
Perhaps we have different viewpoints and expectations on "history" as it applies to MMOs. Some of the things you've listed actually ARE history.
History, especially the type that is felt by the individual player, need not be solely "great, world changing events". The historiography of real world history even reflects this change in thought over the last century.
That's my ham-handed take on it. I think Alfie's words, and reason for making the video, are far more poignant:
"After playing since just before release, I've watched guilds leave, people flame, trash talk, lie, destroy assets, and use others for their own benefit.
I've also seen people remembered very badly, even though I knew them quite well and thought better of them. People forget to stop in the heat of the moment, and really think about what consequences will come; what people really think, and what people are truly capable of doing if pushed into it.
I have also had the pleasure to see players go from being very new and inexperienced, to turning into some of the big dogs within the game, in positions of authority in guilds, or just amazing players. Just remember, next time you kill that one guy who's alone and new, he may not forget. He could end up being the leader of a large guild with a massive vendetta against you. There may not really be short time consequences to bad actions, but in the long run, it'll get you back. As the saying goes, "what comes around goes around"."
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
What I meant is that you pointed out the "make your own history" as something very unique to MO, while by your explanation, I could say same things happening in any themepark mmo, even thou they dont make a big deal out of it.
What he describes is every PvP MMO ever made, nothing special about MO at all.
We all know what was meant by Henriks initial claims, and there is nothing in MO thus far that comes close. I imagine it's In Development<tm>
You'd do well to go back and reread exactly what I wrote - absorb the meaning of the actual words I used, without superimposing your own preconceived meaning upon them.
Here, I'll help you:
"In these games, especially in sandbox-style MMOs, the player are the ones that really make the history of the gameworld."
"In these games", means MMORPGs in general.
"especially in sandbox-style MMOs", I hope is probably self-explanatory.
'the players are the ones that really make the history of the gameworld", means that it's the individual and collective actions and activities of players that make a game fun and memorable, at least moreso than preprogrammed content. With sandbox games, of which MO is one, the emphasis on "player made content" enhances this, in my opinion.
Where did I state that this is "very unique" to MO?
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
True, you didn't. I am just getting a feeling I see this "make your own history" feature as an argument of why MO is so unique. Not speaking about your post now thou, just in general.