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So, to get from PvP Rank 4 to Rank 5 you need 225,000 prestige.
You get:
~20 per kill
600 per win
200 for a loss
Now, I've been running WFs as much as I can, sometimes this means that, due to my schedule, I run at 4-6am. During these hours I FREQUENTLY run into the SAME PEOPLE running bots.
I've submitted COUNTLESS GM reports about these same people, and receive the same moronic form letter back about starting an investigation immediately! And thanking me for my vigilance.
These same people have been botting for MONTHS, multitudes of people have reported them and NOTHING has been done. Bots are of ZERO use in PvP, which means I'm frequently getting 1/3 the prestige that I should be getting if you actually BANNED these people.
Hmm, the amount of bots was cut down dramatically since they introduced the /afk report function. The last week I haven't noticed a single person botting, so either the function works or people stopped botting? No idea.
I can understand your frustration, but I don't think you'll find anything on these forums besides a vend for it.
(pulls out the brown card) BS. I was in a BUNCH of WF's. You know how the bots avoid the afk function? They hit a button.. or emote dance... or the like. I had a bot in EVERY WF with me for over 3 hours. I submitted their name, every battle. I recieved a reply about a week later, thanking me for notifications. I do a WF and THAT SAME PERSON was still there.
Don't tell me they've fixed it. It's the same garbage as back at beta. Waste a slot for someone who actually wants to play/contribute.
First to achieve PVP rank 6 on our server was a botter known to pretty much everyone on our server group. He botted his way to 50, then to rank 6 - yet he would have been reported hundreds upon hundreds of times.
He was a walking joke.
This is just a theory but:
I know for a fact that WoW will take reported botters and literally monitor them for extended periods of time, as opposed to banning them then and there. The reason being that they will watch their moves and such in attempt to learn how to combat them better, or even the botting programs better in general. This also applies to hackers, such as speed hacks and teleport hacks.
Like I said though, this is just a theory and what Trion may be doing, but taking that guy who botted to caps into consideration kinda dismantles that theory. Someone that obvious should be banned or rolled back, in the least.
.. But in a good way.
I can only relate my own experience, that doesn't invalidate yours. Perhaps PvP servers are less prone to botting, or EU in general is less prone to botting or I'm just less attentive to them.
I'm also relating to what's happening now, not 2-3 weeks ago. In my own personal experience the 1.1 patch changes seem to have improved things in terms of less people botting. So much less in fact that I could find noone to report.
I play on a PvE server. In Trion's INFINITE STUPIDITY, I'm in a cluster with a pvp server - the exact server which nearly every bot I see comes from.
Trion was VERY up front about the coin lock feature, which gave me hope for them. They aren't saying or doing ANYTHING about bots.
AFK reporting is nullified once someone hits a button. I've reported bots AFK where they ran against a wall the entire match, did 0 damage, 0 healing, took 0 damage and they still got favor.
This is beyond BS and completely intolerable with the PATHETIC state the game is, in terms of pvp balance.
I've sent youtube links, I've repeatedly reported people... I don't know what else to do other than cancel my account with a mean letter.
Botting in an MMO? Oh my god, never seen that before!
When did you start playing "old school" MMO's. World Of Warcraft?
OK…..First lings first boting has been around since EverQuest, nothing new. There has always been boters and always will be boters. Now if you are referring to a Macro that just sits there and avoids going afk and that’s it then I feel you’re aguish. But there are some very sophisticated bots out there and in fact some of the bots play better than the real peps. I like bot programs especially the ones that take the time to program a well robust program that will play just like you are sitting in front of the machine. Ex: wow glider or wow bot (very excellent programs.)
So in closeting don’t hate the boters hate the people using timed macros. Bot programs are great timed macros suck balls.