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Almost ready to give up on MMO's for a year or so....that being I don't want to so back to the drawing board. Anyone has any advise let me know.
Things I really want:
Group Based Gameplay
Open World (instanced dungeons are acceptable)
Good Graphics (Recently bought a new PC that can run anything and don't want to play any really dated games on it)
Lots of classes or open ended skill system
Fantasy Theme
Things I Really don't want:
Solo quest grinding
Sprint to level cap to raid
Low populated games that groups can't be found
Unrealeased Games
Cash Shop Pay to Win
Things I like, but don't need
Free to Play or a Trial/buddy invite system to try it( Would Prefer Pay to Play with trial over Free to Play)
Group Quests that people actually do (if there is quests in the game)
Last 5 Games I have played:
Rift - Great Game, well polished, Very nice Class System, Great Graphics, would love it if not for all my time in WoW and boredom with this specific brand of MMO (Makes me wish I never played WoW)
Vanguard - Amazing game up till level 30, Tons of Content, Really nice long quest lines that required a group, Amazing Open World, Great Classes. Lack of players at Mid Level is what did me in (logged in 5 nights straight tyring to find a group for quest chain with no luck)
Darkfall - Great Game also, Full Loot PvP was fun and intense, Open World that kept you looking over your shoulder was amazing, Grind was not an issue like some say, nice open skill system. Lack of skill cap ruined it for me, creates demi gods who are amazing at everything (turns an open skill system into essentially a 1 class system where some players are more advanced than others)
Everquest - Another Good Game. Took me back to my days in EQOA. Group based game with where a group was required to advance effectively. Came back for the free week in the progression server, but unfortuneatly the visuals just don't cut it anymore for me.
Lord of The Rings Online - Decent game that I never could get into, was fun with great graphics, but never really sucked me in. Could have been the lack of classes or maybe it was that I only played Free to Play and just knew that I was missing content)
I would be willing to go back to Vanguard if the population ever increased (very doubtful), Darkfall if they ever added a skill cap, and EQ if they ever updated the visuals(Very Doubtful). Darkfall may change, but we will see what changes Darkfall 2010 brings(isn't it 2011 now?).
Games I have contemplated trying and would love to hear some opinions on:
Final Fantasy XIV - I know its broken but I'm desparate and FTP after box fee for now sounds fair.
Lineage 2 - Would love to know how many hours(years?) I would need to play to endgame and how enjoyable the journey is.
Mortal Online - Is it as Broken as people Say. At least it has a skill cap.
Aion - Hear Good and Bad things about it. Would need ot get a Trial invite because I don't want to waste my money if I side with the bad.
Also Open to any other suggestions if anyone has another game that they think I may enjoy.
I currently play aion atm, it's good, has very slow paced combat at the start but gets much more fast paced as you level. Though you don't group much until later levels, around 25-30 for instances and quests. I can refer you if you'd like to give it a try, just PM me your email if you want.
K TY Will look into it. PM sent.