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SOE does something right? Havnt read it all yet, but thier closing down the transfers too SS and letting people off SS. And from what I read you get a FCT every 90 days. Looks like SOE is going to balance thier servers to keep it going for a bit more. Just when I thought SOE could do no right they suprised me.
in a way, they are just making official what they have been doing in a clandestine way: there have been reports that people who contacted GMs were getting up to 1 free transfer.
what baffles me and i suspect most people is why they take so long to respond to players concerns and demands. they should have done this 5 years ago.
instead, they took 5 years to realise that "people want to play with other people". If they are to make things right, they should re-imburse all the money they collected by charging $25 per transfer to those who paid. And let us not forget that those who paid did so as a result of mass exodous following SOEs NGE project.
Words are easy to write but they do not fool me.
Troneas is right. While nobody will argue that it's a GREAT thing to finally have, it took far too long to implement.
I'm anxious to see how well this works out. My gut tells me it will have a LOT less impact than players think because anyone who was already on a dead server and not willing to pay to transfer, has already created an alt on another server. This will amount to little more than shuffling alts around I suspect.
But yeah, this was LONG overdue and a very welcome change.
How is Flurry these days? Does it warrnt transfers?
Depends who you ask.
A good friend of mine and I were talking last night, in his opinion, Flurry is dead. He and everyone he knew transferred to Starsider about 2 months ago and haven't regretted it one bit. He said "Starsider is how the game SHOULD be". He still has a toon or two on Flurry and he was playing them as well yesterday afternoon and said it was a joke.
So...I'd wait until the dust settles tbh. Start an alt on Starsider, make that your home and eventually move to where the population settles. But if you REALLY want to enjoy the game, start a toon on Starsider.
Flurry is the second most populated server, although be it a distant second place to Starsider. I am guessing with Starsider off limits to free and paid transfers, Flurry will get the lion's share of the FCTS. There are quite a few players unhappy with the Starsider restrictions.
I am just not sure how much this will make a difference. As TUX said, those that wanted to be on a more populated server ponied up the transfer fees or rerolled already. There will be some reshuffling, but in the end, it will be obvious (if it isn't already) what servers will be closed next.
They gave FCT's 2 years ago and closed down the dead servers.
But wasn't that a very selective set of servers and a very select list of destinations? Can't remember. will have to look that one up.
They divided the 25 servers into 12 transfer from servers and 13 transfer to servers.Anyone on a transfer from server could transfer to any of the transfer to servers.
And most players chose Starsider or Flurry. Flurry was a VERY distant second, but still second. That original FCTS is what got Starsider "over populated" to begin with.
For a limited time only to those who were subscribed to the game.
If you returned (or joined the game) at a later date you had to pay.
I think thier stealth closing some more servers down, signed up today and played a bit, saw one player, checked my emails and thiers alot of I transferd seeyas. End of summer bet you anything they will close and run only 5-6 servers. Also played some EQ2 free week. You can tell how little works been done on SWG, 13Gig download EQ2, 6.5 download SWG.
Are there still euro servers? I remember chimaera being top3 but this was maybe 6 years ago =D
I might sub to check it out, from what I remember I havent played since day 1 of CU...
Looks like its still active. Thiers still two Euro servers. Farstar and Chimaera
Nice, any way to tell what population might be like?
No idea, you could try the free 14 day trial and see.
Looking at the official boards it looks like a good few will leave SS for Bria, but I'm not really sure why. It used to be the biggest server, but since the FCTS even many Brians fled for SS. So now it sounds like they're no better off than the non-SS servers.
It's interesting. Not sure what I'm going to do. I told myself I'd never play SWG again, but now I'm wondering if a new start on a new server with new players wouldn't be fun for a few months.
Titanic.... deck chairs.... rearranging.
Nothing to see here... move along....
I know the ship is sinking, but I'm sure the band had fun playing on the way down.
Ya you can feel the water tight doors closing, maybe theyll keep it going for a year or two. 5 good servers enough people to have fun with. I refused to pay to transfer since Ive been an occasional player. Looking forward to moveing my main toons on Tues.
You need to know where to look to find players.
I had exactly the same impression as you when I re-subbed a few weeks ago. Drove across Naboo and visited Coronet, and only saw 3 other players. I logged out, very disappointed, prepared to tell everyone that the server was dead. But it isn't. people are simply in different places.
Whan I last played (pre-NGE), the 3 most populated areas on all servers were Coronet outside the starport, Coronet cantina and Bestine/Bestine cantina. And you could easily find players to group up with.
Now it's Mos Eisley and Restuss, and you really need to be in a guild.
I'm not pretending there are huge populations on the servers, there ar not. But if you know where to go and when to go there, there's easily enough players to have a lot of fun.
So, which server do you recommend to a newbie to roll on? I just pickedup Statton Access and SWG and would like to pick the best server for potential grouping prospects.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Try Starsider. If you find it too busy look to Farstar (EU), Flurry or Chilastra.
Agreed. Starsider.
If you're new, don't even think about rolling anywhere else. Honestly.
thanks guys Ill definetly roll my toons there then. if/when the SOW games come back online that is lol
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I'd say Starsider for US and Farstar for Europe, latter being the go-to server for euro free cts and is quite active even during weekday nights (gmt+1)