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I found the new information on your abilty to customize your characters abilities to be fascinating. Not since Ultim Online ar Asherons Call have i seen a system in a game whreyo ucould actually determinte the attributes, strentghs and weakness of your Caharacter, this looks very promising to me and may leas to soem interesting differenttiaion in classes for a change. I hope that this game will be effeciently ported over for us English speakers, It holds much promise in its current design and feature set.
Basically every MMO with a free skill-system let's you customize the way you want. Nothing too special about this actually, but still very wellcome.
I wouldn't call it new or innovative either. I would say they have listened to the players and this is something a lot of people have been wanting. Funny thing is, I don't remember anyone ever screaming "I want cookie cutter classes, with no customization!" yet for some reason we had a ton of games like that. Again I agree this is very welcomed and though it will be riddled with inbalances hopefully there isn't just 1 or 2 overpowering combinations out of the 120. To be honest I'm sure 50-60 of those will be absolute garbage to start out with. I'm ok with that though becase that means there will be 60-70 usefull classes and that's a lot.