Anyone in need welcome-back / refer-a-friend key? PM me here with your eMail address and I'll send you one.
Welcome-back key - if you resub, we both get 15-days free Refer-a-friend key - I'll get 30 days free when you buy the box (why-o-why does NCSoft not give you anything?)
Key sent
if anyone want a trial key, send me an email/pm
Currently Playing:
Anyone in need welcome-back / refer-a-friend key? PM me here with your eMail address and I'll send you one.
Welcome-back key - if you resub, we both get 15-days free
Refer-a-friend key - I'll get 30 days free when you buy the box (why-o-why does NCSoft not give you anything?)
I need a return key if possible
xephon [at] yorokonde [.] com
My god has horns.... nah, I don't think he is real either.
Hi there,
May i please have a return key? send to
Thank you
Key sent
I need one again please
Key sent
I'll take one if you have more.
Key sent
If I could get a return-key that would be really awesome and I'd really appriciate it!
Key sent
Cheers mannish!
I would love a return key, send it to
Haha yeah I know my email is awsome. I've had it for like 10 years.. I was like 12 when I made it, dont judge me ;D.
Ha ha - nice eMail address there!
key sent!
Thanks alot man!
Anybody need Return Key leave a messege or send me a pm.
I would love a return key if anyone could spare it. Has it really been 7 years since beta came out...yikes
Give my our e-mail and I'll send you one
Its been since 06.. If anyone has a key to spare send it to
Sent you a Return Key.
WOW i really got to give my cc info and select a payment plan just to play the code???
Someone wanna throw a return key my way?
EDIT: Thanks for the code, mannish.
Peace and safety.