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Hello people,
Just wanted to tell you guys that this is Hellgate tokyo, not the old one or resurrection.
so dont make mistakes on the forums and stuff, because i saw alot of people making mistakes of this already,
if u dont believe me check out the background on their site, a asian chick with a katana says enough.
Thanks for your time,
I was under the impression that Hellgate Tokyo is the latest installment of the broader game Hellgate Ressurection.
Either way as long as I can whip some demon ass with that gimp kid's wooden peg leg I'll be happy.
Who doesn't XD
The soul is one of my member of my guild, and he go with me when i wnt to hunt a davil, horrible monster.
I don't doubt that it is set in Tokyo, which seems most likely. Just in the images on the 'Game info' page, does anyone else think the buildings look more like those of London?
Like here for example:
Either way, I can't wait for the game
Sad to say but I still have my HellGate London Collectors Edition but it no work );
Hellgate: New York would be aswesome
yh that kid was pretty cool :P i like that kind of humor in thoose games, dunno why but cant wait for 3 juni so im downloading hellgate london demo again. i lost my real hellgate copy.
i think gameplay will be identical, quests identical and/or the exact same actually.
the locations in HG:L werent exactly that realistic and precise to even bother thinking 'oh damn im walking in <insert real building name here>'.
it could have been Moscow or New York for all i care - npcs didnt even have voiced dialogs.
all it had were location names. i bet in an editor you could change whatever area into 'Toilet of Doom'.
technically and atmospherically the game wouldnt change at all... would it?
If you want to play sp just go to They have some really good mods for it. Lost London is a blast, it makes the game have only 3 classes but you have both skill trees in each one. So if you want a cabalist that can summon fire elementals & throw fire balls, have at it. Or a blademaster with a few guardian skills.
It is london. It used to be called "Hellgate: London." This guy is refering to the Jap version of the game. Only the NA/EU version was shut down years ago, Asia stayed online from what I understand.
I dont fully understand why its based on london though when all the maps are randomly generated.
Oh i changed my mind it will probably be Hellgate: Resurrection with hellgate tokyo in one
say anyone else is having problem to register so I can use my beta key?
first register to t3fun then click on gates of hell.
ok then I think its only me..... lame, they don't send the validation e-mail to me.... so bye bye beta key
just re-do the registration for the site?
I registered with my comcast account and never receive confirmation. Later try with my others email and the site indicate that my email is unavailable to register. I have to create a new email account on gmail and verify first that the site indicate that the email is available to get the confirmation and later the key.
Not entirely correct, it starts out with good old hellgate london then goes into the hellgate tokyo expansion, it also has the abyss chronices, and stonehenge etc. My first char will prob be a engineer they can solo anything with their port-a-tankdroid XD.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
look above i changed my opinion
i will probably be one to because i played alot of guardian already.
The game originally was set in London. The levels were "randomly generated" from the original content, which was all based on london areas.
Well alot people like me seems to have alot problems playing game erors errors some dumb 4 digit security code witch i dont know and got ingame kickout and now disconnect error ah well no hellgate for me then.
After 3 years also new launch is bugged like hell:P
I would have exspect a smooth CBT weekend but seems not:(
so what its just cbt, that test is made for problems like this, u dont see the purpose of a beta do you -_-"
i think they are doing a good job!
There is no such thing as a "Smooth" beta, let alone a closed beta. Please point me to one if there has been.
I have a question for those who keep replying, "That's what a closed beta is for....etc etc....."
Question is - are you actually able to log in and test? Didn't think so.
I entered the key and downloaded a few days ago. Of course it said the servers were not available. Now that the beta has started..It says it can't access the authentication server. From 9pm last night through 5am luck. Anyone else experiencing this or have a resolution?
The servers have been down for maintenance and so forth quite a bit since the CB started. There is no resolution but to watch the HG:L official forums site and hope you get in some play time. I've been trying to actually get into the game since the CB started and haven't made it past the login screen yet because of the server problems.
This game is freakin awesome man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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