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Edit: Apology to World of Tanks
I took another look at the post I made in their forum and discovered I made a gross error.
I misread the next (and only) reply under my post and thought it was a message from the mod informing me of a ban. It was not. Apparently someone else had posted something that violated their rule regarding advertising. I'll just say it as it should be said, I am a dumbass. I feel like a complete moron for making this thread. I believe the person that was banned had posted something regarding gold selling, a truely justified ban.
Their rules state that users are not allowed to post threads or comments here that advertise or solicit any non-beneficial, non- World of Tanks related businesses, organizations, or websites. And, forum rules allow discussing other war games; however any kind of solicitation of or linking to other games is not permitted.
Had I in fact been the one banned for my post per the above rule I wold stick by my reaction but that is a mute point.
I am deleting the original post I made so that readers will be influenced negatively towards WoT by my post.
I have also deleted this post also since it is no longer relevant to the original post.
you did not suggest it was a better game? but in your first post you said you posted the vid to show what wold of tanks could have been? seems like me you were suggesting some parts of the game in the video you posted are better then world of tanks.
if i would be the head behind wot or any other game i would enforce the same rule and would have banned you from the forum.
I have also deleted this post also since it is no longer relevant to the original post.
Nice! Your “problem” was successfully resolved, but the general problem is NOT gone!
Have you ever played Russian games before WoT? (I know that the game is created by developers from Belarus but WoT has only Russian UI and site, there are no official Belarusian ones).
WoT is my first “Russian” online game. I was shocked with the way WoT/WG officials are communicating with gaming community. Your case/example is only one in a long row (btw, I was also temporarily banned for some nonsense) of different kind of suppressive techniques these guys are practicing: dragon censorship of all sorts like editing posts, regular deleting of negative posts, pre-posting checking of proposed topic content that could last for several days; arrogant or unclear official answers; bias and double standards; sophisticated ban system; self-confident propaganda style aggressive and misleading advertising campaign; etc. The result of this brain-wash is a silly and coward official face of the WoT gamming community, a bunch of exclusively enthusiastic WoT fans and few “bad” trolls that are allowed for creating an image of diversity. There are indeed many serious gamers/posters as well.
I am often spending hours in reading WoT forums (NA, EU, and because I understand a bit Russian also RU WoT forum) as I am very interested in WW2 tanks and games. I have eyewitnessed numerous times how critical negative posts disappeared from the forum within minutes. What we see on the forum does not represent real community mood. Topics are filtered, washed, cleaned. Yes, some criticism/“trashing” is allowed on NA/EU WoT forums, but it is nearly absent on the RU one. Mods are gods there, players are treated like mob, without any respect, vulgar anti-American/anti-Western remarks by players are ignored by officials.
Check e.g. the style of Mr. Kislyi’s (WG COP) recent interview:
“It(newly announced WG online game “World of Warplanes”) will be of the same quality as the World of Tanks, that (high quality) is so appreciate here in America, this is not something like the next Chineese-Korean hack about other orcs and elves, we persue the quality of the product.”
“Withregard toKorea,JapanandotherTaiwans (plural!)…”
I failed to post corresponding cyrillic text here.
Link to this interview from official RU WoT site:
Can a company official of that rank speak in public about other countries and games in such expressions?
So, in comparison with RU WoT forum “our” (NA/EU) forums are a huge “democratic achievements”.
WoT forum is private, but they came to us and created these (WoT NA/EU) forums for us. Hence, they have to respect us and our social values.
I have the only one explanation for that: WG PR guys are green and amateur, they know/favor Putin’s/Lukashenko’s a bit polished old style KGB/communist methods as well as new nearly criminal lawless aggressive Russian business (“mafia”) techniques of interacting with public. They are actually unsure, scared, and being not-professionals they demonstrate the most primitive reaction – aggressive motion to forbid and to control everything.
This might be a too direct/simplified exaggeration, but an option to consider.
I know about “WoT eyes here”, these “eyes” would better notice stupid mistakes in WoT advertisements on this site. But in case we really respect our social values and freedoms we have to fight for them. It is so sad that WG has managed to hire enough minions and recruit numerous “promotion” volunteers among Western gamers.
If you are convinced that you product is good, novel, unique, you have no need to ban anything (within reasonable and legal frames). Bans, restrictions are cheap, superficial measures, signs of weakness or unfair play. You cannot stop players/humans to compare, to have different opinions, to think at the end of a day.
WoT is overall a good game. It has many flaws, but the worst one IMO is its officials (PR people, forums’ mods and others). A good thing in wrong hands.
Well, the only thing worse than their PR is their leading designer. PR... yea, always the same "look at the free you pay us holyday bonus". They screwed quite a few times with that policy. But thats ok, I mean look at their leading desinger (serb), if its head, then the rest of the body isnt better.
IZI MODO?! Ha-ha-ha!
It is not unusual for game forums to be fanboi only sites full of brutish daddy wannabe mods. After all they want their egos shined once in a while. That sort of thing creates a groupie niche of loyal players and can often provide for a supporting community. It is when it becomes of itself a censored whitewash that players who know the difference begin to feel something is wrong with the community and leave.
I played this game in Beta and find it about as boring as games become when you buy them in a store box. After a few weeks you get tired of the unabashed antirealism and closet arcade online game.
I will agree here. Nothing worse than the gods that be are making sure they can squeeze as much money out of their players as possible, and still think that everyone will accept a bugged game. But don't you dare put that out on the forums, or submit a ticket about it.