It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!'s resident Survivor Guy isn't finished with EVE Online yet as part 3 of his Returning to Eve Online jets into the column line-up. Read more of Adam's continuing adventures in the EVE universe. Be sure to tell us some of YOURS in the comments.
The one drawback of joining others in this apparently "multiplayer" game was that their headquarters was based 15 jumps away from my current location. I was told that to enjoy the corp-lifestyle it would be better to pack up my things and head to the centre of operations. In truth I was sad to let go of my current location - it was home, it may have been a centre for newbies but I liked that, I liked the numerous missions, and the general safety of it all. Here I was being asked to head to the altogether scary sounding Ghesis and 0.6 sec space. Sucking it up however, I stripped my active ships, disassembled my Banthar and Merlin, sold the remaining six (all won in missions) and packed everything neatly into my ever-useful Badger: the U-Haul of Eve Online. I was ready to leave.
Read more of Adam Tingle's Survivor Guy: Returning to Eve Online Part 3.
hehe, great post
Oh brother.. what have you done:) Very nice read.
Your enthusiasm is making me want to go back to EVE. Glad you found some folks to fly with. Enjoy the adrenaline shakes when you get into some good pvp .
Translation: You got griefed, then you managed to get your new corp griefed.
I have a question. Is it true there is an item shop in game now?
In game? No. There is a shop where you can buy real models of the ships etc, I believe. You can buy "PLEX" to sell in game for in game credits (from other players).
Don't see how he got gired.. It sounded like he did the griefing lol.
As usual, an excellent read. Just a small sample of the many ways to play Eve.
Check this thread for some info on that. It's coming, and it's the reason I ended my sub.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
That last paragraph = amazing.
Gah too late, re-sub'd... damn it!
Hahah excellent. Survivor Guy is learning about consequences - from both sides.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
Great write-up, I love reading survivor guy.
I am entitled to my opinions, misspellings, and grammatical errors.
BestSigEver :P
Hehe, glad you seem to have found the real Eve. Welcome home.
I just get tired of posts like this. The item shop is superfluous. You ended your sub for other reasons, just using the item shop as an excluse. All the MMO's are selling fluff items these days, not a big deal at all.
hahahaha brilliant "their shields surrendered quick like the french and the hull buckled like that scene from scum" hahahaa absolutely brilliant. 10/10 for imaginitive writting..
i love to see new players take the fight back to the ore theives.. nicely done bro.. sure he may have caused the war but it was just and honourable.. he got robbed and he got revenge, thats perfectly fair in eve.
well played.
any one low enough to steal from new players deserves to get blown up in this way.
however the down side is that his new corp may now get splattered all over eve lol.. fun times ahead.
Really nice report. I play EvE now for 5 years. And when i read this i go backwards to my beginning. Ok a lot changed in the past and maybe will in the future. The shop is in my eyes to some roleplay folks or ppl. who need another dresscode a good choice. I dont need this. When CCP tires to sell maybe officer or faction stuff about this shop they really will fail. Because everybody can maybe buy the "rare" parts of eve fo a few $, €, etc. and that will be the end of that great game.
Nice posts. A bit thick, but I am glad you are enjoying yourself.
Currently Play: ?
Occasionally Play: Champions, Pirates of the Burning Sea, WOW, EVE ONLINE
That, and the fact that selling your PLEX for isk and THEN buying that battleship is SO much more different than the upcoming shop. Posers, lol.
Anyway, great read! Can't wait for part 4, where you hopefully get some fleet action!
Great read - again.
Man, I'm this close to resubbing - again.
Maybe some casual corps has use for my 2004 char...
Another great installment! *two thumbs up*
Interesting installment. Odd that MMORPG asked Adam to write this immediatly prior to a major update that has new recuitment tools. Leaving that aside, the speed dating nature of the corp recruitment process is to assess security (i hope they asked u for ur api). It is very possible that u could be a spy for a griefing corp inserted to scout out and lead the war targets directly on to ur new 'friends'. SpY! -
@ newbs, -Use the new recruitment tools to find a new player friendly corp, or check the forums. Not much recruitment actually takes place via the recruitment channel.....
As for the other posts about not skilled enough to fly xxx ship. - Yes skill training is a B*tch but we had several new players (less than 3 days old) and they sit proudly on killmails of players flying battleships with over 100m skillpoints each... how?- they brought 25 of their new friends along.....
Joking aside, u will never be the best- but also u will never be 'useless'.