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My girlfriend is interested in playing and wants a character like Leia from the movies. She was always a huge Princess Leia fan but wasn't all that interested in the game at first (until seeing more and more videos'/interviews, etc). Now her interest is peaked.
Problem is... Im not sure one exists... Trooper perhaps? Maybe JC?
Any suggestions? I know... an odd request... let's try to keep the trolling to a minimum please.
I am sure you will be capable of creating a hutt slavegirl.
Unless they add some more classes on the sly, then trooper is about as close as she is going to get I'm afraid. Though JC might be closer to the KIND of role she wants to play. Even though Leia didn't have force powers, at least not in the films
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
There is no character class based on Leia. You got Luke, Han/Lando, Darth Vader, Mara Jade, Boba Fett, Yoda, Palpatine + Trooper.
The closest would probably be Jedi Consular, although really, Leia hardly ever used her powers and had very little interest in exploring them, which is the primary interest of a Consular. Consular = Exploration of the Force + Diplomacy. Leia is a Diplomat, but in game terms, there is no diplomacy gameplay, there is only fighting.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
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Actually, Leia could have been trained IF my interpretation of the lines are right:
Ghost Old Obi'Wan: "That boy is our last hope."
Yoda: "No, there is another."
Unfortunately, it has been way to long since I read the EU stuff to remember if that was ever elaborated on.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I am not really a fan of Star Wars, but when I think of Leia fighting, I see a gun. In my eyes, she would fit as a Scoundrel Smuggler. She is not a trained jedi, therefore do not fall under Jedi Knight or Jedi Consular, and does not look like a strong warrior, so not a Trooper. The Smuggler is the only class suited it seems.
I have to agree here. Leia, from the Original Trilogy fits more into the Smuggler type role with-in TOR. Now once you get into the EU, and Leia is trained in the force, she would fall under the Consular class.
Both classes have healing capabilites (Scoundrel Advanced Class for the Smuggler, and Sage for the Consular). And DPS capabilities (Gunslinger Advanced Class for the Smuggler, and Shadow Advanced Class for the Consular).
Correct, and it was an idea they explored in some of the New Replublic novels.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I appreciate the replies - thank you all kindly.
Seems I sparked some debate too - always healthy and fun on the forums lol
Leia, sLeia, Laya, sLaya, Layah..xxLayaxx..xLayaLovesSephirothx
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
Dang, now I need to go back and read again. I don't remember that at all. Thanks for bringing this up Cammy, you just picked the next series of books I will be reading.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
That is actually a very fitting match, I just discounted it out of hand since Imperials seem to be the bad guys.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I figure the closest thing you'll get is Tardcores toon in a slave-girl outfit.
Second closest would probably be the Consular though.
Well they never did that much with them. Personally except for the character of Admiral Thrawn I never much cared for the New Republic story line. But then I am a Star Wars original trilogy purist so i'm sure that is part of my problem.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I've read all the New Republic up through the end of the New Jedi Order and while Leia did indeed grow in her force abilities, she never really "took" to using her force powers except for very rare and extreme situations. She never grew comfortable in that role.
Leia is a politician / diplomat. If i had to guess, I would guess that the Consular storyline will come closest to having this sort of story. The downside will be that the Consular is a heavy force user, so this would be out of character with Leia. However, you have to remember that your GF won't be playing Leia specifically, but "a character like Leia", so maybe a character "like Leia" would be more accepting of using their powers. In which case Consular is a perfect fit.
I don't see Leia taking up a life of crime (as a smuggler) or becoming a spy/assassin (imperial agent). Those things are both farther from her character. (Yes, technically speaking Leia is an outlaw from the empire, but her motive is never profit. A smuggler's motive is ALWAYS profit.) Leia's motive for pretty much everything is seeking peace. So whichever character is most likely to seek peace for all involved would suit her better.
p.s. I think the most overt use of Leia's powers was in one of the graphic novels. Perhaps "Dark Empire"? It's been years since I read these....
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
Smuggler is the closest you can get. Everything else is even further away.
well part of her time during her travels and when she join the rebels she could be a smuggler, the class smuggler don't really need to be just for profit, even jolee bindo was a smuggler during sometime to bring food and medicine, bypassing a siege to a planet to deliver the goods, a smuggler is anyone who bring any kind of goods if requested by not legal means, in this case anyone selling anything to the rebels could be marked as smuggler, even so he is doing so to help. and I think its almost like this here, if not he wouldn't be on republic and more on a neutral part
You were about to lose force points. I'd say consular would be more in line with Leia in the EU. Diplomatic means to reach an end.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I think you guys convinced me... seems the consular is the closest we're going to get.
I know it isn't ideal and it's more "post trilogy" than anything... but I think the diplomicy aspect of that class makes it much more realistic.
Plus - it doesn't have to be exact - I just need to give that impression
Thanks for all the input fella's. Cheers!
Pro-tip: get the game yourself first and let her play around with the character creator for an hour to see if she can cook up something that she likes. I bet she will
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Ive been reading the novels after the Star Wars movie timeline. Leia is definatly a diplomat and she often says "I should of listened to luke and take the time to work on my force powers".
There is one time in a book where she bought a cool spacecraft and learned how to pilot it, and wondered if she should of spent time learning the force instead.
But overall, She would definatly fit the Consular. Luke once said in the novels "many of the Jedi of the Old Republic where teachers, healers, and Diplomats; and they carried light sabers". Leia definatly was a Diplomat and she carried a light saber very very often in the books.
Descring Leia FROM THE MOVIES.. its quite simple.
She's a Spy.
So, I don't think Spy is an available class in SW:TOR.
So a Leia-like character would be a Smuggler.... (ugh, I hate saying htat, but its the closest there is).
A Leia-like character would have nothing to do with the Force or Jedi. Leia did not use the force. She used her wit and a blaster and the more she hung out with Han the more she acted like him. So SW:TOR? Leia?
Ask Bioware to make a Leia story, the writers are bored to death "polishing" whatever they can find them to polish
If you're not familiar with Cracked, they did an excellent four minute or so video on Leia (more or less). Such good times.
She may not have used the force in the way most jedi do, but she always did carry a lightsaber, and was very good at it. The whole "Fate of the Jedi" Series she kinda became more of a Jedi Knight then during any other series. If you have not read that far I would recommend it. Her son becomes a Sith Lord!
Leia is a Skywalker and therefore force sensitive.
That means she would be Jedi Sage.
Your GF might not like that interpretation, though.