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Another WoW clone with no targetting system, having a leveling system and being quest-heavy. Mobs standing in place, waiting to get killed, meaning no dynamic world.
Why would FE devs do that? Why? It is completely POINTLESS. Making a game on mechanics now 10 years old in MMO terms (EQ), entering the competition of the juggernauts.
And on top of that poor graphics makes this a game, that has no chance to compete.
This game deserves to die.
I am pretty sure this is more of a sandbox mmorpg i thought then a wow clone.................. Considering this is in the Future and world of warcraft ain't
Playing: Single player games |
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What's wrong with quests? Darkfall has quests and Eve has quests.
What's really wrong with Fallen Earth is that the combat system is really crappy. It has free-aim, but it still plays out just like a tab targetted game. Doesn't matter where you are or if you are out of range. You still get hit.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
describe to me where the WoW clone element shows up in this game........cause im 30 lvls in and it must have flew over my head or something. I like this, i dont like WoW
ATV building ftw!!! F!#%@ WoW
Neither DF nor EVE is quest-heavy.
Where'd you come up with no targetting? You have to aim to hit in FE, always have, and will at 1.9 on July 6th too.
As for the graphics, hrm the animations may need work, but the graphics themselves are pretty darn sweet. Are you playing with all sliders maxed?
What's bad about the graphics here for example?
All looks pretty nice to me.
Yes, FE has missions, it has levelling... but it's far from being a WoW clone. The crafting system alone is leagues ahead of anything in WoW, there is nothing similar to the AP allocation system in FE in WoW (talent trees are not the same thing, remotely).
FE is not Darkfall, it's not Mortal Online, it's not Xyson, it's not (thank the maker) Earthrise. But it ain't WoW either.
I get that you don't like the game, but misrepresenting it to such an extent does your argument no favours.
Both games are pretty bad.
its like two peices of crap arguing about having the worse smell...
I hope we get a better sandbox game soon.
DF, MO, ER, FE, PO all are rubbish...
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
I have a hard time figuring out in what aspect this is a WoW clone. Is it because there are NPCs, weapons, ground you run on, or is it something else entirely?
Eleanor Rigby.
Not ANOTHER thread about something being a WoW clone....come on people can we please be a little bit more creative with our criticism? It is such a meaningless term of reference.
Suggestion to - whenever someone types the words "WoW clone" on this site they get a little electric shock through their mouse...
Are you kidding me? A WoW clone? There is no such thing. WoW is NOT the first to do anything that its done and it wont be the last. Its not original or unique in anyway.
I think quests are outdated and they need to be refreshed (something along the like or what the Matrix Online did or what GW2 is doing) but Fallen Earth being a WoW clone is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Theres no such thing as a WoW clone. WoW is a standard generic MMO with a very Heavily funded advertisement campaign that goes beyond the internet. How many times have you seen Fallen Earth, Guild Wars, etc Commercial on TV in north america? How many times have you seen a WoW commercial on TV? I lost count too.
Most of you that got into MMOs after WoW was made need to know what you're talking about before you go around comparing WoW to anything. Its not the first to do anything. It did't even improve on anything. The only this Devs should be copying is its marketing campaign.
I play both games Fallen Earth and just started DarkFall which are two different mmo's in their own rights. In both games the graphics are great, even more so in 3D. WoW is just another mmo that has a bigger following because it's arcade in style for the younger generation. Games like FE and DF are more for the older crowd and those younger players who like a challenge. There is a big problem going on in the MMO world right now and thats players wanting to level too fast and to accomadate these players, companies are making it easy "arcade" style in gameplay to accomidate them.
Games like FE and DF are not arcade, they have a gameplay that lasts if played properly. After all, isn't a mmo game paid for on a monthly basis and are'nt mmo's meant to last a long time? If the mmo world could get rid of these arcade players, then perhaps we can get decent mmo's back.
This is why you find games like FE and DF do not have massive followings, because there not easy to play and have a challenge to them.
You kids need to stop calling every game a WoW clone, when WoW itself is a clone.
Google: Ultima online, Dark Age of Camelot and Everquest.
Fallen Earth is a decent game with a very cool crafting system. Hope they can imoprove combat a notch.
Cheers and happy gaming,
Yeah.. EverQuest totally was quest heavy at release...
OK you have not played the game. Your statements clearly point that out. To call this a wow clone is stupid. The combat system is very much like the combat system from swg, has nothing like wow as there is no tab targeting. Second the combat system if your melee will have a circle that you have to keep aimed at the target, if ranged then it is cross-hairs.
There are quests, but not enough to help you level, your expected to grind mobs. Gosh knows I did to get to 45, before I quit.
Now lets talk about your graphics, yes I knew the trees can look bad at distance, and sometimes your mount can fall through the world. But you obviously have a computer that can not play this game. It takes a high end rig to run it. So I don't know what your specs are, but I would bet that your running on low resolution to deal with the lag that is caused by your outdated video card.
I still say there is no way your played this game as your entire argument is not true. I played the game and I am waiting for it to go free to play as it is not worth a sub. But to call it a wow clone you really need to get a grip on reality.
I definitely did not play the game much, I admit that. When I saw mobs standing around mindlessly, waiting to be slaughtered, when I saw questgivers and when I saw levels, I more or less gave up. I have been there, I have done that.
Btw, about the targeting system, isn't it like Neocron, where yes, you have to hold your crosshair over, but there will still be a diceroll running in the background, deciding whether you hit or not?
If that is all that distinguishes it from the host of clones (and yes, WoW clone is more used than EQ clone, what does it matter? Isn't the meaning the important aspect here?), then Im not impressed.
Aha! so it is the meaning that is important.
Clone: meaning an identical copy of something.
So, according to your own criteria, FE can not be a WoW clone, as it is not an Identical Copy.
Now, regarding how many people play FE compared to DF, that is pure speculation, and will remain so unless the companies involved with both MMO's release actual, factual figures.
Having played both games, FE is much more enjoyable than DF in my opinion, regardless of player numbers.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
IDK about FE being geared for the older gamers, I'm one myself and I was turned off by the "clunkyness" of the controls, it just doesn't seem to run smooth for me. It reminded me of playing an old arcade machine which buttons have been worn out by years of wear and tear.
On a good note though the community was very helpful in answering everyones questions in the help channel which really surprised me.
Played: EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, WAR, WoW, LoTRO, CoX, CO, GW2, FFXIV: ARR, AoC, Rift, TSW, SWTOR, TERA, BnS, ESO
The game isn't a WoW clone, but it has suffered from clunky controls, poor performance, severe combat balance issues, too much focus on questing (AP missions), crafting/economy balance issues, and a general lack of longterm meaning for players. Granted they've been improving on these issues over time, but at this point the game has long since lost the opportunity to redeem itself to the bulk of gamers who were interested in the game.
Why does this thread have more than 0 replies?
lost me right there, FE is anything but a WoW clone
I will say this again and hope to not have to say this gain. FE is not a sandbox, not even close, it's a themepark. There a missions galore, and you have to do missions to get AP cap. Attention FE is not a sandbox.
I actually like the combat system. I just tend to play FE in short bursts along with Darkfall and all the other MMOs lately.
yeah.....because NO sandbox game EVER had quests and missions right?? Oh wait....they DID!! (Darkfall, EVE, SWG, Neocron, to name a few).
And it's not like you can get AP from grinding mobs, or crafting, or just standing around. Oh wait!!! You CAN!
FE is not as much as a sandbox as it COULD be, but it's pretty damn close, and is on track to become even more sandboxy in teh near future.
The fact that most people aren't aware that Icarus has corrected a number of the issues that plagued FE is pretty much the nail in the coffin for the game.
Yes things are better now, but the game missed it's chance by being released a year and a half before it was ready. There were simply too many bugs, balance issues, and gameplay concepts that were ill thought out at release. Were the game released in the state it is now than what it was in 2009, it would likely have grabbed the attention of and held a respectable player base.
while I agree with you to a certain point (I was there for release......ugh!), the game's population is really taking off now. A lot of people are headed to FE now that SWG is closing up, and word-of-mouth is helping out quite a bit.
I honestly think that the game will pull out of it's nosedive and end up with a "decent" sub base eventually here.