Tiggs has posted word of changes to Star Wars Galaxies over in this thread on the official message boards:
Publish 18.0 Live - June 15th, 2005
Fan Fest Fixes!
- Altered Lightsaber special abilities animations (Fan Fest)
- Altered TKA special ability animations (Fan Fest)
- Fixed bug where Guild Elections were constantly recycling (Fan Fest)
- Ore mining units now come 5 to a crate, instead of 1 to a crate. (Fan Fest)
Respec Token
- What is the Token Respec? In order to offer players a final opportunity to adapt their character's profession template, we are offering one final chance to revise your character's template. We are calling this the Token Respec process. As part of this process we are putting an invisible marker on each character which allows the character skills to be reshuffled. After the character template is revised, meaning when you have confirmed your new template via the system, the token or marker is used and the option to revise/respec is no longer available.
- Once the new Token Respec option to revise the character template is live in the game, you will be offered a text window upon log in that asks if you are ready for your last Respec.
There are several points to be aware of as part of this process:
- All existing players (including players who have had character and account transfers) will receive a token allowing for one final respec of the character profession template.
- You may choose to use your Token Respec upon receipt or to use it at a later date this option remains available for you until you use it unless otherwise notified.
- Although there is no limit on how quickly you use the Token Respec option, once you commit the template by confirming that it is final you will not have another respec opportunity.
- If you are still able to revise your character's template in-game as part of the original Combat Upgrade respec option, the Token Respec will not activate until you are out of the Combat Upgrade respec period.
- Bonus points/unused skill points from the initial Combat Upgrade respec will not be transferred in any way to the new Token Respec opportunity.
- There is a 12-hour respec timer buffering the use of the Combat Upgrade respec option and the use of the Token Respec option meaning that you cannot take advantage of the new Token Respec option until 12 hours after you use the Combat Upgrade version.
- During the Combat Upgrade Respec process period, you will not be able to earn Master Badges.
- After you complete the Combat Upgrade respec process and while you are eligible for the Token Respec you will be allowed to earn Master Badges.
- You no longer have to click through the crafting experimentation result dialog. A system message is displayed instead.
Creature Handler:
- Pets in groups now get their own special "pet" role icon
Droid Engineer:
- Droids crafted without either a combat module or armor module are level 1.
- Droids with either combat or armor modules will now increase the level in 5 unit increments up to a maximum of 30.
- Crafting a droid with combat modules will increase min damage, max damage, to-hit, and give the droid the ability to attack your current target. Combat modules will also add a bit of armor.
- Crafting a droid with armor modules will increase its general protection armor value at a greater rate than combat modules, and will also increase the droid's defense value. Armor modules will not affect the droid's to-Hit or min and max damage attributes.
- Players with older droid deeds and pcd's will be fixed retroactively.
- If either player can currently attack the other, a /duel request will be ignored.
- Players will no longer be allowed to donate turret deeds to Special Forces facilities.
- DRX55 and XG mines can once again be purchased from faction recruiters.
- Removed turrets from PvP bases
- Fixed LOS bug with cloning terminals
- Force Run is now a toggle buff and can be turned on/off at will, it has an initial cost as well as a continual use cost
New Elite MOBs:
- Bane back spider with Trophy drop
- Murra Blanca with Trophy drop
- Painted Spat with Trophy Drop
New Player Tutorial
- Fixed some issues with the New Player Entertainer Profession quest and New Player introduction quest.
Species: Wookiees
- Wookiees no longer get the clothing selection screen
- Elite indicators on mob HAM bars
- Tweaked the CON colors to make them user friendly for color-blind users
- Removed level number display for nameplate.
Vehicles / Mounts
- Fixed bug that was allowing experience to be earned for killing a vehicle
- Fixed problem where an Avatar would stand up while riding a mount and changing weapons
Dana Massey
Formerly of MMORPG.com
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
Looks like the only thing affecting Jedi is another nerf, not a repair.
I quit last month with 98.5 badges (half-way through my 2nd pilot prof), I was a total badge-whore gunning for that 100th one, and I wish they'd stick all those badges where the sun don't shine and tell me how "new and exciting" it all is. Do they expect Jedi to just keep paying and logging in because we're assumed to be all so addicted we'll play anything? Not quite.
"I'm not a racist...I only hate stupid people..."-SinisterCB
just cuase you salt the peas dont make em cashews.... no matter what they do, they will not win back the lost masses=, tuill they roll back and apologize for the crap they gave the subscribers who were loyal to the bitter end. I cant check in on the game no more cause my friends have all quit and moved on to wow, eq2 , guild wars, eve and other games...
way to go soe.. you have recreated the edsel.
I posted in the general discussions of SWG forums (on this website) a quote from Dallas Dickson, an Sony On-line producer. Not a slap in the mouth, a kick in the teeth. That interview they did pretty much somes up SOE for ya. Lie after lie after lie. Sounds like Teddy Kennedy speaking. The link is on there as well of the whole interview. I don't foresee a rollback. Smedely will not recant or go back on what has been said by him or anyone who represents SOE. If they did, that would surprise the shit out of me. Also lose alot of respect from players. They are in charge and have the power, to rollback would mean, for them, to lose that power and control.
"I'm not a racist...I only hate stupid people..."-SinisterCB
Gee this is tough, Tigggs is one of the few folks I have respect for over at SOE ( although she had something to do with a recent thread deletion which had something to do with my game banning).
I must say that I did have fun messing with the small minds that went to Fan Fest and thought that I would waste my time at an all SOE event after they declared that they did not want or need my business. As Han Solo said " I will see you in hell".
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
Good morning,
Tiggs dont deserves any respect, i am sorry.
-She is lying to the playerbase like any other developer of their team.
-She is ignoring the playerbase and bugreport like any other developer of their team.
-She was the one on the fanfest deceiving the crowd with statements like "a vocal minority..."
SoE is delivering a content to you, aka "service".
You pay for this service.
You dont receive the service like contracted and promissed.
SoE is aware of this - but continues with so called "bad delivery".
Under certain laws in certain countrys of the European Community, this is fraud.
Do you get it ? Fraud.
They fix candles and lights, when almost every profession is broken, when the playerbase is begging on their knees for fixes.
They give nothing on you as a customer, asking to fix the Kashyyk quests, to fix your saber, actioncosts, false messages in combat, wrong healtarget, broken tissues etc. The length of the list of known bugs for SWG® is longer then the final watergate report from the official comission.
"New customers" is the declared goal of SoE's SWG management.
New customers are advertised with red labels on the box reading "Now 7 more vehicles".
Once the customer signed his account, he will not leave the game when discovering "a few bugs".
He will report them and wait/hope for fixes. In this time the account/CC of the customer will be charged.
This is their business tactic.
You want to cancel your subscription ? Welcome Sir, dont forget to hit "submit" please and close the door behind you. Their attitude.
Disgusting, a shame and hopefully an example for upcoming games, how to do better, when Star Wars Galaxies will see the first servermerge and finally the probably unavoidable shutdown of the title due to landslide-like cancellations.
You should not forget that many subscribers signed for a subscriptionplan of 3 or 6 month.
The CU has been brought to live at 28th of April. Considering the ongoing dissatisfaction of the customers, the cancellations will last at least till November 2005.
We are not talking about official documentated subscriptionslosses (http://www.mmogchart.com/), we are talking about still increasing numbers.
SoE is operating a game. This game is intended to be played by paying customers.
The costs of operation are covered by the gainings of subscribed accounts.
The customer pays the bills.
The customer has every right to demand a flawless working product.
SoE is like the Nazi's in WW2. They operate their own propaganda machine (aka "forums"), they lie to the masses, the massdelete topics and any negative posting and expect you to whoreship them and go on paying for this ?
You, mylady Dana Massey - you have been tricked by SoE like many others.
This is no offense Mrs. Massey, i aapreciate your effort. Unfortunatly the
journalistic aspect of your work is....lets say "questionable".
There is only one way to hit them in the spot where it hurts: MONEY.
You want to move something? You want to force them into a general bugfixing?
Then stop to pay for what they deliver and make a move.
You dont change anything by complaining here, there, everywhere, simply cut the cashflow, the best you can do!
I cancelled.
I saw guilds falling apart, towns bleeding out, friends leaving, ingame familys splitting.
A once beloved game became a unmature place for 12 year old repsec-BH, yelling pre-adolescence mental diarrhea on the starports. Im sorry sir, im fed up.
Many of our female players loved to play entertainers, crafters, supporters and even hunted with us boys, because of the fun, the social aspect and the community.
Star Wars Galaxies was a "virtual shadow life" for many peoples.
This has nothing to do with "too much time on the hands" or "you need a life".
I am sure many of us got a life, their jobs, familys and plenty to do.
But we love to relax, recreate and enjoy a few hours in our "shadow life/world" called SWG.
SoE has taken this away from us, now we (hope) take away our money from them.
There is a superior wisdom:
Do not bite the hand feeding you.
Thanks for your time reading this.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
How so ?
No offense, just want to know.
So far, she had no influence in any way helping the game in a needed way, and if it was by only listening to the playerbase.
Her last comment about the respec issue, telling the payer customer clearly between the lines, what idiots we all are, was not helping her reputation in any way.
But i would like to see you helping me understanding her "master bright spot" skillbox a bit better.
Please dont get me wrong, i really believe that she is a nice person.
My dentist is also a very nice person, but that wont qualify him to work activ on this game, you see what i mean ?
She is not supposed to be "nice" or a "bright spot", she is hired to do a good job on the game - which is unfortunatly not the case.
My respect for tiggs went down the toilet, when she started to delete, the huge protests and complaint posts... choosing to ignore them. I know that I seen a few screw you posts, bt there were numerous legit ones that she whitewhashed... then by chance a miracle few began the we love the the cu campiagn, which was bs, you can smell it a mile away.... even here, there are afew dillusional ones that push the cu.
There are so many problems with the swg it is almost has reached the emporers news clothes syndrome...
rip swg....
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan