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Hi im installing the eve 14 day trial now and am looking forward to getting in the game. However something i havnt seen mentioned anywhere is what is combat like? Is it like X-wing Vs Tie Fighter style or what?
Also can i use my joystick to control my ship?
Thanks a lot in advance
Nope the combat and ship flying is all mouse and keyboard controlled. I dont think there is any way possible that a joystick would ever work with EVE.
so it isnt really twitch based combat then?
It isn't a free flight simulator type of game, you have to double-left click to fly into open space but, combat can be very fast when your dealing with elite frigate combat and so on. Fighting against NPC's is toned down compared to PVP, where you can pretty much just stay in one place and fire on them if you wish. The best fighting is of course on the PVP field and requires quick reflexes and good strategies.
Dakilla[666] ~ The Realm ~ Level 1000 enchanter (retired)
Maranthoric ~ La 4ieme Prophetie ~ Level 160 (5x) HE/Feu (de retour)
Leonthoric[DDC] ~ EVE online ~ <Fire The "Laser"> (retired)
no joysticks, but a MS strategic commander is definatley money well spent when pvp-ing!
Which FF Character Are You?
Hey mayesey. you can try this program. It emulates your keyboard to a joystick, just asign the keys and your done. It even works on all other games that dont support a joystick. Works great, I use it on all my PC games.
Good Luck.