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Looking for a good Space FPS Horror?

Dark_PegasusDark_Pegasus Member Posts: 37

Look no further, i've just completed Dead Space 2 and I have to say its a great game. Features include;

- Great atmosphere; can make you quite jumpy and wary

- Intriguing weapon system; you can pick up schematics as you progress and can choose from a full arsenal atstart. Each gun has two modes of fire

- Quality monsters; they require real thought and skill to destroy, spray and pray tactics have very limited effectiveness

- Exploding babies; don't even get me started on these little buggers

- Average story; its not the greatest, but gets the job done and the game can be replayed with benefits


So in conclusion if you are fed up of paying money for low quality fps titles like AVP then give this game a try; its currently available online for £11.99.



  • Kaijin2k3Kaijin2k3 Member Posts: 558

    Personally, I've grown tired of Dead Space; it becomes too predictable and repetitive. After a while, you can immediately tell what rooms will get locked down until you clear 4 or 5 waves of the necromorphs, and there are a LOT of these rooms.

    Despite how I feel about it now, though, I can definitely say that Dead Space 1 is a great survival/horror, and Dead Space 2 is a great action/horror. I'll 2nd that if you like space horror, they're definitely worth a go at least once each.

  • SyrusSyiSyrusSyi Member Posts: 366

    The dead space series is really great

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  • CasualGamerCasualGamer Member Posts: 55

    Originally posted by Kaijin2k3

    Personally, I've grown tired of Dead Space; it becomes too predictable and repetitive. After a while, you can immediately tell what rooms will get locked down until you clear 4 or 5 waves of the necromorphs, and there are a LOT of these rooms.

    Despite how I feel about it now, though, I can definitely say that Dead Space 1 is a great survival/horror, and Dead Space 2 is a great action/horror. I'll 2nd that if you like space horror, they're definitely worth a go at least once each.


    I pretty much agree with this. In many ways Dead Space is like Doom 3, and about as scarey. In fact I think their storylines are quite similar as well. Certain elements of Dead Space are unique (moving in space), but all in all it gets repetative. Dead Space 2 was a little more enjoyable than the first game up until it you come back to the Ishimura where it degenerates into locked rooms and endless waves of baddies.


    If you really want a scarey video game play Fatal Frame 1 or 2, with the lights out of course.

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