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Rift has drawn alot of people's attention lately, I understand it takes a big influence from WAR which was a game i loved so much because of the mass pvp and unique public questing system. As many other games Rift also takes many things from the MMO juggernaut WoW. I also played that game for a while, enjoyed it for sometime, and then it bored me with the decaying PvP and focus on hardcore raids. Tell me what you think about Rift, and if you think I should give it a shot
Well its a fact Rift is not doing well. I agree its right there with Warhammer but not even close to WOW. So if you don't try rift your missing nothing..
Rift is bland armors are bland gameplay is bland wow is overplayed and war is out of the picture
They have a 7 days trial (last time I checked) so grab it and see for yourself. Note: Trion and their fans have already admitted that Rift is nothing ground breaking or innovative. It's just a collection of what they think the best from other games and it's damn polished. But If I have to choose between those 3 (currently playing F2P games waiting for the coming big AAA) I'd pick WoW but that's my opinion anyways.
I say try the trial and see if it's for you. It didn't seem worth it to me. If I was going to choose 1 out of the 3, it would be WoW.
Rift's combat and movement felt much more like WAR to me than WoW, and while I enjoyed WAR while I played, it was still clunky enough to annoy me in the end.
If you don't mind playing a game that is very similar to every run of the mill MMO, then you might like Rift. If you are tired of that play style, you will probably get bored before the end of the trial. Rift isn't a bad game (from what I played), but it just got boring real quick for me.
Yes. Try Rift. I enjoyed the journey. Its a traditional themepark game with a new story and game-play mechanics with the injection of linearly moving PQ's as opposed to the stationary ones in WAR.
As with most themeparks in the last several years, Rift has already bled subscribers, and Trion has completed a recent server merge/free transfer, so populations should be healthy.
But none-the-less, end-game is no different than other meaningless instanced mmorpg endgame content of having to repeat the same content (t1, t2, t3, etc.) ad nauseum like any lobby-system single-player rpg, for the only means of pursuit of better gear.
That's where it loses me and many I'm sure. . .the same cookbook end-game prolonged and mundane same instanced Raid content over and over and over again.
I'm not exactly a WoW fanboy, but WoW is easily the best themepark game out right now. The only things Rift has going for it over WoW are public quests, and its graphics engine, but even that is somewhat squandered.
At the moment Im a Rift boy. Mostly due to the social dynamic involving the actual Rifts and public quests. To be honest though thats just a coat of paint over the WoW shell. That makes a big difference to me though. Wow just doesnt have the customization I want.
As for WAR.. not even discussing that. BAD memories.
I didn't like RIFT. I didn't like the animations and the bland quest storyline...
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Rift is doing great dont let any one say it isnt. They are still opening servers.
Sub to me on YouTube @
WoW after they went F2P to 20. Somewhere to hang out l ike Goldshire / Orgrimmar / SW / etc. Can still use /s.
I'd give it a shot. It might not be WoW, but it is a really decent game and the graphics are gorgeous. Make sure to try out the different classes and combos. Some are just currently better than others in the sense of balance - like try a Cleric with damage skills.
In time Rift will be a really good game, so maybe now is the time to get established in it.
WoW(obviously the winner here most subs)>Rift(new but also same old themepark)>War(this game still up an running..)
simple and imo.
What is this? Superman Bizzaro World?
And yes OP, try the trial.
RIFT > WoW > WAR, imo. WoW > RIFT if you like more of a lobby based MMO or competitive ranked PvP.
He who keeps his cool best wins.
I found Rift enjoyable up to and including some raid content, and than I got a bit bored. Still though, the same thing happened to me with WoW. I suppose the biggest issue I have to Rift is once you get a Guardian or Defiant character to max, its the same exact story with another Guardian or Defiant character. Granted this was mostly true with WoW, but it at least had other zones to choose least until you reach 60. Still the game is fun, graphics are nice, and I think the game has more or less stablized losing whatever initial subscriptions they are going to like all mmos do.
Rift is a mishmash of features from a lot of other MMORPGs done worse than in the games in which they originated from. It has themepark questing, but the sheer number of mobs you must fight through, the kill x of y nature of the quests, and the mob grinding you must go through to finish the collection quests make progressing through the game feel like a mob-grinding Korean F2P title. Rifts and invasions are little PQs that pop out of the sky at random locations, but again, they're little more than killing wave after wave of generic elemental-themed mobs. The only time they're fun is when you're doing them with a Rift raid, and even after awhile, those get boring. Invasions are where random mobs pop out of nowhere and attempt to take over quest hubs. If you're not there to stop them, 99% of the time, they'll take over the quest hub, forcing you to grind more mobs just to be able to turn in your quests. The entire premise behind the Rift system is flawed because it assumes a large number of players in one area equals a large number of players willing to work together in one area. That simply isn't the case. Large Rifts that cannot be soloed or at least not without great difficulty will spawn in areas with a plethora of players out questing, but players will simply try to avoid them with the only time they do them being when their quest hub or questing area is overtaken.
The dungeon grind is probably the one aspect of Rift that is closest to its direct competitor, but there's even some negatives to that as well. For one, there are essentially 10 or so expert dungeons, but they're not endgame specific. They're merely hardmodes of all the previous dungeons, and 5 of them are T1 (which most people skip) and the other 5 are T2, meaning there are effectively 5 dungeons in Rift that get heavy use. While I don't personally find any of the dungeons I've seen in Rift to be particularly impressive in design or all that appealing to the eyes, I do appreciate the fact that the boss fights, at least to me, seem to revolve more around playing one's class properly than their ability to jump through hoops while hopping on one leg with their arms tied in a straight jacket ala most encounters in WoW. The inferiority, in my opinion, comes from the server-only dungeon finder. It lacks a queue timer to show an estimate for how long a dungeon group will take to form, and in general, there are fewer groups to be had, especially at the lower levels or for T1 dungeons.
My guess is you have never played a korean style mmo. Rift has alot less grinding and a little less than wow
Although the PvE and focus on boring (and repetitive) questing is lame, I honestly am very impressed with Rift. This coming from a very hard to impress veteran MMORPG gamer with over a decade of MMO experience and two decades of gaming experience.
Rarely am I ever impressed... especially recently in the last 5 years.
However, the Rifts, the PvP, and the Class system (as well as the crafting to its useful extent and difficulty accumulating money at first, which I consider a great concept which boost accomplishments through itemization) are very innovative.
I absoutely liked Rift a lot. Sure it wasn't amazing, but it is certainly great, and IMO the 2011 version of WoW, minus the expansions. (It has a lot less content, but considering the Birthday of both games that is understandable).
I voted for try it
-- i liked the questing in Age of Conan and Warhammer much more -- but thats all personal opinion
in the end,
only YOU know what you like and theres a free trial awaiting you
EQ2 fan sites
Here is my persepective after playing all three of those titles quite a bit.
I installed WoW again to do the free trial thing again and it looked so old and outdated and uhgg I just couldn't do it, even with the revamped content. So I won't comment on that besides saying... it's free so, good value there.
Warhammer is surprisingly good. It runs really well. I can force 4x supersampling on my ATI cards and still get 60fps with vsync. I think it's a very underrated game. There are fatal flaws with it, but again, free trial forever in T1. That is lots of fun and value.
I am back in my 2nd stint in Rift after leaving in disgust over the performance with my ATI cards. I have a monster computer. I7 2600k OC'd to 4.4ghz. Two HD5870s in xfire. 8g ram and it was just terrible at launch. The game looks ok, but it doesn't look that good to warrant such horrible performance.
The performance still is bad, but it is bearable now. I can run the game at max settings without dipping below 30fps. As for the game itself, I am having a blast. Getting past level 20 and checking out all the content is really fun. The server I am on, Faeblight, is full of people, so there is always a group at almost every rift. I can't really comment on end game as I haven't gotten that far, but as far as playing it like a single player RPG with the addition of Rifts and Warfronts, Auction House etc.. It is lots of fun. My expectations are a bit lower this time around.
So, there are trials for all 3. Wow and Warhammer probably offer the best value as you can build up a good character without ever paying a dime. Rift is a similar game but has new content to romp through. Rifts are like Public Quests in Warhammer except there are actually people playing them, which is crucial for games like that.
Comparison thread here for discussion and comparison of Rift and other games:
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