It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! and Overwolf Ltd. have partnered to bring you the world's premier in-game connection tool: Overwolf. Stay completely connected to the web at large from within your favorite games using the unobtrusive and extremely light application.
Not everyone’s up and up on the Social Network scene these days, but to say that Overwolf comes packaged with a ton of widgets for your multi-purpose use would be an understatement. You can link up and access Facebook and Twitter from inside the game. You can record video, snap screens and post them across all the major social sites. It even has Skype and MSN built in, as well as a devoted in-game internet browser.
Read more about the Overwolf MMORPG client and download the free application here.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Isn't GW2 planing to do something similar?
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
Is this app heavy on the comp? Do you receive a lot of adds with it? Sounds really handy.
Man Of Constant Sorrow
That's actually pretty cool.
Now if only games would embrace social media in-game more readily.
I'll try it. Why not. Xfire is not ever getting updated anyways.
You don't have anything to worry about there, its pretty light on resources. It does come in handy. Worth the download by far.
I don't believe there will ever be ads in this - if Overwolf were to add this in the future we would probably drop it - but I don't think that is their intention.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
We actually have the guy who basically invented Xfire and was their VP of engineering working closly with us . From some reason they fired the whole team after the merge with Titan.
We are going to continue adding features as we go, about every 2-3 weeks.
Enjoy the beta!
Uri from Overwolf.
social media is needed in most games these days, purely based in fact that the actual games dont have enough content in them youll need some other distractions.
Are you eventually going to have game time tracking?
You can do most of this with RIFT now in regards to the social media connection, minus the in game browser but i run the game in windowed fullscreen so just popping up firefox is no real issue. Digsby gets me the chat bubbles and facebook integration i need.
I'll give it a shot.
GJ mmorpg. Sadly I don't like the idea of mixing social media with video games. It's bad enough that I get jabber spams on my phone when people want to blow up Internet spaceships in EVE .
It's always fun trying to explain to the misses who's texting me. No boo, it's not another woman but our e-honor as at stake!
But it doesn't look nearly as fancy or migrate to all other games. Hey, its free, no reason not to try it ah?
Yes - this one is on our roadmap...
Actually there IS a reason.
I'm getting tired of all these 'social' and 'community' aps/programs/sites. It's no one's business but my own what I do on my computer and I don't want all my friends lurking about when I'm trying out some new game nor want to inform them that I'm about to take a dump or just making coffee.
Sorry about the empty post above, was logging in... Anyways, this sounds pretty cool, I'll be downloading it, nice way to keep in touch and record videos. Question though, what is the game in the screenshot up there?
I suppose if thats your preference. All I'm saying, is its a handy little program that has a lot of great features if you already currently use what it offers, thats all.
Clearly still in the beta state as it mentions when loading. Tried it out on CivCity: Rome and when the thing is active (you have to use a short-cut to activate/deactivate it) you can not use te side to scroll over the map, you first have to deactivate it againt. Also treid to record some, but it recorded it rather laggy. While recording though the it did well.
It also keeps updating your MSN with "using overlord" or "playering x using overlord" and saw no option to turn it off, with is rather annoying, because I really do not care to inform the people in my MSN what game I am playing at the moment.
Good idea, but still needs some work.
EDIT: To really close the app you need to use ctrl-alt delete. At this moment having done all discribed above and having closed everything (even the app-popup thingy) it uses a stunning 200.000k of my memory. With is high, considering it aint supposed to be doing anything right now.
That is actually a good point, we will add the option to remove "using overwolf" in the next version. (in about 2.5 weeks).
Thanks very much for that,
Uri from Overwolf (
This app has a lot more to offer then telling your friends what you doing. Being able to use MSN, browse the internet and make ss and records videos (with you could directly upload) are good features with you could use without having to tell people on twitter or FB what your doing.
Answer about the EDIT:
You can exit by going to the icon in the tray, right click and choose exit. (No need to Ctrl + alt + delete).
The reason for the 200Mb RAM is the browser engine. As an example, try and open a few tabs in Firefox - you will easily get there. Further, every widget you open "remembers" it's last state for quick response.
Thanks for your feedback!
For those who like this fine hope you like it and enjoy it, hope its succes for overwolf.
But im anti FB or twitter or other social apps and i realy dont want them ingame. I very fond of my privacy.
But i wish overwolf succes with this realy as long something is free to use not forced, im fine with this, its just not for me.
Sounds pretty neat. Would be cool if you could stream video with it as well - perhaps someday?
I don't care personally about the FB, Snipper, Snapper and whatever else services there are. I think people are getting way too obsessed with those things, but I ain't judging.
This problem is solved by a second monitor. Why do I need my chat windows to sit over my game when they can be sitting on the screen right next to the one I am playing my game in?