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I'm planning on returning and coming back to a PvP server, but the leveling was hard enoughwith ppl 5-10 lvls above me killing me whenever I went in STV, HF, Desolace and the other joint areas and I have no intention of even bothering on an existing server with 80% at 60 and most likely Booty Bay and SS/TM will be completly unaccessable for any PvE. So I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on a new server being planned for the future. Also heres just a little poll on the classes im considering re-rolling as so basically just pick your fav
Edit: Just one more question, do you have to be a defensive specced warrior to be an effective tank or could I go arms/fury and still be good enough in def. for holding the agro?
Since I right now am leaning toward warrior, can any warrior tell me how this talent tree would fare for a pvp/dps warrior or am I missing something important
Arms Talents (31 points)
Deflection - 5/5 pointsIncreases your Parry chance by 5%.
Improved Rend - 3/3 points
Increases the bleed damage done by your Rend ability by 35%.
Improved Charge - 2/2 points
Increases the rage generated by your Charge ability by 6.
Deep Wounds - 3/3 points
Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 60% of your melee weapon's average damage over 12 seconds.
Improved Overpower - 2/2 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%.
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases the damage you deal with two-handed weapons melee weapons by 5%.
Impale - 2/2 points
Increases the critical strike damage done by your abilities in Battle, Defensive, and Berserker stance by 20%.
Axe Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to get a critical strike with Axes by 5%.
Sweeping Strikes - 1/1 point
You next 5 melee weapon swings strike an additional nearby opponent.
Improved Hamstring - 2/2 points
Increases the movement slow effect of your Hamstring ability by 20%.
Mortal Strike - 1/1 point
A vicious strike that deals 200% weapon damage and wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 10 seconds.
Cruelty - 5/5 pointsFury Talents (10 points)
Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.
Unbridled Wrath - 5/5 points
Gives you a 40% chance to generate an additional Rage point when you deal melee damage.
Anticipation - 5/5 pointsProtection Talents (10 points)
Increases your Defense skill by 10.
Toughness - 5/5 points
Increases your armor value from items by 10%.
"I'm planning on returning and coming back to a PvP server, but the leveling was hard enoughwith ppl 5-10 lvls above me killing me whenever I went in STV, HF, Desolace and the other joint areas and I have no intention of even bothering on an existing server with 80% at 60 and most likely Booty Bay and SS/TM will be completly unaccessable for any PvE. So I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on a new server being planned for the future."
Can we hire someone to whipe your a** as well? WoW PvP isn't even hardcore dude... Jeez.
Thank god for WoW... it keeps all these kind of crappy players away from real games.
Did I ever say that WoW was a hardcore PvP game? Its not and everyone knows its not. The only punishment is running to your corpse. However if I remake on an old server I have 2 choices, to go on a low pop and lvl up to only realize that theres no high game content playable since theres no one on the server or I can make on a high pop and spen 70-80% of my playing time running to my corpse over and over again. And I might be in the minority here, but running to the same place over and over again really isnt that fun. Getting killed by a group of people who are far stronger then you sucks but happens. However I dont want to sit there and find that the same groups just wants to sit there all day. Kinda ruins the fun factor.
One more question, can you honestly look at your post and say, wow I'm cool, or can you not unterstand my post because its not written in WTFIPWNTUANDURMOMBCUZIMAL33TPWNSRERNOOBKKTHX?
ive been thinking about making my character on a low populated relam so im lvls higher than all but has anyone found this very boring with few people
Me and a few friends who bee playing since beta are starting new and fresh on the gurubashi server. We are rolling alliance and we have a vent and TS server to chat on. Dunno if it will be a guild, depending on the people, but we are looking for new players or players who want to start fresh on Gurubashi with us. Looking to have fun, PvP 25+ (Warsong BG and various locations), Instance/Quest together, chat, and just have a good time.
My aim is LCLERICL , msg me if interested!
I also have a 10 day buddy pass but I dunno if ill be giving that out. (Possibly for someone who def. wants to buy the game)
Sorry for my ignorance but wouldnt a new realm (that blizzard does not intend to add) have a low population anyway? Besides you will always find ganking in a PvP realm that is the way of life. If you dont like to keep going back and forth to your corpse, join a RP realm (if a Normal one would be too boring for you). You will always find people to PvP against so I dont see that as being much of a problem.
About the offer to reroll on gurubashi, thanks but I've done all of the alliance quests so im planning to go horde. And I know PvP will always have ganking but ganking is fun when you get killed by 3-4 guys your level and then you get your friends and then go and jump then. The ganking im talking about is the high lvls in teh cities who one shot everything, not really fun to me. And restarting on an existing server...I tried that before on a high pop one...I saw one other guy running around like me and one more who was at thunder bluff. Theres just not enough people to have fun and roll on an existing server.
And yea I did see the post from Blizzard, but I also saw several posts that were being deleted that said a new server was coming out today and thats what I was asking about but guess that was just ppl making up stuff.
I believe the talent trees for warriors are to be changed quite a bit in the next patch, so probably best to wait till then with planning your setup (assuming you play a warrior)