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This week's Friday Update on the official Star Wars: The Old Republic website features a developer blog detailing the process involved in creating the opening cinematics for the game's various classes.
Additionally, BioWare is sharing their plans for this year's San Diego Comic-Con, where they are said to be making "some announcements."
At 3:30PM on Thursday, July 21st our panel for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be held inside room #6BCF. During the panel we will be answering questions from the audience, giving away some items, showing new gameplay footage and making some announcements!
Can we expect a release date announcement at Comic-Con? No one knows, but let the speculation begin!
Release date? I don't think so. I guess the announcements will relate towards the 'never done before' stuff regarding raids and maybe something more solid about crafting.
I'm going with:
- Release date
- Rewards for preordering / digital purchase
- No open beta confirmation and heads-up on "very extensive closed beta testing"
Or instead of all that they will give a presentation of their open world pvp system.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Sorry folks, I'll burst your bubbles here.... the announcement will be MaskedWeasel is the supreme sith overlord.
I know, you never saw it coming seeing as how I always talk about going nuetral smuggler, but this is the plot twist.
I've ruined it for you all.
Also, there will be a single microtransaction in the game, its the DarkPony bantha mount. It will be 20 dollars, and only sparkles when you feed him carrots.
Nah, it'll be "Our game is built around the "Story" pillar."
Damn it! I should have known! My weasel sense was tingling and everything!
Carrots are reasonably priced at 400 bioware credits (approx; $5.00 USD). To be released at a later date.
"I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- John Galt
I'm going with:
-Video presentation by the core development staff from an undisclosed location where they laugh at fans, their parent company, and their investors, becasue they've taken those millions of dollars to start a new extravagant life style in a nice non-extradtion country.
-Video presentation of core dev staff calling all of us who fell for the whole SWTOR scam, "LAHUUUUUUZERS".
-Team of neon cybernetic hippos will come in and dance the bolero.
-Interweb lunatic known only as Tardcore found trampled to death by unknown equine assailant.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I still dont think we are getting a release date. I would not be shocked though if they announce pre-order benefits, and a near date that they are moving into the 2nd phase of guilds.
With that kind of "move forward" I'd think that would be a clear sign of their "train" getting on the tracks, with a release date in the near future.
Obviously theres a point where the student must surpass the master. I'm sorry it has to be at Comic-Con
Announcments i might hope for:
- Ewoks to be 3rd faction, retconed into furry assassins with a lust for blood.
- All stealth will be limited, except for Ewoks, which will remain invisible until killed.
- New planet type: Plushy. Will have a furry crust and a soft center.
"I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- John Galt
I can see it now, "Delay...".
This is what they said about comic con. At 3:30PM on Thursday, July 21st our panel for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be held inside room #6BCF. During the panel we will be answering questions from the audience, giving away some items, showing new gameplay footage and making some announcements!
I sounds like to me they may say when the realse date is here, also seeing how this is Comic Con International. I am crossing my fingers one more week xD
EA would sooner shut down the project than allow a delay. It will most likely be a lot more hype nonsesne mixed in with a announcement for launch in Q1 of 2012.
Release daye? In your dreams. At best you'll get pre-order and CE details.
stephen reid has been doing his best to try and temper any expectations of a release date at comic con, so wouldn't get my hopes up to see one at comic con. but it wouldn't suprise me if we saw the start of the tracks being laid torwards getting one(maybe stephen will come out onto the stage in his conductors hat someone sent him XD). i personally think if they do it at a convention it will either be at pax or gamescom
I'm hoping it's a reveal of their "something that hasn't been done in an MMO" endgame.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
They said we would "hear the release date approaching in a thunderous roar", so I dunno.
As to what it could be :P
An announcement about upcoming announcements??
the hype on this game may have just hit ridiculous....
That second sentence contradicts your first. EA won't allow a delay? Yet you are predicting 2012 when both EA and Bioware have said 2011. Where's the delay and where's the evidence that it WON'T be 2011 (again EA/Bioware are saying 2011).
Let's party like it is 1863!
i kinda feel that they will announce some beta testing dates,not exactly but kinda they will give month when limited players can play swotr,maybe alpha cbt or something.
Probably something to do with pre order.. but if you pre order the "Deluxe"!! (tm) collectors edition... for 150 dollars you are guaranteed a beta download that may or may not finish before beta ends.
Meh who cares, I know I don't care about the next wow-clone to hit the market myself. But I know they gonna make a mint off of fanboys and girls just on box sales alone. I highy doubt there is 200 hours per class of indivual story content, when they say stuff like that I usually cut it by 75-95% and thats the true number. My main issues with swtor really, is how it bascally sounds like a world of warcraft clone just with a story and star wars skin, combat looks simmlar and th egame seems very casual.
I do wonder what they are going to announce though, would be nice if it is open beta, so I can try the game, because otherwise I won't touch it, no matter what its gameplay is like or who made it. I've lost faith in bioware after dragon age 2 and mass effect 2, so I don't really expect much out of them anymore. I don't take risks buying mmo's I've never tried anymore because almost every time they end up sucking or I dislike them and I just wasted the money.
Wonder if it could be the games release date maybe?, Details on OB, or the collectors edition etc?
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
I'm guessing pre-order information and box art. I appriciate all the effort the developement team is putting into the game, but more previews are meh. The more I see, the less excited I am too. I think Bioware, like Blizzard in '04, bit off more than they could chew and they're 8 years too late.
If you don't worry about it, it's not a problem.
personally i know how my friends will react if they delay much longer (all of which are planning on jumping right in right at launch, they are going to be disappointed and people will start flaming on the message boards and if their delay is long enough people will forget it's even there.