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General: Why San Diego Comicon Sucks



  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Just another example of a once small knit hobbyist community being gobbled up, exploited, and shat out by crass commercialism.

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    Well if it wasn't for TOR being there would anyone care ? Next...

  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by UnSub

    San Diego Comicon sucks because... comics are a dead scene?


    They really are not- only people that arnt in the 'scene' would think they are, and they really arethe one's least qualitfied to make such a statement (even if it is dressed up as a question).

    Comicon dosent 'suck', it is just is what it is... it suits a lot of folk's tastes perfectly. There are smaller comic conventions all over for those that want a purer experience.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 32,976

    Originally posted by someforumguy

    Originally posted by Sovrath



    That is not why I hate Glee. I hate Glee because the actors don't portray what the story does. At some point (I only tried to follow one season, the first I think) they were in a serious competition with other schools. And the story portrayed them as having a shot. Still, some of them really can't sing or dance. That just doesn't add up, that is just bad casting.

    I dont mind having stereotypes in school either. I agree with what Celcious said. The show is just not inventive in how to portray this and sometimes situations are just way too sloppy written and far fetched.

    It is as if the writers have this simplistic view about life and barely experienced it themselves. And let their kidsister do the casting.

    But the worst. The music. Why does everything have to be turned into the same generic musical crap? It is one poor cover after cover.

    Im dissing the show here, not the people who like it. I have a very broad taste in music and have been surprised with highly entertaining musicals. But this show just butchers music. It is shallow crap.

    And yet I know some very sophisticated musical theater writers who love it. I would be considered a very sophisticated musical theater writer as my stuff borders more on modern opera and I still think at least the first season was fluff but enjoyable fluff. As far as the actors, well they were cast for their "characters" as people who had heart and guts and who might not be technially great at it all but could be placed in an ensemble of some better performers and then bring that ensemble "home". I mean, watch the last episode of the first hafl of the season and it's all pretty explained under the parameters that you list.

    However, duly noted and let's get back to my point: one person's opinion of crap is another person's guilty pleasure.

    As far as it being "shallow' well I can write music, my degree is in music composition and I would say that to put together slick sounding "show tune" musical theater numbers is harder than you think as more goes into it then putting together 3 chords and calling it a day. I mean, if you want to start pointing fingers at "shallow" music then I can pretty much load up the cart with most popular and rock music. Musically there is not a lot there. Then again, I would also argue that it doesn't have to bring a lot to the table when we are talking about musical depth. Rock was never about that. Come to think of it, neither was musical theater until Porter, Bernstein and Sondheim (among others) showed up. I would even say that harmonically and in some cases, rythmically, there is more to some of glee's "mash up numbers" than most popular songs or rock songs. not a huge amount but there is more there.

    but that really doesn't speak to this topic's point.

    Glee has captured the minds and hearts of geek culture. I hestiate to add a generalization to what segment of that culture it speaks to but I can guarantee that those Glee comicon presentations will have young geeks lining up to get inside.

    At this point, from what I see, Comicon has become an explosion of geek culture and a broad range of geek culture at that.

    Will those who want to profit show up and milk that cow? Oh you betcha!

    But that's sort of the nature of these businesses. Not very comic, video game, movie or geek past time is free of this. And never will be.

    But as long as they bring attractions to the con, whether it be twilgiht, the Avengers, Elfquest, STWoR or you name your poison, it will be a worthwhile and fun event.

    Or, people can sit in the corner and stew in their own misery.

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  • sidhaethesidhaethe Member Posts: 861

    The number one reason San Diego Comic-Con sucks is that in order to attend, you need to have either already attended the previous year (to buy up the full con passes that are on sale exclusively there), or be online the day tickets go on sale for the 0.01 second before they completely sell out.


  • elfofthedeadelfofthedead Member Posts: 2

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    well, I suppose I'll comment:

    dumb list for the most part

    5. Deepak Chopra

    True he doesn't belong here, it's just cashing in one his "brand". however, if he has something to say that connects the topic of thousands of players eagerly consuming preposterous content (in the best way) and spiritualism then "sure" it could be interesting

    4. Star Wars

    Who cares? 3? 5? 2? As long as there are people interested in collecatables and the movies and the "hero of a thousdand faces" then why should it matter how many? It's quasi sci fi. You arne't going to find a lot of this on the front of the wall street journal or boston globe. If no one attends then they will know better next time.

    3. Twilight

    Well, I have to say that I'm not a Twilight fan but come on! It's not any worse than green lantern or the hulk or spider man,etc. I mean, do people actually think they can say "batman" is any "better" than twilight? It's all ridiculous. We are not talking Shakespeare or Coward Wallace Stephens here. There are clearly fans of twilight. And die hard fans. they have as much right to have a panel of their favorite made up heroes and universe as the next person. Glowing vampires are every bit as ridiculous as super heroes in tights, bizzarre and convoluted story lines and "alternate realities". Sorry, just because you aren't a fan doesn't mean that you get to diss on Twilight and somehow you have street cred when defending any number of ridiculous super heroes, fantasy characters or anything else one dreams up.

    2. TV

    TV as a media is fine. I mean, people seem to be tuning in on many HBO series and loving it. Just because it's on TV doesn't mean it's good but doesn't mean it's bad. Having said that, the list given didn't seem at all related to the spirit of comicon so I'll agree with that part.

    1. GLEE

    So what if you don't like Glee? I'ts a very well done show. Here's a tip: just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not good.

    For some reason I can't help imagining the same scenario with Twilight: someone dissing on someone else's favorite "whatever" and then defending somethign that can equally be seen as ridiculous in another's eyes.

    As far as Glee being at Comicon? Well, i can't see a reason that it should be there. I suppose the only tie-in I can imagine is the idea of "geeks" loving something and rising above stereo types in order to prove that they are more than the negative comments that others might have about them.

    Negative comments about comic book collectors or mmo players, or LARP people or you pick your poison.

    Dissing on someone else's passion because you don't like it is not cool in my book. Assessing whether something should be at comicon seems in the realm of appropriate. But when it comes to geek culture it's still "geek culture". If anything supporting what other people fancy, no matter how preposterous might go farther than tryign to assume a high road when talking about "dorky subjects". Or perhaps we can start dissing on cosplay people as well? maybe a few "get a life" comments. Or is cosplay so much "less geeky" than other geek topics?



    I want a divorce! image

    (Agree with the rest tho.)


    {mod edit}  Frist off i have been going to comiccon for about 16 years now and wonder con and anime exo and like 4 other cons. Now that with that said im pretty sure your only real problem with comic con is, wait for it !!!! your old and out of touch thats it. You just dont understand what todays geek is into. I go to my friends comic shop all the time and almost all of them watch glee and a few have read TL.

      So who are you to say what should be at a comic convetion back in 1976 starwars was not really comic but it showed its trailer at comic con. maybe they should have stoped them then, then maybe it could still be just a bunch of comic vendors selling bulk comics  for 8 for a $1. Oh the good old days when there where no crowds or for that fact any good panels to sit thought. Just creepy dudes talking about banging sailor moon and trading hentai in a blacked out both that said adults only.

     Yea comic con was not all the cool 20 years ago or even 10. you take the good with that bad, if want big budget movies to show there new trailor, then maybe you shit throught a Glee panel. so to you mister Garret Fuller i say STOP HATEN !!

  • dinnindinnin Member Posts: 5

    MTV has music videos?

  • bisurgebisurge Member UncommonPosts: 168

    I have to disagree about TV shows and movies. I heard some people got to meet the Hobbits at Comicon!

  • WarlaormWarlaorm Member Posts: 22

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Just another example of a once small knit hobbyist community being gobbled up, exploited, and shat out by crass commercialism.

    Well put Tardcore.

    Comicon has become mainstream. It is now less about the art and expression, and more just about marketing.

  • WarlaormWarlaorm Member Posts: 22

    Originally posted by elfofthedead

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    well, I suppose I'll comment:

    (deleted to save room)

     Yea comic con was not all the cool 20 years ago or even 10. you take the good with that bad, if want big budget movies to show there new trailor, then maybe you shit throught a Glee panel. so to you mister Garret Fuller i say STOP HATEN !!

    Did you mean to say " then maybe you >Shit< throught Glee"?

    If eveyrone there did that I think they would take the hint and stop forcing GLEE upon poeple.

    If you didin't mean to say it, then I thank you for the typo, it made me chuckle.

  • TuchakaTuchaka Member UncommonPosts: 468

    Deepak Chopra used to sell supplements with lead in them that guy should be in jail 

  • SafraSafra Member UncommonPosts: 47

    Khalathwyr writes:

    It's because the target audience has been moved away from young and young adult males.


    Oh piss off. I was reading comics when I was a girl of  twelve and I'm fifty-two now.


    What happened to comics is sad with the complete commericalism of the genre. Can you imagine a time that comics weren't written to sell crap? I can because I was reading them before they were used to sell juice boxes, action figures and disposable diapers. We read and acted out parts from them with props (bits and bobs) from the garage.


    Where do you get off blaming women for this degradation of targeted events into "come one-come all" media blitzes? are you f-ing crazy? It's the economy stupid, they need to cover expenses so they're taking anyone they can. Of course it obliterates the original theme and they will probably never get it back, which sucks, but put the blame where it belongs. Man up and stop acting like some weenie "disenfranchised male" whiner.  

    Further you wrote;

    Gone, it seems, are the days where guys can get together and enjoy doing "guy things" and being rude and crude and embodying "snips and snails and puppy dog tails".



    So you're whining about someone not doing it for you? Again, grow the hell up and do something for yourself. You want a group of guys to bond with, get one together.

    I cannot believe how much some males cry because they discovered females like to read comics and sci-fi, play sports and MMORPGs, smoke cigars and pipes, drink beer and whiskey, burp and fart.  

    Reality lesson: It's ALWAYS been that way, we just got sick of the creepy male fantasy of insisting on "good little women" and came out of the closet full bore. Get used to it, we're not going back.

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