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Yes thats right , i don't mind about graphics , well runescape ones are funny(and appropriate) but i like content the most .
Talk about anything Runescape related here
post your Combat ETC
Runescape name : Chillipepaz , Combat: 105 , Total level : 1492
1492?! dude its called OBSESSED..u need help along with that zezima too!
what the hell!!! Zezima is over 1980 total!!!!!
i just like playing good games you cant call be obsessed , this is only game i play probly play loads of games like cs and swg etc
read what bunny has to say kite22
Main character in Pure Pwnage, Jeremy as himself and Teh Pwnerer...
I never said i was a real gamer or what ever i dont even know what a real gamer is i guess its somone who devoted everything in theyre life to games. I just play games when i dont have anything else to do. cause there is more to life than games.
ok, buddy, you walk in here, and flame some kid's post about a game hes devoted to. who the **** do you think you are?
"oh ok ill talk about runescape, it sucks total ass, the graphics are horrible, yes i have no life but to be a smart***, what do you kids have to say about my smart*** remarks?"
me? i have nothing to say other than to quit being a jerk and hijacking threads and turning them into flamewars.
Main character in Pure Pwnage, Jeremy as himself and Teh Pwnerer...
the red text is harsh man
RS is free to play for most & a lot of people pay for the privalege, it's a free download, it's free but it's not 3D - play Guild Wars instead, heh
i used to play runescape because its good for anybody thats on a budget. but i stopped playing it cuz it got bring. i quit like 6 months ago. its a very addictive game. how do i know? cuz i know a 55 year old guy that plays it. i know it may be sad but hey whatever. i switched to WoW after i got a job. ( switch to WoW
remember, a very wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn
Phrequency I made that for well 1 i just hate RS and 2 make people like you mad. so stop trying to be smart and trying to make me feel bad cause neither of those will happen.
Ill be staightforward with you kite. No one is trying to make you feel bad because no one here really gives a shit about you. (Excuse the language)
This guy wants to talk about RS, so you think its SO funny to come on here, be a smartass and talk about how much you hate it, great!! No one cares so please just leave us alone.
My personal opinion is that the graphics are the main thing for me, games arent really much fun when it doesnt catch your eye but hey, thats me.
thanks for backin me up, you really got the message out, surprised the mods didnt eat your ass for the lingo...
kite, yes, if you HATE RS, than keep it to yourself, no one gives a flying ****, kids these days XD
Main character in Pure Pwnage, Jeremy as himself and Teh Pwnerer...