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I did try the 7-day trial and leveled 2 characters and tried several builds on them, max lvl is 15. Since pvp is more interesting for me than doing raids, i spent most of the time in the battlegrounds.
Honestly, i feel the game is quiete lifeless...almost nobody was talking in the chat, felt like doing a single player game. I dont have the time anymore to play fully mmorpgs and didnt play any longer in the last years, but was just curios how the "new generation" games look like. Was a bit disappointed and not really anything refreshing for me, same game concepts like years before and the "socializing" was shocking and quiete poor.
I missed also voice acting in this game when you click on the ingame AI characters...
If someone is interesting in pvp for some days having fun in battlegrounds, the trial is probably enough. Get a range class and you will do pretty good.
cool story bro
Yeah it is.
I agree, i did pretty much the same this as you.... So after my free trial was up, i decided the game was not for me..
I play MMO's to Play with Other people. Not Solo it all the time.
Also i fine it much more enjoyable to team up with other people online and have a good time Doing PVE content.
Rather then raising my blood pressure fighting with kids about witch FOTM build is better during PvP.
PvP can be fun, but only for a limited ammout of time... I see people who do it for Hours on end. i just dont see the point.
I haven't played the game in awhile, mainly because my other addiction has trumped my gaming addiction, but when I did play it was lots of chat going on.. PVP chats are the worst tho, mostly trash talking n00bs on each side. One side rubbing in a victory , the other side trash talking each other...
I think it's worse when your team trash talks your group tho, as oppose to the opposite faction doing it. Would much rather have that going on then somebody bitching on my team.
Anyhow, thats mostly all I noticed going on in the pvp chat.. People don't really have the time to type out conversations when they are trying to win a battle ya know.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
I posted about this upon Rift's release..
I think its the fact that people can just come and go as they please,which isnt necessarily a bad thing,it just doesnt promote the social aspect of MMO's that well.You come upon an event,a rift..etc. click join,complete the objectives,disband, and move on your way without uttering a word.
I think the best way to combat it though is to find a good,friendly,high active guild.
Either that, or it is the fact that they are probably in their guild vent and don't feel like typing messages out when they are talking to people they can actually hear.
I happen to like the public grouping method. It means you don't have to deal with dick guilds or groups that don't want to invite you because your not one of them and they don't want to see you progress in the game.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
1. The trial servers are lower population servers.
2. Most people don't talk in general chat. Most of the chatting is done in level chat for example level 50 chat on a medium population server is always buzzing with people talking and doing things.
Just my opinion though.
possibly,but I dont think that scenario would cover the majority of server populations
I have no idea. I haven't logged in that game in several months. Bought the game played the month. Enjoyed it immensely but then it got to the point where I said , Man I need a break from this, because all I did all day and all nite was play this game, and I felt like there was more important things in life to enjoy.
It was a great game, would still be playing if it wasn't so addictive. Hell, I started to develope back pains from sitting at the computer chair for so long, I had to go cold turkey and just didn't resub. Kinda miss it tho, and sucks that now eveyrone is gonna be much further along than me. Was a pvp Rank 4 or something, I forget . Was getting ready to start doing regular GB raids with my guild. Lol, probably be hard to get in one of those groups now since everyone has their raid teams set up.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
Who really cares if anyone is talking? Besides you start out on trial servers where you may not have access to all the PAYING SUBSCRIBERS who are chatting away on the real servers. While I gave up on Rift after hitting max level myself, you shouldn't judge a game based on something stupid like not seeing a bunch of mindless chatterboxes.
No one talked, from beta 1 to now. Silent community.
probably a good thing consider the horrors of WoW's barren's talk or Lotro's glff
I'm not sure what server you are on , but on my server there were tons of people talking all the time , non stop.. Even in the beta and I did the betas aswell.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
The server which I joined was one with high population and not a pure trial player, most players were higher lvl and loads of them were lvl 50 in Meridian. There was not even much crap talking in the chats, also not in the battlegrounds ..except emotes or the talks from npc´s.
Also, alot of people are level 50 now, because you can get to 50 in like 1-2 weeks in that game, and they have a lvl 50 chat, where the majority of players are probably talking at. May be part of your problem.
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
I was acutally on Bryiel.
Because you can move unlimited times free, people are doing that.. coming and going and checking out different servers. It's like a transient nomad community in a way now.
You can even change your name each time you do that, so you can't even tell who someone was anymore if they change and move around.
I still don't know why the diehard fans were saying unlimited free transfers were a good idea, it looks really dumb now that it's actually in practice with guild/server hoppers. You kind of understand why no other companies do this free.. it really wrecks a community.
I'm on Estrael, a RP server. the chat in the cities is often quite lively. However, in the world channels, there is less chatter going on. Also, as I'm in a guild (an active one), a ton of the chat is based there. My chat channel is ever-scrolling and the stream of conversation runs from guild stuff, raids and the like, to people's daily lives. It can be quite lively. However, even in an active guild like ours, the amount of people waxes and wanes.
It sounds like you've at least experienced other MMO's and I'm sure that's nothing new to you. But thought I'd drop a line and let ya know that it's not a totally silent experience. There are those of us out there doing our thing. If ya feel like ya wanna give it another go, look us up. Defiant for Life - Estrael Shard - Defiant (obviously) - Ketiei
RIFT - Ketiei - Estrael Shard - DEFIANT FOR LIFE
Oh come on! I find you here too Big Daddy? .... Back in march, talk in the cities was okay. Guild talk was okay too...but noone offered or tried to help me because everyone had leveled up so fast I was left behind. Those that were behind me didn't level quickly enough. Regional talk was caotic because everyone was doing their own thing...I was invited to groups fairly often... (Not including the Rift battles everyone gets thrust into.) But it always seemed at the benifit of the one inviting or something undisclosed, so I almost always declined. To reiterate on guild chat, everyone levels so quickly, even if you take a moderate pace you either pull ahead or fall behind your guildmates. It's like running a marathon. The game is just to simple and to easy in my book. Definately not worth dishing out your hard earned dollars for unless you like very easy games.
Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.
Yep, here, too. And as far as easy games go, I do like easy games. The time I have for games is very limited with work, kids, family, and everything else going on in the real world.
What I've posted is my point of view. Never advertised it as anything else. The standard response is that if ya don't like it, don't play it. I like it, I play it. People asking for opinions want more than one and I was simply trying to provide mine. Like any other product, game-related or otherwise, I recommend it because it does what I need it to do for me. And it would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing.
Have fun playing whatever game you enjoy, man. Thanks man...
RIFT - Ketiei - Estrael Shard - DEFIANT FOR LIFE
Wish it had in game voice chat system. Would make doing things a little better. I also play mmo's to chat with people. Sure there's vent but how often do you have time to tell everyone the vent info. Only thing that SOE really has done right is their in-game chat system.
Jymm Byuu
Playing : Blood Bowl. Waiting for 2. Holding breath for Archeage and EQN.