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Some folks summarily dismiss games if they're called 'browser-based' but Managing Editor Bill Murphy says a proverbial "Wait a second, pardner!" Bill's just returned from a stint in Gunshine and he's got a ton to say about what he calls "One Hell of a Browser MMO". Find out why and then let us know what you think in the comments below.
Recently, the developers Supercell contacted us here at to ask us to hop in the Gunshine Open Beta. My first thought was: “I’ve never even heard of this thing.” But after spending a good hour-plus inside the game, I think I can safely advise you all to go and check it out at your earliest convenience. Browser games, by their very nature, may not be taken too seriously by hardcore gamers. And yet Gunshine from Supercell is challenging that assumption. Here is a ¾ view action-strategy MMO reminiscent of Shadowrun and the best games from Interplay and Troika’s heyday.
Read more of Bill Murphy's Gunshine: One Hell of a Browser MMO.
Hmmm, wish I could say I shared the same enthusaism the author of this article has. Played, got to about level ten or so as a medic known by the wonderfully cheeky name "Dr. Feelgood" and found myself surprisingly bored considering the setting.
Its not that we dismiss games because they are browser base.. we dismiss them for that little button there on the bottom right of that pic.. the one called "shop"....
FoE Fist of the Empire
I'm always on the lookout for fun, quality browser games, especially since it's damn near impossible to find one.
Strong endorsement coming from I'll definitely check it out.
Being anti-social site in nature the game is clearly not aimed at me or anyone who likes to keep thier friend list on those sites actual friends and not 20k random people who feed you whit loads of bullshit to click away each day.
making acces to game parts depending on how many Fb friends you have (or so i conclude from the article) is a huge "wtf" idea to my mindset. pay2play sertain area's is "ok'" considering its a f2p whit shop game.
as for "mmo" its does (to me) resemble a multiplayer arcade shooter more then a mmo, then I do not consider a game like Clonewars a mmo, while I do consider Freerealms as one, same engines,same company, diferent game designs whit same things to do.
You had me slightly interested until you said, "Link Facebook account." Pretty much killed it for me. Don't have a FB account, don't ever want one.
Ah, same for me. I take back what I said above.
The search continues.
I know common sense doesn't really reign supreme here, but did any of you actually look at the account creation? You do not need a facebook account to register, nor do you need to let it post to your facebook if you choose to use a fb account to login.
it is not something i would play but you do not need a facebook acount.
is it just me or does facebook gets mentioned to much on this site?
To quote the article:
"The game’s action is entirely run by your browser, and your account can (and should) be linked up to your Facebook. I say it should be because that’s probably the easiest way to get and maintain “friends” to team up with in Gunshine. Like most Facebook-related games, there are small portions of the game’s map which can only be accessed if you have enough friends or have enough special armor or clothing bought from the game’s store."
Two strikes in this sentence. First, areas off limits unless you have some kind of requisite number of friends on facebook. Second, special armor or clothing bought from the games store. Restricted content plus pay to win store = a game I want absolutely nothing to do with.
The next paragraphs make it clear that facebook socializing is some kind of expected thing to do in this game. I want nothing to do with facebook, at all, and I don't want to play a game that is so incorporated with the website.
The game site itself pretty heavily advertises facebook. Also, what Jimmac posted above.
The "shop" button is exactly right...It is the plague that is seemingly taking over everything and anything. Some games, like the App for your smart phone called Parallel Kingdoms (awesome game btw) I think has done it the best way if there IS a shop in the game. It allows those with money to buy "food", which you need to have to level and teach pets things, and other things, but the thing is, it's also used in the actually economy. There are two forms of payment in PK, food, and gold. You need gold for many things, such as improving your equipment, which takes a LOT of gold. You can't buy gold from the shop, only food, but food is worth a bit of gold. Food is also used to buy other stuff that all players can harvest, wood, stone, iron ore, leather, and many other things used for crafting items that give your characters a boost. You can buy gold with food from the players.
What this means is that non-payers can farm up all these things and sell them for food on the market and those who pay for food at the shop buy these resources from the players with food. It doesn't take long at all to get enough food to level (you can easil get it in the time it will take you to get the exp to level).
I really encourage everyone to look at Parallel Kingdom for your smartphone/pads to see how a FAIR "shop" works. It is the only type of "shop" game I have EVER "liked", and I absolutely despise every and all other "shop" games that force you to buy to even dream of competingwith those who spend money on the shop.
{mod edit}
It is truely the only fair and reasonable "shop" game I have EVER come across, and it's absolutely an amazing game!
browser fps!i havent seen lot of those!(if any)
You had me until "or have enough special armor or clothing bought from the game’s store" then i lost intrest in this game. The same reason i hate free to play games. There is always some shop connected to it that makes the game more expensive each month then a subscription based MMORPG if you want the same experience as a pay to play mmorpg.
The sad truth is enough people will spend money to make the game a success. They always do. Until we as a community of gamers can find a way to organize, and boycott games with cash stores, they will always be there for those with more money then time.
Amazingly enough, some people actually like games like that because they don't have to drop a cent on them to try them out or ever in some cases. I'm a cheapskate.
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I don't mind browser-format... if the game plays well etc eg outer empires : ). Gunshine looks like a quality production in many gameplay respects.
That said, I'll avoid games that want to use the social grid model to promote themselves: They remind me too much of Pyriamid Schemes... I really dislike those schemes and using facebook just rings too close to that business model of exchanging "advancement" by ripping your contacts off.
Yep, I feel exactly the same. I wanted to like this game being an old time fan of Shadowrun and the original Fallout series...but...this game isn't worth it. Also, linking one's FB account to this game becomes a privacy issue.
So there are at least two of us! I was starting to think I was the last one left.
Can you please stop calling Flash games browser games? Just because there is a flash plugin for browsers it doesn't make it a browser MMO. It's a standalone application based on the Flash framework.
There are real browser MMOs using actual web standards like a WebGL based 3D engine.
EDIT: Count me in, I also won't ever create a Facebook account.
Gunshine has an attribute called 'credibility'. You can get credibility by connecting facebook friends (who you can hire as your mercenaries when they are offline) or wearing special clothing that you can get from the shop as premium items, yeah.
But the thing with gunshine is that you can buy the same stuff from the in-game vendors (who sell them for in-game money) if you want to play it like traditional MMO and not buy/connect your way to credibility areas immediately (which btw. are currently something like 3 rooms in the beginning of the game).
I'm playing the game without FB account (or money, eh) and got no problems with finding in-game friends to connect with or entering the credibility areas.
I'm with you. I was interested until it became another facebook game. I don't worship at that sick little altar and never will.
You all whining about 'Shop' in Free2Play games, are the reason games get cancelled.. I loved Gunshine, and JUST TO DISPUTE your claims (and the claims of the players who didnt pay when I played that game), I had my regular hunter character, that I bought gear when I seen something I liked, and yes became one of the best hunters in the game, as 'Steven', next to 'Radman', and many other good hunters.. Then I created 'Unkle Kracker', as well as 'Kaiser Soze'. With Kaiser Soze, I never spent one penny.. Instead, I grinded for in-game cash, sold the hell out of Bolts for in game cash, BOUGHT Shop-plans, and played every boss OVER & OVER til I won the Epic-Gear drop.. By the time I was finished, My stats were so close to my Main hunter's stats, Yes I COULD compete with every player there..
That was #1, big #2 (on your heads), is the fact that YOU CANT ask a company to offer a 'Free' game, then expect them to NOT TRY to find a way to make money to..oh, Idk, Pay for GOOD Devs, who keep the game's content updated enough to keep us happy.. THat's why I walked away from Gunshine before it shut down, the content stopped being updated! Too many whiners complained about the "FREE" Game's policies, as if they paid for something they didnt like,..and the negativity spread.. ONCE the 'free' game's only cash flow source, the SHOP, dwindled down to nothing, the servers' were next, they started going on the fritz constantly, the Dreaded Black Screen of Death was a norm,..til eventually they shut teh whole game down! ... IF you dont want SHOP options, find a game that you got to PAY TO PLAY.. That way, they dont need a shop as much.. NOTHING 'Good' in life is completely free, just shut your mouths and be happy there ARE 'coiners', as the broke people like to call those who spend real money.. Matter of fact, stop with the stupid name calling, and say "Thank you for spending YOUR money on this game I'M Allowed to play for free".. Or, dont, and goto mmorpg dot com, and whine some more..