I am returning home to vana'diel after about 6 or 7 months of down time and was just wondering if there was any good advice I should get before loging back in (I still have to get chains of promethia)
Ballista is a game of PvP newly entered into the game. You must do a quest which becomes available at lvl 30 (I think 30 at least) to recieve your liscense.
There were a few new events that passes but not many bit changes except for one. Fishing. Fishing was revamped to stop botting and make it more interactive. You get some music while you fish now.
----------------Signature------------------ Can someone please make me a sig. I would like it to have something to do with an eagle(the bird) Somewhere near the eagle can you put the words "Global Defense Initiative". Could you also have the line "If you can't buff up, don't step up!". Thanks!
what is balista?
FFXI hasn't really changed so there's not an awful lot of advice to be given. You'll probably feel right at home upon restarting.
sounds good, im sure I will... say, does anybody know of any other way to pay for ffxi besides visa or mastrcard
Hmm... that might be a proble, then if it hasn't come.
Brena (Alexander)
San d'Oria
Level 52 Red Mage
Level 44 Dragoon
Level 40 Samurai
Ballista is a game of PvP newly entered into the game. You must do a quest which becomes available at lvl 30 (I think 30 at least) to recieve your liscense.
There were a few new events that passes but not many bit changes except for one. Fishing. Fishing was revamped to stop botting and make it more interactive. You get some music while you fish now.
Can someone please make me a sig. I would like it to have something to do with an eagle(the bird) Somewhere near the eagle can you put the words "Global Defense Initiative". Could you also have the line "If you can't buff up, don't step up!". Thanks!
Private Message me about it!
WOW sound exciting, I can't wait to try it out, even though my highest level character is only 26, but I know I will get there eventually.
Thank you very much for your input.