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are you proud to be called a casual player?

odinsrathodinsrath Member UncommonPosts: 814

ok i see this comeing up alot in this newer genra of mmo's "its for the casual players"

imo casual players are not what they are implying when they mean this imo i think they are mostly saying / meaning..." for the people that need a easyer walk thru in mmo's" ala handholding thru lvls like 80% of most mmo's of today..but this is just my thought

do you like being labled as a casual mmo player? because it seems this is what every dev. / company is targeting now

i for one am not and do not want to be this "casual" player



  • TurdinatorTurdinator Member Posts: 210

    I selected "Hardcore Grinder".  I don't want people to realize I play games at my own pace for enjoyment!  What would my co-workers (that have never heard of any of these games) think?

  • just1opinionjust1opinion Member UncommonPosts: 4,641


    I have to say I'm a "casual" player only because I don't play for  8 hours a day.  I'm not a raider.  I hate time sinks that are only for the purpose of being time sinks.  I love gaming, but I have a life outside the game as well.  So I guess that those things make me a "casual player."  But hand-holding super easy games.....those are for my grandson who is less than a year old.  I don't need nor WANT my "hand held" while I'm playing.  I like a game with excitement and challenge and also moments of peaceful reflection.  I want a well-rounded game that is immersive and has depth.  I also enjoy both sandbox games (my first MMO was UO), and themepark style games.


    But yes....I'm a "casual" gamer.

    President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club

  • Short-StrawShort-Straw Member Posts: 422

    Casual = Farmville or casual in that I have a life and may only able to play 10 hours a week? I want the game to have difficulty to it with a "journey" to the max level (if it's that kind of game) to be challenging. "Endgame" beating on a loot pinata holds very little interest for me.


  • TokyojoeTokyojoe Member Posts: 49

    "It's Causal". - Sean Penn, "Fast Times At Ridgemont High".

    I may know the least here,but I am the loudest about what I do know.

  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

    i think the difference is

    a casual player can't play 40-50-60 hours per week due to life, work kids family etc. but they like the gameplay of an MMO and since they are making a living they dont mind paying 15$/month to play how they like. also, since getting to the end game or end gear lvl cap would take an unreasonable amount of time in their casual schedule they will feel that they are not getting their money's worth. another point is that due to their lack of time online they cant make friends or commit to a group without bailing, so they end up playing by themselves.

    i personally think that this is what has destroyed the MMO genre, most presicely the multiplayer aspect of it. it has become the massively single player online RPG. 

    investors see that they can get 100 times more casual players than hardcore players. so they will do everything in their power to make them happy, which include making leveling easier so they reach more parts of the game in a reasonable time frame relative to their schedule. also included making the game easier so they dont get frustrated, and give rewards for practically nothing to keep them comming back, and make the game 95% soloable. 


    you then have hardcore players, those who play 8 hours a day doing repetitive tasks... those will grind through the game within 48 hours then bitch that there is nothing to do anymore.

    this is not better than the casual player since they will always want more and more while the rest of the world is still half way. so the devs and investors cater to their gimme gimme attitude (same as the casual)


    i also believe there is a middle ground, dont have a name for that and i like to believe that i fall in that category, i dont play 8 hours a day, and i have work family school to deal with. but i do play enough to have fun (in sandbox games where i have the freedom of choice on ANYTHING I WANT) and reach end game or "being good" in a reasonable amount of time. yet i like to be challenged, i dont want things to be easy, and i believe in "can you call it winning if you can't loose?" give me a challenge so when i beat it i feel like i did something. give me penalties for failing, make me think, solve problems etc.


    oh and you also have the 13 year olds with mommy;s credit card who yell orders in the microphone and bully anyone lower level than them. those just ruin the community. in eve online i can ask a noob question and ill get about 3-4 PMs of people helping, ill get a few space chats of people sending me to where i can get the answer and the worst i would get is no answer at all. i tried WoW. and said hi all in general chat, i got called many names and insulted beyond acceptable levels.


  • AkiyeAkiye Member Posts: 109

    Doesnt bug me a bit. Ive been called both and the labels mean nothing. Its just a way for a segment of the gaming poplulation to feel good about themselves (the hardcore one if we use silly labels).  I like games of all sorts what label they bring with it is not my problem its others. Besides people are not so black an white. I can play a hardcore game 4 hours one week which means i played a hardcore game casually. Next week i may play Wii Sports but for 20hrs then im hardcore but playing a casual labeled game.or w.e The silly labels dont even make since, if a game is fun it is fun whether that be a easy going game or a tense hard game.

  • ChilliesauceChilliesauce Member Posts: 559

    Pride got nothing to do with it. It is just video games. I am casual and 'hardcore' depending upon my mood and how much free time i have on my hands. 


  • KenFisherKenFisher Member UncommonPosts: 5,035

    I'm a casual and I'm not ashamed of it.


    Casual - Mostly that I don't have large amounts of time to put into gaming.

    No Hand Holding - When I achieve I want it to be because I achieved something through effort.  When games dumb down, all that does is cheat me out of the satisfaction of achieving.  Some people don't...  but I LIKE COMPLICATED gaming.


    Some say that because a game takes several hundred hours to finish that the game is hard.  That's not challenge, that's tedious mindless gameplay both slow and boring.  Show me a game with a 50% failure rate (people that give up and quit) due to difficulty, and that's a game I would find engaging.

    Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security.  I don't Forum PVP.  If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident.  When I don't understand, I ask.  Such is not intended as criticism.
  • Ralphie2449Ralphie2449 Member UncommonPosts: 577

    noneone should be proud for anything that didnt involve them or their skill... country/age/genre choice/style/past of a country are things that you have no true involvement and you should not feel proud about those...

  • GrungiGrungi Member Posts: 86

    I consider myself casual these days. My only real MMO playtime is two raid nights a week, totalling about 7 hours.

    I'm happy with that. Perhaps the thing that I'm proudest of is that my happy little guild is further progressed in raid content than other guilds that raid twice as much as we do. :)

  • TyrellJonezTyrellJonez Member Posts: 36

    I have a job and a social life. Casual gaming for me is about 14 hours a week. Most of us are along the same lines. If your proud to be a "hardcore" gamer good for you.

    SoulPlane 2: The Blackjacking is a American Movie Classic!

  • yaminsuxyaminsux Member UncommonPosts: 973

    @OP. Most of us agree casual = "only have a few hours per day to play online" or "doesnt have enough time to invest in". While this is true doesnt mean we dont like challanges or we like hand-holding easy mode gameplay.

    Most MMO these days are more to time sink anyway. Spending 4-5 hours raiding isnt my type of fun.

  • luciusETRURluciusETRUR Member Posts: 442

    The whole casual argument can be annoying. I like the way EVE and Darkfall are setup, whereas it'll take longer to be viable as a casual player, but it will happen if you put in the time and the game is fun. I'm not casual and I don't pretend to be, but you can be. It's up to your mind-frame.. and nothing more.

  • WhySoShortWhySoShort Member Posts: 315

    I picked casual hand-holding, because these days all a game needs to have in order to be "holding your hand" is a tutorial. 


  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    The only casual thing for me in this genre is the time I can spend on the games which is often about 4 hours during the week if not less and some more hours in the weekends but also some weekend of none play.

    Other then that I am pretty hardcore in playstyle as in wanting a challenge, my dedication towards the game, learning the game by playing it, don't need or want outside sources (gameguides, addons, walkthroughs) to help me ingame, but I enjoy other players helping me ingame or me helping others ingame. If I am into crafting I want to be the best crafter I can be and will make it possible for me to be able to craft anything my profession is capable of crafting. Often on weekends and obviously depending on the game I can spend hours on gathering/harvesting resources. I do like to do raids but only want to do them 1 time and not repeat the same dungeon/area over and over again. I like to explore the gameworld and like to immerse myself in character in way's I imagine how my character would act and react as if I am there myself.

    But I do play MMORPG on my own peace, I don´t want to play games like a job so I don´t care if I reach endgame in 5 months or a year aslong I am having fun and am able to entertain myself with the game. I also don´t care about being behind friends cause if they truly are friends all they should care of is if their other friends are having fun. I also don´t treath this genre as a competitive genre, I already play other genre of games I want to feel competitive in like RTS )online, or FPS)online' games. Though I like some competition at crafting-harvesting as those are things I am not able to compete with in other genre´s of gaming as those other genre´s do not provide the playing field to be competetive in crafting and-or harvesting.

  • garrygarry Member Posts: 263

    Didn't vote. Don't care. Labels are what other people say about me. I buy and play what I want, when I want and offer others the same courtesy and consideration.  Hope you find a game you like as I have. (SWTOR/GW2TSW upcoming) and presently have AoC/LOTR/STO in case labeling is important for you. Good Luck!

  • I am what I am and I don't need labels to find my place in a game world.

  • preston326preston326 Member UncommonPosts: 115


    I am casual player. I sub wow and I play maybe 10 hours per month. I am the reason why modern devs make handholding themeparks. And you know what? I dont give a shit what you think about me. I play, I enjoy my time, I love that devs cater to my playing style. I just love it and all those harcore people playing since UO or Merydian or whatever stupid old grind fest game it is, they can all go and die, I totaly, absolutely dont care.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 32,963

    I don't really look at itt as something to be proud of or not proud of.

    It just sort of "is whta is is".

    I think that if anything, be called a good player, regardless of casual or hardcore would be something one might be proud of.

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679

    Im proud to be a gamer who enjoys many different types of games. 

    If that means being called casual then suuuure~

    Off topic :

    Is sandboxying like shadow boxying?   Wouldnt it hurt n stuff to punchy punch sands :3

    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • RevivialRevivial Member Posts: 194


    Whatever definition you want to make up, my answer is the same.



    If you can't be comfortable with yourself, who can you be comfortable with?

    "I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
    - John Galt

  • WhySoShortWhySoShort Member Posts: 315

    Originally posted by Sovrath

    I think that if anything, be called a good player, regardless of casual or hardcore would be something one might be proud of.

    Sovrath speaks the truth. 


  • SulaaSulaa Member UncommonPosts: 1,329

    Well I don't know what you mean by sandboxer? Player who play or like sandbox game?

    Cannot that person be hardcore or casual?



    Well anyway as for me.

    If I have time and I am interested I can spent alot of time on a game but on the other hand I frequently don't want to or cannot spent much time.

    So I think I am closest to causal but type who DON'T want his handholded.

    Even if I play only small amount of time (which lately will be norm cause I'll soon have to spent more time in work and have some other plans as well) I don't want to game be as easy and handholding as it is now.

    I don't need to level every time I log into game, I don't have to win every fight actually I found lately that I prefer to do something else than play becasue fight in open world is so easy that it just involve pushing 3 keys randomly and waiting for mob to die.

    No thrill , no tactic needed , no cooperation with others needed , no thinking needed. Gosh so boring...


    Some would say because of above that I am 'hardcore" but I don't feel myself as hardcore player. I DON'T enjoy grinding instances to death, or doing repetable quests endlessly. I don't really enjoy being in 'progress' raid guild where there are strict rules , pressure ,trainings, schedules , dkp , etc ( I've tried that in past and not my thing tbh).


    So casual here .. not hand holding

  • cerb123cerb123 Member Posts: 46

    I don't know where I fit in here. I probably spend 8-10 hours a day on the computer playing games. I also have a family, go to school and support my self. I would not say I am a hardcore player as far as this poll is concerned as this poll lumps grinders and hardcore players in the same group which is not always the case. I hate grinding, I hate repetitive tasks so I do not do them, a good portion of my time in a MMO is spent sitting around BSing with people though I do spend a good portion of my average day playing games but I also make a good portion of my income off of playing games so its hard to fit into any group. This poll is garbage as far as the choices go any way. It is assuming no hardcore player can like a sandbox, no sandbox player can be hardcore or casual and all casual players do not like challenge or thinking. In all honesty I think just having Hardcore and Casual as choices would have been better.

  • Plus_OnePlus_One Member Posts: 47

    I used to be casual.

    Back when MMOs weren't the empty shadow that they are now I was a casual.

    But I've been relabeled a Hardcore by a lot of todays ubercasuals.  I don't like being eleported around the map. I don't mind having to actually send messages to other players to find a group. It doesn't bother me when I have to press 2 buttons instead of one to cast a spell.  I hate being led through the game on a giant glowing yellow  leash.  If a game actually penalizes me for bad play, I try to get better rather than cry foul.

    Apearently, to todays gamer, this makes me hardcore. 

    The bar has dropped so far in the past few years.  I wish I were still casual.

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