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Anyone else heard about this? There is apparently a Collectors Edition only area, with a vendor that sells unique in-game goodies. Kinda wish I knew this before I cheaped out.
It was noted in the different descriptions for the buying options. I believe it was the last bullet for the CE features list that mentioned this. You should have paid more attention to what was there before deciding against it. =P
Nothing official on what will be offered there.
They did say "comparable" items could be found outside that exlusive area, but since items can be modded seems like you will be hunting for looks more then stats, and if you like the look of something from that Vendor, your gonna have to spend a little more money.
This is mostly speculation based on stuff thats been said or written. I don't know if more has been said officially on the subject.
"I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- John Galt
they don't know exactly what will be in it, just that it won't offer some big power advantage is as much as been officially said
7:17p: Question: You released details in the preorder that there is going to be the store in the collectors edition, what sort of items should we expect to see in that store? JO: Well, they are quite very exciting items that we have yet to determine so... Question: What kind of items will they be then, like cosmetic items, etc? SR: They will be more cosmetic than would be... JO: Actually, there will be weapons and armor but we are not going to be giving you an advantage in power levels. When you get the store you'll be able to buy items that will up your power, but they'll really just be cosmetic in terms of you can a similar powered item that looks different by playing the game normally. SR: But you will have it because you have the CE. And in addition the collectors store is actually a location in the game as well, it's not just a random vendor. JO: It's actually an exclusive location in the game, kind of like a... RV: VIP area. SR: Yeah, like a VIP lounge. Question: Will the items be microtransaction based or credits? JO: Credits. SR: Yeah, we already got your money when you bought the collectors edition.
My mistake, the way I heard it spoke about, I thought it was for both Digital and Retail CE, not just Retail CE. I feel somewhat better now :P
Formated it a bit for easier reading for those wanting to cut through to something official.
7:17p: Question: You released details in the preorder that there is going to be the store in the collectors edition, what sort of items should we expect to see in that store?
JO: Well, they are quite very exciting items that we have yet to determine so...
Question: What kind of items will they be then, like cosmetic items, etc?
SR: They will be more cosmetic than would be...
JO: Actually, there will be weapons and armor but we are not going to be giving you an advantage in power levels. When you get the store you'll be able to buy items that will up your power, but they'll really just be cosmetic in terms of you can a similar powered item that looks different by playing the game normally.
SR: But you will have it because you have the CE. And in addition the collectors store is actually a location in the game as well, it's not just a random vendor.
JO: It's actually an exclusive location in the game, kind of like a...
RV: VIP area.
SR: Yeah, like a VIP lounge.
Question: Will the items be microtransaction based or credits?
JO: Credits.
SR: Yeah, we already got your money when you bought the collectors edition.
"I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- John Galt
It was clear and explained what you get once we had the leaks from the polish site. it makes no sense to cry fowl now if you bought wrong version. if you cheaped out it was in plain english when you purchased your version from the games sites or origin whay you were buying.
As I said, they way I heard about it, I thought it was for BOTH CE editions, but its not. It's just for the rediculouly expencive one that I didnt even look at. I did look at the less expencive CE edition, but was no mention of the store, hence my thread. It was a misunderstanding. So keep your pants on.
I knew about it and still cheaped out; none of the digital items appealed to me and the physical items...meh.
I don't want to sound like a dick... but hell I paid 215 Dollar, so there better BE some stuff only we VIP players get!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
i have always gotten the CE on just about everything i buy in a game so i dont worry about it
I only paid $150, but yeah, I agree lol.
There Is Always Hope!
I paid 150 EURO, which are 214.something Dollar.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
and from what they have said, it sounds like there will be. its just those items won't have a power advantage, more of a cosmetic one
Sorry, its not only about cheaping out, but also about availability. You have to remember that most of the CE sold out during the first day.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
It might mean you start with better items, ie you get a prettified decent gun at the beginning whereas those in the cheap seats need to wait until mission 10 before that standard looking gun is available to them.
Not really. I managed to buy the CE on Gamestop for myself and then buy my own CE on Best Buy when all the forums were saying that everything was sold out. Seems to me people went to the first site or two listed and assumed the rest were sold out too, while I went to the later ones first. In other words patient and smart shopping.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I just checked AAmazon and they are still taking orders for the CE edition.
Amazon did sell out the second day, but they were able to get another shipment or something, not to mention that other sellers are now starting to buy the CE for 150 and try and resell for 200+. Gamestop and BnM stores are taking preorders still though.
No telling how many are going to be out there or for how long. I wonder if origin posted more?
Having worked at a gamestop, I"ve seen it happen where they sell far more of the CE's than they will actually recieve. This was several years ago, but I still see CE's sell out at pretty fast rates for other games, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some upset customers. Not sure whose fault it will be EA or the retailer.
still listed as sold out on origin but they did say that many more would be available through retailers than from origin
But at the end of the day, there won't be enough CEs for everyone unless Bioware releases more of them. Availability is an issue. Remember that many did not even know that they were available until finding out that they were already sold out.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
There will be as many CE versions of the game produced as BioWare/EA thinks they can sell. In all honestly, they have no vested interest in keeping the number of CE games sold low. They do however, have an interest in selling as many of them as possible.
As for availability in stores. I bought 2 CE's from two different retailers on the second day they were on sale. Even though everyone on the forums was still moaning that they were all sold out everywhere. If they had bothered to go to other stores on the list of retailers than the first two, they would have gotten the game as easily as I did. Heck, I didn't even bother going to the first two stores because I knew how the majority of people shop (Lazy).
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I think you are right. Though in the past Collector's Editions of other types of products ment limited production run. They were collectable because they didn't just keep making them with the demand.
Which is why i think they called them Collector's Editions. Not very collectable if everyone has it.
"I swear -- by my life and my love for it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
- John Galt
The problem is, you immediately destroy the collectors value when you open the package to play the game. So in the case of computer games, a collectors edition is nothing more than bragging rights and whatever goodies they give you to go along with it. I personally like the goodies, especially the music and book parts, so it is worth the CE value to me.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Just a minor note here. I read a POST somewhere that the VIP Vendor will be located on the CE players ship. Thus not available until the end (lvl 1-10) of the starter game. This would take it out of sight (and mind) of other players and perhaps lessen the (envy - jealousy?) level during game. Interesting idea there but don't know for sure. The poster did list all the other items in the CE and all were correct so maby?