Originally posted by anarchyart Even you must admit that 22 noobies on at 2 in the morning is an encouraging sign And DOZeR I totally know what you mean ok but omg the game so rocks dude you have to try it again! It seems to get better every day please try it again! Last night I played for a couple hours and its just flawless now man! I'm gonna get that fraps thing and make a movie to show you how much it rocks now It will take a while to learn it but I just want you to see how lag free and wicked it is now. If I made a movie and it wasnt laggy or buggy and showed the game now would you go in and try it again?
It rocks so much you signed up for what beta? So hard to believe anything you say anymore.
??? I signed up for Freeworld Alpha...is that what your talkin about? Plus I'm gonna sign up for Vanguard beta. Anyways did you read my post WOULD you try it again??
Originally posted by anarchyart So, no matter how good the game is, as long as David Bowman is in charge, you won't play it? Just wanna hear it from your own fingers.
You have trouble with the written word right? Has been answered and I will not be repeating it. You will need to sort thru my posts and find what I said. Now as for you it isn't hard to see what you say all the posts you make are its a great game with nothing to really back it up. You also make statements of never having issues, when even the devs admit everyone has these problems. I also know there is no game made from the best to the worse (HZ) where you can really tell anyone how good it is when you have only played it for 39+ hours. Like I said it took me 3 weeks for my first review. After that it took many times coming back to see if it was better or worse.
As far as how I feel about DB has been stated many times here and on VN. No need to bring it up again.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
I dont think that anyone can really know how many subscribers there really to any game beside the company itself. 10,000 IMHO opinion is very small for a MMORPG. Could Horizons have that little, sure I guess. Could it have less? Sure, I guess. More? sure. Point is we dont know. The game is still on so that being the case, how long could any company operate at a loss? Usually not very long, even with an investor backing because they generally like to see progress. (call me silly but in the end this is what its all about, money) If the owners of this game had been running in the red for as long as its been released then I personally dont see how it could be running. Any investor, in his right mind, would have pulled support long ago. (18 + months in the red? And a small company on top of it?) Sorry but if that was the case they would have washed out long ago. (even at 10,000 subscribers you have to figure in the salaries of the 25+ employees, facilities, equipment cost, administrative cost, advertising - lately and a whole lot of other little things) Somewhere along the line there is enough capital to keep everyone at least happy and optomistic about the future. Horizons will never be the MMORPG they claimed it would be, but for now they can hope to improve the games image and raise subscriber levels a bit more. Horizons would probably be guilty of mismanagement if anything. Server performance should have been the number one priority at release. Whether the engine works or not should have been addressed before release.
That is all in the past. Here and now, I except Horizons for the game it is not what it should be. Its fun and there are other people playing. When I log into and go to New Brommel (the training town) there are at least 5 to 10 other players in the area. The merchant always has enough gear for me to upgrade. (very important since there isn't really any other way to get good gear) I had no problem whatso ever getting into a guild with active, friendly players. At various spawn points, more then just me are trying to hunt. (brings the same problem as any other MMORPG) Grouping hasnt been a problem yet. Maybe it will later, I dont know nor claim to. I was waiting for the "big this game is garbage bomb" to hit me and it hasn't. So I'm not going to keep looking for it. If I do, I will eventually find something. Just like anything else in life.
Its a game like checkers or chess, if you like it, play it, if not then find something you do like. Its not a "world", its not a "lifestyle" its something to do to entertain yourself. If you enjoy it, who cares what the population is???? If you do not enjoy it, move on. There are lots of other games out there to try and enjoy.
Lets see HZ started with around 46,000 subs or at least stated by AE when game first hit. Within the first month the numbers went down fast. It took AE months before adding content or going into damage control and once they knew they couldn't pay the bills hit Chapter 11. The whole time they were in Chapter 11 they weren't paying any of the major bills and then some companies had to take a big loss because of the fiasco (yet legal) of the AE/Tulga buyout. A new company with all the same faces, hilarious to me. Now they come out of Chpater 11 and Baker gives them more cash to run and the way CT made it sound to run for the next 5 years.
Then the freebies started, a long while they found out they were allowing people to play for free all because the billing was messed up. Yet some were being double and tripled billed. Heck a lot canceled and were still being billed. They then tried two months of free time if you come back to HZ and try the new content. Turns out both of these were before any real content was put into game. Now we come to the free mug and a new noticable present of Amon a just graduated developer of Tulga making the rounds on some boards. Then for the last phase is this Bowman interview full of even more smoke and mirrors, that clearly does not reflect the true HZ game.
In conclusion this is a last ditch effort by Tulga to bring people into the game and make a profit. Good luck David but it will fail like all the others attempts you have made to save it. Good luck in whatever you do in the future lets just hope it isn't in the gaming industry.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Originally posted by D0ZeRIn conclusion this is a last ditch effort by Tulga to bring people into the game and make a profit. Good luck David but it will fail like all the others attempts you have made to save it. Good luck in whatever you do in the future lets just hope it isn't in the gaming industry.
This is clearly what some people hope will happen to HZ. There is a group of ex-HZ players who really seem to want HZ to die out, for some reason that I can't fathom. Guess it is sort of like the train-wreck phenomenon: it's so fascinating, you just can't stop watching even though you know you're being ghoulish about it. I was certainly one of the first rats that left the sinking ship last fall when AE declared bankruptcy so I am not exactly an ardent fan of the game. But my experience with other mmorpgs has taught me that every game has its gaggle of malcontents.
But HZ didn't go away like so many DOOOMers thought it would/should. HZ took a licking and kept on ticking. I watched from afar as more and more and more significant content was added to the game.
And I decided to give it a try and all I can say is: right now I think it is one of the best games out there.
People are returning. The newby island usually has 10-20 people any time, day or night, and many are new players asking newbie questions; the consigners are stocked with lowbie stuff put there for cheap by higher level players; the stuff you put there sells like hotcakes. There is a feeling of health to it.
I suspect that it will end up being a game quite a lot like DAoC: a very cool, small game, held and developed by a small and private company. Problem was that it was originally planned for 10 times as many players as it can really support. This created even more problems when it had to downsize because of the player-owned plots issue, than downsizing usually does. So not only was the launch rough but the readjustment to reality was particularly rough.
Again, I would invite anyone at all interested in trying it out to go download the client here and try out the 7-day trial.
Yes DOZer, we all know Horizons is really just a front organization for Satan and you are one of the few brilliant, noble souls that knows the truth and that you wish it would die a horrible death. I myself am a former Horizons player and have little interest in going back, but you really need to give it a rest.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
Originally posted by komarr Yes DOZer, we all know Horizons is really just a front organization for Satan and you are one of the few brilliant, noble souls that knows the truth and that you wish it would die a horrible death. I myself am a former Horizons player and have little interest in going back, but you really need to give it a rest.
Why do I need to give it a rest? DB hasn't given his lying spins a rest. Old time players who are doing the reseller program haven't stopped. Why should I stop telling the truth about this game? Oh and satan is not in games. But he could be in the soul of DB.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Originally posted by D0ZeR Why do I need to give it a rest? DB hasn't given his lying spins a rest. Old time players who are doing the reseller program haven't stopped. Why should I stop telling the truth about this game? Oh and satan is not in games. But he could be in the soul of DB.
Because your posts aren't about "truth", even if some of what you say is true. They are about you flaming and spewing your bile because you don't like this game and the people who run it. They are about you wanting to see this game fail regardless of any changes it may have made and any folks who do enjoy it.
I have no problem with critisizing a game or a person. But all your doing is throwing an tantrum.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
Originally posted by D0ZeR See the game fail? They haven't made a dime in profit the game has failed.
Oh good, that means you can shut up now.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
On the topic of HZ server populations: it feels about right these days. There are always people standing around the pawnbrokers and consigners and trainers in the more popular towns, you are likely to see people wherever you go -- but not so many that it becomes an issue.
Last night (Sunday night) one of the dev's was on spawning mobs in various places and announcing the spawns on global chat: he did it all over the game: in Britugo and Chiconis and even New Brommel (the newbie area). Every time people would run to where the mobs were spawning. It was a gas.
If you go to the official forums now you will see a rash of posts from returning and new players: the most I have seen in the last year, and the "goodbye" posts have dwindled to nothing.
Dozer, seriously...I just went through all these posts.
You should read some of the things you've said about the game. Now it looks like you have always hated HZ and its developers since they released the game. Because you feel cheated. If you go back to the posts you made, there is the proof.
I think that since they came back as Tulga Games and a year later have properly fixed the game, you tried it, still angry and very negative about the game, and stated that its still a failed game because you found problems, but it probably is because you wanted to find those problems.
Every game has its problems but it sounds like this game has fixed its serious problems which ruined the game before, and now with them gone has recreated a community. I know, I just saw the forums, and unless they are just creating fake subscribtions for the forums, the forums look very active.
So maybe the game still has flaws and yes it seriously seems like they need to change their graphics engine which the devs mentioned they intended to do. Now we see if they do, but over that year that they needed of fixing the game, it looks like they really need that year cause it seems fixed from what I have read.
Let us start with the forums. If you look at the forums close you will notice during the day it will say things like 14 new users, hour or two later 8 new users, so on and so on. Now when a forum is gathering new users normally they end up posting which is a reason for signing up. Yet with these HZ forums majority of these users never post. But even funnier the number of new users are never shown as accuate during the whole day. They go up and down which I must say is very strange indeed.
Now as far as the game goes it still has many problems and a lot of these problems are interface problems which can only be fixed with a new engine. This has been admitted to by the developers them self. They even stated they were starting a new one, then put it on hold, then said they would go with a open source client which we have heard nothing about for a good two months now.
So in closing to say they have fixed a lot of problems is just the wrong way to say it. They have fixed a lot of fluff in the game. But that is about it.
Now I am done commenting on this game because people just refuse to hear the truth about this game. One thing is true and can't be denied by anyone the pops are super low and they are still not making a profit. Just with this new coffee mug deal at the most they have expanded with maybe 200 more subs and I would expect a lot of them will not stay once the 7 days are up. But only time will tell and I wonder how many more of these deals with free time mugs and what ever else they throw at the people can really keep going on. Even the reseller program has been a bust from day one it started.
One thing I do know is this game and the devs that work for it but this is all I will say on the issue from now on. The game is dying and I won't be around to say I told you so. I will just be glad when it is over.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Yes Mikey the forums are very active and healthy these days, as is the game. Communication is great in HZ because of the irc chat that is going on constantly between the devs and the players.
Rather than gather up a bunch of stuff and release as an expansion, the devs pretty much patch out each thing as it is ready to go. This week, we got a standalone game launcher which works very well and is pretty fast. We don't need to use the web launcher any more. Another thing in the works is ability for players to edit models; apparently they are working on getting the playerbase a model editor so we can customize stuff. Some player mods might well make into the game as permanent assets.
I remember the first week: login queues of 300 and waiting 30 min to get on, inventory lag, people running around without bodies, etc.
Well, the game has changed a lot since then, and especially since bankruptcy last fall. It may be worth your while just to do the free trial and see what you think. Who knows, you might find a new addiction
Originally posted by ungrimagrol I remember the first week: login queues of 300 and waiting 30 min to get on, inventory lag, people running around without bodies, etc. Well, the game has changed a lot since then, and especially since bankruptcy last fall. It may be worth your while just to do the free trial and see what you think. Who knows, you might find a new addiction
You must admit you have no idea if the problem of login queues has been fixed. The game would need 46k like it was back then to test the theory it has been fixed. Low pops has made the login easier.
You know that would be a great selling point if they would open a server just to let people try for free. See if they could get a few thousand to test the server and see if these issues like blobs and login really are fixed. Then even I would eat crow if it really was.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
People can already try it for free. The advantage of having them try existing servers is they get to experience one of the best features of the game: the mature, friendly and helpful playerbase.
As for login queues: Blzzard had to go to pretty extreme measure to get rid of its login queue problems -- asking dealers to remove game from the shelves.
One of the great things about HZ is that it is a small community with a close interaction with the developers. Pretty sure most current players don't want that to change. Stress tests aren't really too relevant any longer.
??? I signed up for Freeworld Alpha...is that what your talkin about? Plus I'm gonna sign up for Vanguard beta. Anyways did you read my post WOULD you try it again??
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
You have trouble with the written word right? Has been answered and I will not be repeating it. You will need to sort thru my posts and find what I said. Now as for you it isn't hard to see what you say all the posts you make are its a great game with nothing to really back it up. You also make statements of never having issues, when even the devs admit everyone has these problems. I also know there is no game made from the best to the worse (HZ) where you can really tell anyone how good it is when you have only played it for 39+ hours. Like I said it took me 3 weeks for my first review. After that it took many times coming back to see if it was better or worse.
As far as how I feel about DB has been stated many times here and on VN. No need to bring it up again.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
I wish you felt that way about Horizons in general...
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
I dont think that anyone can really know how many subscribers there really to any game beside the company itself. 10,000 IMHO opinion is very small for a MMORPG. Could Horizons have that little, sure I guess. Could it have less? Sure, I guess. More? sure. Point is we dont know. The game is still on so that being the case, how long could any company operate at a loss? Usually not very long, even with an investor backing because they generally like to see progress. (call me silly but in the end this is what its all about, money) If the owners of this game had been running in the red for as long as its been released then I personally dont see how it could be running. Any investor, in his right mind, would have pulled support long ago. (18 + months in the red? And a small company on top of it?) Sorry but if that was the case they would have washed out long ago. (even at 10,000 subscribers you have to figure in the salaries of the 25+ employees, facilities, equipment cost, administrative cost, advertising - lately and a whole lot of other little things) Somewhere along the line there is enough capital to keep everyone at least happy and optomistic about the future. Horizons will never be the MMORPG they claimed it would be, but for now they can hope to improve the games image and raise subscriber levels a bit more. Horizons would probably be guilty of mismanagement if anything. Server performance should have been the number one priority at release. Whether the engine works or not should have been addressed before release.
That is all in the past. Here and now, I except Horizons for the game it is not what it should be. Its fun and there are other people playing. When I log into and go to New Brommel (the training town) there are at least 5 to 10 other players in the area. The merchant always has enough gear for me to upgrade. (very important since there isn't really any other way to get good gear) I had no problem whatso ever getting into a guild with active, friendly players. At various spawn points, more then just me are trying to hunt. (brings the same problem as any other MMORPG) Grouping hasnt been a problem yet. Maybe it will later, I dont know nor claim to. I was waiting for the "big this game is garbage bomb" to hit me and it hasn't. So I'm not going to keep looking for it. If I do, I will eventually find something. Just like anything else in life.
Its a game like checkers or chess, if you like it, play it, if not then find something you do like. Its not a "world", its not a "lifestyle" its something to do to entertain yourself. If you enjoy it, who cares what the population is???? If you do not enjoy it, move on. There are lots of other games out there to try and enjoy.
Lets see HZ started with around 46,000 subs or at least stated by AE when game first hit. Within the first month the numbers went down fast. It took AE months before adding content or going into damage control and once they knew they couldn't pay the bills hit Chapter 11. The whole time they were in Chapter 11 they weren't paying any of the major bills and then some companies had to take a big loss because of the fiasco (yet legal) of the AE/Tulga buyout. A new company with all the same faces, hilarious to me. Now they come out of Chpater 11 and Baker gives them more cash to run and the way CT made it sound to run for the next 5 years.
Then the freebies started, a long while they found out they were allowing people to play for free all because the billing was messed up. Yet some were being double and tripled billed. Heck a lot canceled and were still being billed. They then tried two months of free time if you come back to HZ and try the new content. Turns out both of these were before any real content was put into game. Now we come to the free mug and a new noticable present of Amon a just graduated developer of Tulga making the rounds on some boards. Then for the last phase is this Bowman interview full of even more smoke and mirrors, that clearly does not reflect the true HZ game.
In conclusion this is a last ditch effort by Tulga to bring people into the game and make a profit. Good luck David but it will fail like all the others attempts you have made to save it. Good luck in whatever you do in the future lets just hope it isn't in the gaming industry.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
This is clearly what some people hope will happen to HZ. There is a group of ex-HZ players who really seem to want HZ to die out, for some reason that I can't fathom. Guess it is sort of like the train-wreck phenomenon: it's so fascinating, you just can't stop watching even though you know you're being ghoulish about it. I was certainly one of the first rats that left the sinking ship last fall when AE declared bankruptcy so I am not exactly an ardent fan of the game. But my experience with other mmorpgs has taught me that every game has its gaggle of malcontents.
But HZ didn't go away like so many DOOOMers thought it would/should. HZ took a licking and kept on ticking. I watched from afar as more and more and more significant content was added to the game.
And I decided to give it a try and all I can say is: right now I think it is one of the best games out there.
People are returning. The newby island usually has 10-20 people any time, day or night, and many are new players asking newbie questions; the consigners are stocked with lowbie stuff put there for cheap by higher level players; the stuff you put there sells like hotcakes. There is a feeling of health to it.
I suspect that it will end up being a game quite a lot like DAoC: a very cool, small game, held and developed by a small and private company. Problem was that it was originally planned for 10 times as many players as it can really support. This created even more problems when it had to downsize because of the player-owned plots issue, than downsizing usually does. So not only was the launch rough but the readjustment to reality was particularly rough.
Again, I would invite anyone at all interested in trying it out to go download the client here and try out the 7-day trial.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
~Omar Khayyam
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Because your posts aren't about "truth", even if some of what you say is true. They are about you flaming and spewing your bile because you don't like this game and the people who run it. They are about you wanting to see this game fail regardless of any changes it may have made and any folks who do enjoy it.
I have no problem with critisizing a game or a person. But all your doing is throwing an tantrum.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
~Omar Khayyam
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
~Omar Khayyam
On the topic of HZ server populations: it feels about right these days. There are always people standing around the pawnbrokers and consigners and trainers in the more popular towns, you are likely to see people wherever you go -- but not so many that it becomes an issue.
Last night (Sunday night) one of the dev's was on spawning mobs in various places and announcing the spawns on global chat: he did it all over the game: in Britugo and Chiconis and even New Brommel (the newbie area). Every time people would run to where the mobs were spawning. It was a gas.
If you go to the official forums now you will see a rash of posts from returning and new players: the most I have seen in the last year, and the "goodbye" posts have dwindled to nothing.
Dozer, seriously...I just went through all these posts.
You should read some of the things you've said about the game. Now it looks like you have always hated HZ and its developers since they released the game. Because you feel cheated. If you go back to the posts you made, there is the proof.
I think that since they came back as Tulga Games and a year later have properly fixed the game, you tried it, still angry and very negative about the game, and stated that its still a failed game because you found problems, but it probably is because you wanted to find those problems.
Every game has its problems but it sounds like this game has fixed its serious problems which ruined the game before, and now with them gone has recreated a community. I know, I just saw the forums, and unless they are just creating fake subscribtions for the forums, the forums look very active.
So maybe the game still has flaws and yes it seriously seems like they need to change their graphics engine which the devs mentioned they intended to do. Now we see if they do, but over that year that they needed of fixing the game, it looks like they really need that year cause it seems fixed from what I have read.
Let us start with the forums. If you look at the forums close you will notice during the day it will say things like 14 new users, hour or two later 8 new users, so on and so on. Now when a forum is gathering new users normally they end up posting which is a reason for signing up. Yet with these HZ forums majority of these users never post. But even funnier the number of new users are never shown as accuate during the whole day. They go up and down which I must say is very strange indeed.
Now as far as the game goes it still has many problems and a lot of these problems are interface problems which can only be fixed with a new engine. This has been admitted to by the developers them self. They even stated they were starting a new one, then put it on hold, then said they would go with a open source client which we have heard nothing about for a good two months now.
So in closing to say they have fixed a lot of problems is just the wrong way to say it. They have fixed a lot of fluff in the game. But that is about it.
Now I am done commenting on this game because people just refuse to hear the truth about this game. One thing is true and can't be denied by anyone the pops are super low and they are still not making a profit. Just with this new coffee mug deal at the most they have expanded with maybe 200 more subs and I would expect a lot of them will not stay once the 7 days are up. But only time will tell and I wonder how many more of these deals with free time mugs and what ever else they throw at the people can really keep going on. Even the reseller program has been a bust from day one it started.
One thing I do know is this game and the devs that work for it but this is all I will say on the issue from now on. The game is dying and I won't be around to say I told you so. I will just be glad when it is over.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
Yes Mikey the forums are very active and healthy these days, as is the game. Communication is great in HZ because of the irc chat that is going on constantly between the devs and the players.
Rather than gather up a bunch of stuff and release as an expansion, the devs pretty much patch out each thing as it is ready to go. This week, we got a standalone game launcher which works very well and is pretty fast. We don't need to use the web launcher any more. Another thing in the works is ability for players to edit models; apparently they are working on getting the playerbase a model editor so we can customize stuff. Some player mods might well make into the game as permanent assets.
I played when it first came out, but quit within a week. Has it really improved so much that I should give it another try?
I remember the first week: login queues of 300 and waiting 30 min to get on, inventory lag, people running around without bodies, etc.
Well, the game has changed a lot since then, and especially since bankruptcy last fall. It may be worth your while just to do the free trial and see what you think. Who knows, you might find a new addiction
You must admit you have no idea if the problem of login queues has been fixed. The game would need 46k like it was back then to test the theory it has been fixed. Low pops has made the login easier.
You know that would be a great selling point if they would open a server just to let people try for free. See if they could get a few thousand to test the server and see if these issues like blobs and login really are fixed. Then even I would eat crow if it really was.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
People can already try it for free. The advantage of having them try existing servers is they get to experience one of the best features of the game: the mature, friendly and helpful playerbase.
As for login queues: Blzzard had to go to pretty extreme measure to get rid of its login queue problems -- asking dealers to remove game from the shelves.
One of the great things about HZ is that it is a small community with a close interaction with the developers. Pretty sure most current players don't want that to change. Stress tests aren't really too relevant any longer.