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OMG im gonna die if this doesnt come out soon. Actually, im dying right now. My feathers are wilting. Now they are turning *SPLAT* Dead duck!
*complete silence*
Come play ul to keep yourself entertained for the time being, I miss the monkey
Come play ul to keep yourself entertained for the time being, I miss the monkey
In case some of you aren't up to speed, Reclamation is currently dead in the water. They don't have the funding, they lost people working the levels (areas), and production as all but come to a complete stand still. They don't even have a playable alpha DEMO yet much less a beta or actual game. Don't hold your breath Ducky, it's gonna take even longer if at all. They are currently trying to get players back to UL under the impression that the money you spend but per the man himself...
<Lyra-Xenus> 100k would get us alpha, maybe early beta; 250 would be a lot more comfortable
So less you look to spending a SHIITLOAD of money on p-mares, don't bother. The money you pay to UL keeps UL running. I would like to see Rec become reality, but it ain't happening.
Sorry to be the wet blanket.
heres the full conversation now. No offense, but Brent plugs a new age healing technique midway through talking! That's tore up in my opinion.
Yes, it's a pity, but it happens. And I admit, the Amway/New Age healing thing didn't go down very well with me either; credability went downhill there for me. However they did make an effort, and while it's a shame they have nothing to show for the hard work, it was still a grand effort.
That didn't ruin anything in my opinion. Brent's been through a lot and he was explaining why it's taking so long for him, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not because he's been too lazy sitting on his arse the whole time but because he was in pain because of it. If he also has his own business because of it now, then he's raising money and yes he has to live off of that, but there'd be extra wouldn't there be.
I'm still an optimist.
Be that as it may, it is far from the sticking point keeping the development rolling down hill.
As it stands now one of the greatest hurdles no one seems to even consider is that Reclamation is a new game.
Sounds odd, doesn't it?
If one listens to the vast majority of the community they will find that said majority is looking at Reclamation as nothing more then a new playground for the same old games.
So long as people continue using the canvas they have before them as one on which they can paint their own designs of power and greed both games will suffer.
It would seem that many people think of the game and the community as, theirs, and thus their behaviour and ideas are better then anyone elses.
Perhaps in a time long distant people actually played the game now existing and looked forward to the premier of Reclamation because it was just that, a fun game, but those times have long since faded into history.
Perhaps many would be served well by looking at Brent's exhibit of moving on as something they too should consider.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
This is off topic, but I look at Lascivious's posts and I can only think of one thing, "My word, that Lascivious is one elequent, well thought out writer." Honestly, I do not often see such well written pieces proudly on display in a message board.
I am pleased you are taking interest here, as you can see by the lack of work from yours truly I certainly have lost a bit of that. Actually, the fact is, I depend on the e-mail notifications from someone replying to a post of mine to remember to check this board. After lyra's announcement everyone gave up on responding and I stopped getting e-mail notifications. And you can see where all that lead too. Of course, in recent posting, Lascivious posted to a post I had posted too and result was my cage being rattled and heading back down here.
I honestly do not know how this whole hand of cards will play out though with Reclamation. I can only hope for the best and wait for the cards to fall into place. I'm sure it will pull through. As I've said many times before, Lyra is, among many other things, stubborn and persistent. Underlight itself has been wrought with many of it's own obstacles, yet it exists. Granted I am unaware of the severerity of those past tribulations compared to development of Reclamation, but the game still has a chance in my opinion, and it will come out when it comes out.
I guess the state of limbo can really wear on some people. This state leaves one without any sort of closure. The game seems to be in a state of exactly not complete and not dead though it seems to waiver beween two possibilities.
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
I do thank you for your kind observations regarding my offerings here.
I suppose the only reason I have not met with an onslaught of, "We don't like what you have to say, please leave." Is because of the lack of interest overall you went on to describe.
Personally while I am happy to experience the lack of aforementioned statement being made, I do hope that communication can continue though the community may not have the reward they so desired not long ago.
Putting eloquence aside for a moment,
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.