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Well since i cant get into Nexon Dragon Nest Forum i would ask here, is it me or all the servers and game is down? been checking for a while and the website dont even wanna load... what a fail. Anyone know whats going on?
(Trying to get to lvl 24 before august 10 but alone, and now this i think i wont make it...)
<a href=" Wars 2 Beta/?action=view&current=zoyita.png" target="_blank"><img src=" Wars 2 Beta/zoyita.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
... EVERYONE ='( and i have no current games to play and it seems like all of my sites are down. WHY!!!!!!!!!
Yeah everything seems to be down. Tomorrow marks the end of open beta and the beginning of the live game, so perhaps this is a transition. Unfortunately Nexon absolutely sucks at communicating, so players never have a clue about what is going on. It's also unfortunate--and kind of dumb in my opinion--that the game's client is run through the website. When one is down, both tend to go down, leaving players completley in the dark.
I will never get to lvl 24 then,.. thats sucks im sad.
<a href=" Wars 2 Beta/?action=view&current=zoyita.png" target="_blank"><img src=" Wars 2 Beta/zoyita.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Well, did they ever take back the rule that every level 24 character has to play in 3 dungeons everyday in order to geta free set of permanent wings? If the servers dont come back up by the end of today and they dont get their wings, theres going to be a lot of angry people.
I started on the SECOND day so I do not get wings despite being very close to getting my second character to 24th.
As for dragon nest -- every USA Nexon site were down for hours -- they are just starting to come back up now and I would figure they would start bringing their games up over the next few hours. This is a sunday and they have to get every single one of their games back up as well as figuring out exactly why everything came down like a house of cards -- so I wouldnt count on it being exactly timely -- although if dragon nest is the first game they work on it could be.
Personally I think 24th should be enough for the wings.
I am waitin for a a little longer to join dragons nest. But you may be waiting till tommrow because nexon only works during the week. With no support up for the weekends so tilol 8am tommrow you might be screwed.
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Umm what?
*Looks at calender*
No tomorrow is not we still have the rest of today and TWO other days of OB as it ends on the 9th and today is the 7th(we are going off of US time here since they ARE US servers.)
Well, they finally updated their news but it doesnt tell us anything at all... sigh
It looks like they got DDoS'd ... all of their games seem to be down? I think the servers themselves are still up, but since they make you log on to the website first, you can't log in.
Well is 9:30 pm no news and nothing is up.... all of their games are offline... this is kinda wierd and sucks.
<a href=" Wars 2 Beta/?action=view&current=zoyita.png" target="_blank"><img src=" Wars 2 Beta/zoyita.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
No wings for jo.
If they decide to just give wings to anyone who hit 24th in the beta then I will be happy.
This loooooong downtime is not a good thing because they will lose some players due to it. DTs only last so long.
They also didn't handle it very well -- if they started out with "We had something catastrophic -- do not expect the servers up for at least 12 hours" then I would have been a lot happier than with what they did stringing people along.
With me it isnt going to make a difference really -- I mean I already decided I like the game. The only difference it could make is spending somewhat fewer NX -- well then as far as they are concerned maybe it is a problem ... hmmmm.
Does anyone think it will be up tonight?
If you are still in the running for the wings and you go to bed then it will come back up and only those who log in in those couple of hours before the reset will get them not including you.
If you are still in the running for the wings and you wait until 3 am eastern to see if it comes up then it will not come up until after that and it will not matter.
That is the way things work. Nasty it is but yep.
(Un)fortunately for me, I am already out of the running -- I started on the second day and was kind of upset that that outed me for wings no matter what I did.
My hope is that they open it up to anyone who made level 24.
If the servers are still up then go under your files where the game is dled and look for the launcher. U can go from there you just have to login diffrently the web login was for people to not spam bot or hack on ca.
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That really sucks, I wish they would keep people more posted on whats going on, even a estimated time would be acceptable. But its all good, im just ready for the servers to be back up. Guess ill get on LoL.
Thanks for your help, ~_-
unfortunately.. their launchers require you to be logged into the site. So no, you can't bypass it like that.
Actually you can it maybe diffrent since DN is in beta but i did it tonight to get on combat arms. Because of the laggy site when relogging in to get pass a smod kick.
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There is nothing saying that Dragon Nest is down but i go to the website and i try to log in at it just doesnt load up, it acts like it does and just keeps loading not letting me sign into my account. I dont know if everyone is having the same problems or what?