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"One shots" over on Massively is a column that shows a screenshot once a week. This week was Mortal Online. The tiny person, huge bloodstain and streaming sunlight conveys a real sense of forboding.
pretty cool pic
I self identify as a monkey.
That is a really nice picture.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Indeed, that is a nice screenshot.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
a nice screenshot the blood stain thoguh looks a little messed up but i know the location, its the rare white bear spawn however i havent actually managed to find it myself.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
I don't believe that's a screenshot.
I'm a bit skeptical here.
I've played Mortal Online a lot and I don't remember seeing this place before. I know it's "North" of Fabernum but I've been up there and I haven't seen this cave.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
A very nice screen. Quite atmospheric.
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
Very atmospheric.
Ok.... what supposedly died there? A 2000 liters bag of blood conserves? The whole cave is empty and boring, the dude doesn't throw a shadow, the textures are so 2003, especially the blood. And if you want something to look "foreboding", as in exciting, don't make the main actor walk from the dark into the light, but the other way around.
A photo of a brick with a snail on it couldn't excite me any less.
hes obivously playing with shadows off. alot of blood im guessing its from all the prey the white bear has eaten.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
I'm not impressed ok?
yea i guessed that, but still it doesnt change the fact that the pic was used on massively or whatever as pic of the day/week or whatever which gives it some merit. Obviously thoguh you just hate anything mo related even 1 screesnhot is enough for you to start flaming it from every possible angle when most would consider it a ncie screenshot and move on.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
I think you are reading wwwaaaaay to much into this. Its simply a cool screenshot (IMO). Talking about a body to blood ratio. lol, I suppose if its a giant panda bear with claws, it won't phase your 'realism' sense at all, but to have 3 liters of blood where there should be two, pushes the bounds of the imagination. Its simple a cool pic or it isn't.
I self identify as a monkey.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
Regardless of the state of the game, still a nice pic. Just my opinion...
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
That is a nice screenshot regardless of what the game is set on. Looks very nice.