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My young daughters loved playing lvl10-20 pvp BGs in wow..
Problem is they were using my account...
And I know longer wish to support Bliz (waiting for GW2)...not sure what I will do in the mean time.
SOOO what is a good F2P alternative that would have WOW like BGs?
Thanks a bunch.
Warhammer Online
Guild Wars
i shouhld have said F2P (free to play)...guess I am looking for something that i can play around with the kids too but dont want the caps of free trials (for myself) or we would just create some new free wow trials accounts...
so F2P mmo to kill time until GW2 with wow like battlesgrounds....
Guild Wars is the only B2P without a subscription.
AoC is alos F2P (with cash shop, and optional sub) now, but unless you sub you will never be competitve in pvp. it also has only about 6 battle grounds.
Allods has a few different types of PvP including ship battles and objective based pvp zones like battlegrounds.
Take a look at Wrath of Heroes, looks like they took the scenarios from Warhammer and made a separate game just from them, it's going to be f2p sign up for the beta and keep your fingers crossed.
Remember the good old days when devs made games just for the sake of making a great game?
They are forever gone now all they care is about how much they can earn from them, if they can't make millions they won't make that game.
Hi, It seems like alot of the previous posters are moroic. I dont normally post, I perfer to lurk but as you posed a sensible and unique question I thought I could throw you a lifeline :P
If your looking for a WoW clone:
Runes of Magic - Closest thing to wow I've seen. duel classes is the main "unique" aspect of the game where you get to roll two characters into one and certain spells bleed thru into each class you duel spec.
4story - Also a good F2P wow clone, not really played much of it.
WoW BG Clones: (most being topdown except LoCo)
League of Legends - This is esentially just like WoW BG and none of the games other content. You level within the Arena starting each time at level 1 and level to 20 (?) during the games 15-30min lifespan, the aim is to beat the enermy and destroy their base while defending yours.
Heroes of Newerth - Recently added a F2P option, similar to LoL but more "hardcore" and "elite" playerbase, in a nuttshell you may prefer this game over LoL but I think your daughters would not.
Land of Chaos Online - This is a fairly new title, F2P, Basically the same as the above two games but instead of being top down games LoCo is 3rd person like wow.
So there it is, hope one of these are suitable for your needs.
MOBA != WoW BGs. Lol.
I belive blizzard took the idea of BG's from DOTA, cant be too sure but they are very similar in the sence that two teams of unique classes or heroes battle to achive victory over enermy forces.
He asked for somthing similar to WoW BG's, MOBA is very similar.