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They reduced prices on gold consumables and ammo. The reduction is permanent de-facto. Lots of people shooting gold now. Not going to renew my premium account in 10 days.
Just a heads up to new players.
I play for free and am having a blast. I have my little hooptie tank and play my battles, trying to earn my experience for a few upgrades. Sometimes I get into battles where I have a good survivability index and some where i'm just meat. Even in the battles where i'm just meat, I have a good time seeing how long I can last, or how much damage I can inflict before getting waxed by some juggernaut.
My recommendation is to play for free. Let the experience come. You won't progress very fast with new tanks (Not fast at all) but its still fun.
I self identify as a monkey.
1- Gold is cheaper at the moment, wont last forever.
2- many people "shooting gold all the time" >in my experience< are from clans that give out free gold associated with owning gold producing map sections. This is free gold, not paid gold.
3- gold ammo does not = a win. You can beat gold ammo with regular ammo. Is it an advantage? Yes. A huge advantage? Definately not.
4- Still upset? play arty. Your game experience won't change much.
I agree that WoT has a certain level of "pay-to-play" ... I think anyone who argues it does not is not being intellectually honest.However, I would not deem it "pay to win" I would call it "pay for advantage".
Having a Lowe is a big advantage, but does not equal win.
Having gold consumeables is an advantage.. but honestly.. not much of one.
Having gold ammo is definately an advantage, but not an insurmountable or even massive one
And finally, ALL "paid" advantages CAN be gotten through clan war and gold wins. There is not a SINGLE advantage in this game that one cannot attain without paying a single red cent by banding together with skilled like minded players in a clan and conquring sections of the world map.
Those who do not have the time but have money can pay to xp up quickly and have a little bit of an advantage in combat.
Those that have zero money (what are you doing playing games on a computer with a broadband connection byt the way?? ..nevermind) and all the time in the world can get all the same advantage, it will just take more TIME
TIME = MONEY. choose your poison. Either way, it is possible to win.
1. The "moment" converted from being a weekend event once in a while into a month long affair. No sign of slowing down.
2. My experience is different. I see a steady raise of "gold-shooters", correlated with the price reductions. I could disregard it, when they were short episodes. Not anymore.
3. It does not affect the gameplay much when there are just a few people using it. Otherwise, combined with gold consumables, effect is rather significant.
4. Nothing really to comment here.
I think I'll get most of the tanks I want by the end of my paid premium. Was planning to keep premium to support the game, but not going to support the greed fest now.
You will change your opinion somewhere around tiers 8-9.
My recommendation is to play for free. Let the experience come. You won't progress very fast with new tanks (Not fast at all) but its still fun.
You will change your opinion somewhere around tiers 8-9.
"You will change your opinion somewhere around tiers 8-9."
- Agree
Last week, I saw two Lowe drivers apologize for using gold ammo in public matches. If two Lowe drivers apologize, how many more players do not? Gold ammo to win is more widespread than you believe. Gold ammo adds about 20% to penetration values so it does add a significant advantage.
Right now there's a huge emphasis on stats. The top clans won't recruit you unless you have around a high win rate. To get that high of a win rate, you must pay gold for experience to get the best equipment on your tank. Using your tank with subpar equipment just brings your stats down.
If you're just in it to play a decent game and win once in awhile, that's fine. If you're in it for clan wars or to play competitively, pick another game or spend a lot of cash...
Yeah, this game is so epicly buy2win. A buddy and myself were in 2 gold tanks in tier 1 and our team was losing bad, but we were fully decked out with 100% crew and full load of anything money could buy. It ended up with us 2 vs 8 or 9 of thier LOLtraktors and one other gold tank. So they surrounded us and charged, we blew up all the LOLtraktors, then thier gold tank came, and we blew him up. It was hilarious, the other team was cussing us out bigtime XD