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I was reading up on some EQ stuff and stumbled appon a Progression server. I think this is a BRILLIANt idea and the ppl at Blizzard should implement one in WoW. i would personally delete all my lvl 85's and move to this server if that was required to do so(of course it would not be but u get the idea) if u do not knwo what a progression server is gogole it. Would give ppl who werent arround in Vanilla or TBC to actually experience its content FULL like how it was back in the day...
I would resub . I started in BC so I never got to experience it from the start...It would be great and I would play until they added WOTLK.
i also posted this info on the actual blizz forums in hope that ppl get into it and blizz notices it and creats one
Sad to say..time to stop living in the past...Vanilla WOW was great during its time, it will never be so again. Blizz just wont do anything to remember the olds days. I was at the midnight release of every single expansion and I have to say, its time to explore the new games coming out.. sad to say the new games coming out arnt all that great but if one gets off the "AAA" highhorse, there are some promising indie games that are in need of support
Maybe if Blizzard had released an expansion pack every year since launch then yeah. But with only 3 expacks and the only difference in the packs level increases, a new class, some new pvp BGs and new zones to cover the level increases....yeah I don't think it warrants a progression server.
Matter of fact, THIS is the reason WoW is considered a pariah. It's a huge massive populated game that is as shallow as Tetris. EQ and heck even EQ2 with every expansion add so much content, that progression servers make sense with how much changes over each expack. Can't apply this to WoW at all.
Sorry, I liked WoW for what it offered, but I left when it didn't offer me anything else but the same old raid/dungeon grind. Been enjoying every other MMO that isn't afraid to throw in more depth and new content, plus at faster speeds, actually "earning" my monthly sub.
The EQ progression servers were a joke. I use to play on them and guilds flew through all the content extremely quickly and had to wait for SOE to put out more. It was fun for a very short time.
I played both games and I understand what you are saying. However, a progression server would do several things to make my "Wow" experience better.
First, the community would (I imagine) be composed of more mature folks in general. Second, leveling would be vastly slowed down from the current "road-runner" speed that it is. Third, the difficulty would be ramped up and raids could be done as they were intended (something I never saw) .
this is why i woudl love to see a server liek this implemented, the raids of old are now so easy a single 85 can run through them with ease...and the new players will never get to experience the excitment of fighting Ony at lvl 60 or even MC at 60...good stuff!
I don't think this would happen sorry to burst your bubble but the EverQuest progression server's were made to put some life back into a game that had touched many people that played from start up until Scars of Velious (I personally enjoyed EQ up until Lost Dungeons of Norrath but that is just me). The only way I see this happening is if a new powerhouse game kicks Blizzard of the Hill as King as starts to slowly die a slow death like EQ has been ever since WoW and EQ2 and even than I don't feel WoW will be able to substain the level of content everquest has or had. One day I can see it happening but that day is far off in the future if it exists, and if it does it would ulitmately be ruined by a gang of hardcore fans, power gamers, casual players, and new players, it'll be fun for a while than people will all go back to there other characters that they truly fell in love with during previous and 1st experience. This is all my personal opinion and experience with the 1st EverQuest progression servers the 2nd server has a vote if they go to the next expansion or if not and a lot of signs point to the game stopping at Scars of Velious since many EQ faithful feel the game changed at SoL (which it did greatly). With all that being said you should go and play the EverQuest progression server and see what WoW was built on and how drasticly different they are (chances are EQ now even in progression is still soft compared to Vanilla EQ)
and Cheer's to Elocke he beat me to some of what i'm trying to say in.
Pickled you Should see and old Plane of Fear raid my friend.
Sadly, you are probably right. I think WOW will begin to dumb down further and further while moving more towards free to play/casual. I imagine it will still be here in 5 years (look at UO and RS) albeit in a far diffrent way than it currently is (pricing/gameplay/etc.).
WoW will never go away as long as people will pay to play it and buy expansions it will stay.