Hmm, with the Devs already being so vocal in both theirs and's boards, its hard to find something that hasnt already been answered...
1) Will your character need to eat and drink from time to time? If so what benefits do you recieve from keeping your character well fed?
2) HJ will incorporate Live Events, how will this be handled with a zoned world and a good portion of instanced areas?
3) How many pets, currently, do you plan to allow a single player to own? Will you be able to tame a large variety of creatures, like dogs and cats to say, dragons and wyrms?
4) What percentage of the game will be instanced/common? 40/60, 30/70, 20/80?
Well thats all i can tihnk of now, ill let others get some in. (More screenshots this time )
Will the in-game Game Masters have the ability to create scripted things within the common world for events? ie. rocks sliding into a castle wall to knock it down, etc.
Will these Game Masters have the ability to temperarily overwrite a large common area with an instance for a day or period of time for an event so they can have scripted actions/mutable enviroment for the players to manipulate?
On the "PvP servers" I would hope there would be "team damage/FF" for the field/AoE spells, will such a thing take place?
These scripted/manipulatable items like the rockslide should be able to affect players in events or in pvp realms, will this be possible?
Currently the field spells (from the E3 video) look like they simply make the enemies run away after doing minimal damage (presume that damage is based on time spent in the field). What methods will players have to confine or prevent a monster from leaving/slow the field of damage? ie. blocking it in with the PC characters, walls of force, etc.
Could the dev team provide a combat walkthrough with text/specials/combat stances/status actions, even if it is just theoretical or tenetive or possibly release a video of combat (with key/mouse presses shown) from the E3 demo? It is important to see how interactive and different combat will be from other games to create more hype
How will your character(s) interact with the Nemesis type creatures mentioned in the Warcry dev chat?
Will there be societies in the game that will grant you special powers for doing certain deeds? (Ex: Council of Light, Voln, both from Gemstone IV)
Will characters have specific guilds that they can join once they become a certain level to learn new, guild-specific abilities? (Ex: GSIV Rogue Guild's Stun Maneuvers/Cheapshots, etc.)
If we choose certain abilities or skills we decide we don't like or don't want, for both our weapons and our items, will we be able to unlearn or remove the abilities from our weapons or items and place alternate ones on them?
Will classes be able to learn certain abilities that will give them better positioning in combat? For example, will a rogue be able to learn an ability similar to Gemstone IV's RGAMBIT TUMBLE ability, but instead of causing you to leap to your feet it allows you to roll behind an enemy to position yourself for a nice backstab?
Will people be able to pickpocket NPCs or other characters, or perhaps lift an item from a shop?
Will characters be able to play as a villain ever, to cater to the people who like to play as an evil alignment? Or perhaps will we be able to play on a side that makes us a 'hero', so to speak, with the 'bad guys' and a villain to the 'good guys'?
Will there be quests outside of instancing?
Are the devs paying very close attention to balance, so that no class combination is much better than any other?
When characters become more and more experienced (gain levels), will their standard auto-attack moves gain more and more finesse?
EDIT: On an RP server, will you be able to attack other players at will if it's within RP? For example, let's say you get your stuff stolen by a rogue. If you catch said rogue, can you RP a brewing conflict and up and attack each other without needing a /duel command? Think Gemstone/Dragonrealms. You can attack other players, but unless a player initiates a conflict (stealing, in this case), it's against game policy.
EDIT 2 (July 18): Will RP be very strictly enforced on RP servers?
Most of my questions have been asked already in previous replies to this one, but I have a question to add to the list that is very important to me in an MMORPG.
Will items/armour/weapons decay, wear out, get damaged until they break and can no longer be used or repaired?
The no.1 thing I cannot stand in mmorpgs is transient items like this, DAoC & SWG did it. I hated how you had to constantly craft or buy more gear/armour in swg as yours wore out. I say keep it like most other mmo's where you gear lasts forever if you choose to hang on to it for that long. Introduce skill/lvl requirements on equipment, that's the best solution to stop twinking.
Just from seeing the very first screen shots and reading an article about it a couple months back I can tell it's going to be something very special (using my exponential mmorpg experience). This mmorpg is my most anticipated at the moment even though it's so far off being released.
1.) What kind of rewards will there be for PvP? Basically, what motivation do you have, other than bragging rights, for attacking other players?
2.) Will there be any form of non-consensual PvP? Including areas of the world where there is no Law, where PvP is completely open.
3.) How steep is the level curve? Will one or two levels make all the difference in combat between players, or will a players strategies, tactics and raw skill be important?
4.) What kind of death penalty are the developers considering at this time? Will there be options, i.e., hardcore mode, etc.?
5.) When is beta, how do we get in, and can I buy you a drink, sweet thang?
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
1. I want to see in the game were tactics make a difference in the aspect that if i stand in a tactical place that monsters and other enemy characters cant just pass me by. If my party wants me to hold a position for defensive purposes or my party wants to keep the healer or spell caster safe the monsters have to cut there way threw or use a skill to get past the formation. In to many games i see creatures run right threw the party to get to the person that is casting spells or is the grater threat. I opened a message board if you want to add to this.
2. I was hoping that there is a customizable attack. Like the auto attack. Is there a way you can make a script to incorrupt faint, slice, chop, cut, sweep, bash, and changing to defensive and offensive positioning like in DragonRealms. In DR i really liked that there was so many attack choices and the benefits of using them. I liked that i could build a script to incorporate them in a faster method like a combo. Would there be any chance of adding this feature to the game.
How will the health system work? Will you just have a hit points total or will there be damage locations (head/arms/etc)? Will characters restore to full health over time or will there be any form of permanent damage that requires healer intervention? How will healing work (any healer class)?
2. Classes - Are there going to be classes? How many?
Yes. 12. The list can be found on this forum somewhere. Do a search.
5. Crafting - Can you build things from scratch or do you have to improve on what you find?
Both, probably. Depends on what you mean from scratch. If you want to smith a sword, you might be able to do that; Heroes sometimes make their own weapons, and some heroes are called heroes because they supplied the militia with enough arms to defend the city. Yeah, you can improve on what you find too.
6. Harvesting - Is there a way to gather raw materials for crafting beyond killing stuff?
Sounds like you're thinking of manufacturing rather than crafting in this game. So in a sense, no.
Will items/armour/weapons decay, wear out, get damaged until they break and can no longer be used or repaired?
More fun, less tedium. That's Simu's motto. If there will be breakage, you'll probably be able to sunder your opponents weapons as well, and they won't have a system that will piss people off. Therefore, it is doubtful they will implement a system that causes your stuff to permabreak.
3.) How steep is the level curve? Will one or two levels make all the difference in combat between players, or will a players strategies, tactics and raw skill be important?
It'll probably be like Simu's other games, meaning the level curve is not very steep. Strategies and tactics all the way.
4.) What kind of death penalty are the developers considering at this time? Will there be options, i.e., hardcore mode, etc.?
They won't say, but I would suspect that the following would happen, based on their other games: You will have to recover your HP, MP, Spirit (if they use that in the game) and Stamina, as well as your stats for a bit. After awhile, you'll be good to go. If you get a rez, these effects will be lessened. If you don't, they will be worsened. You may also be able to get favors with the Gods to lower the penalty. If there is Permadeath, it will most likely only occur if the favor system is in place and you have no outstanding favors. This answer is merely speculation though.
5.) When is beta, how do we get in, and can I buy you a drink, sweet thang?
Beta is later this year. You can get in by completing a survey, which is on their main page at I even started a topic about this. Goes to show that you should read the forums before posting questions. Ph34r the search button. And yes. Bawls, please.
I liked that i could build a script to incorporate them in a faster method like a combo. Would there be any chance of adding this feature to the game.
They are considering adding scripting abilities, yes. I know the GM's will get it...for the critters and such. For yourself, it's unconfirmed.
How will the health system work? Will you just have a hit points total or will there be damage locations (head/arms/etc)? Will characters restore to full health over time or will there be any form of permanent damage that requires healer intervention? How will healing work (any healer class)?
You will have a total amount of hit points. At this time, there will not be damage locations (See: other messages posted on this forum, i.e. "Body Part Targetting". Characters can restore to full health over time I bet, as they can in all other Simu games. There won't be any permanent damage unless a body part targetting system is released eventually. Healing may work in such a way that the healer will actually have to GIVE the person their hit points and then heal themselves, if they plan to do it empath-style. If they don't, it'll probably be your typical "I cast a spell and heal you to full ^_^" type system. I'd prefer empath-style though.
Please check out the MMORPG forums before asking any questions, everybody, for most of the answers that I have given can be found in various topics.
EDIT: Bah, I forgot a few!
Will the in-game Game Masters have the ability to create scripted things within the common world for events? ie. rocks sliding into a castle wall to knock it down, etc.
Will these Game Masters have the ability to temperarily overwrite a large common area with an instance for a day or period of time for an event so they can have scripted actions/mutable enviroment for the players to manipulate?
Dude. HeroBlade kicks our ass. Of course they will.
These scripted/manipulatable items like the rockslide should be able to affect players in events or in pvp realms, will this be possible?
I would imagine. After all, Simu wants you to use tactics. If it means dropping a rockslide on a player trying to kill you, then there ya go.
Currently the field spells (from the E3 video) look like they simply make the enemies run away after doing minimal damage (presume that damage is based on time spent in the field). What methods will players have to confine or prevent a monster from leaving/slow the field of damage? ie. blocking it in with the PC characters, walls of force, etc.
You could probably block it in with PC characters, but why not just have your team draw a triangle of fire around the enemy and then use an AE spell on them while the fire is still going? They will have nowhere to run. MWAHAHA!
Originally posted by Renian You will have a total amount of hit points. At this time, there will not be damage locations (See: other messages posted on this forum, i.e. "Body Part Targetting". Characters can restore to full health over time I bet, as they can in all other Simu games. There won't be any permanent damage unless a body part targetting system is released eventually. Healing may work in such a way that the healer will actually have to GIVE the person their hit points and then heal themselves, if they plan to do it empath-style. If they don't, it'll probably be your typical "I cast a spell and heal you to full ^_^" type system. I'd prefer empath-style though.
Please check out the MMORPG forums before asking any questions, everybody, for most of the answers that I have given can be found in various topics.
I already knew as much as you answered. That still doesn't come close to answering the question (hence the reason I posted it in this thread ) A "hit point" system can work concurrently with other health systems. Dragon Realms even has it, though it's called "vitality", it's far from your standard health system.
Will Hero's Journey be using the skill based learning system that's incorporated into the MUDs or will it be the standard Graphical MMORPG standard where you just get skills based on using the item and randomly get a level in it?
Originally posted by Lepidus The first two Q&As were written before I opened this thread. Turn-around times and all ;)This thread will begin to influence Q&As beyond #2... For example, in the next batch there are more questions from this thread than from me.
Oh ok cool, I was just a little confused thats all
Personnally I like grouping more, but like solo as an option if I don't feel like LFG....and at all levels, most games only have viable solo in the early stages.
Originally posted by anwar Is playing solo an option even at high levels? Personnally I like grouping more, but like solo as an option if I don't feel like LFG....and at all levels, most games only have viable solo in the early stages.
*nod* My interest in the game hinges on that very issue. I enjoy roleplaying and otherwise socializing with people, but I prefer to do the actual "character building" activities of the game on my own. I like to be able to set my own pace, do my own thing, and otherwise just wander around without worrying whether or not it's a problem for someone else. I'd still be having nightmares about the early days of Everquest if I hadn't had that section of my brain removed and sent to Verant with a bill for the damage. Kudos to those who enjoy the group concept, but the more accessible the game is to various playstyles, the more appeal it will have.
Yes, we will definitely have it so that in nearly all cases you'll be able to accomplish your goals as a solo. It might be harder to some degree which we haven't identified at this point but we plan on making nearly everything scalable to handle the variations in group size and dynamics.
Of course my critters are going to kill you all before you accomplish it but that's a given.
Originally posted by HJ-Uska Yes, we will definitely have it so that in nearly all cases you'll be able to accomplish your goals as a solo. It might be harder to some degree which we haven't identified at this point but we plan on making nearly everything scalable to handle the variations in group size and dynamics. Of course my critters are going to kill you all before you accomplish it but that's a given.GameMonster Uska
Are you guys able to make creatures that can climb on walls/ceilings? UXO tried to do it but scrapped the creature later on. I would love to see players and monsters able to climb certain faces such as cliffs and walls, it would add a whole new dimension to the game and open up the world so much more. I think Warhammer online was planning on letting you climb cliffs...
Not sure at this time. Some things like the paranoid ghoulish slimemonster should be able to flow up walls but until we build it I just am not sure what all we'll be able to do.
I'm sure you've realized, but I'd like to grind on this point a little more: Climbing walls is awesome.
Critters climbing and/or hanging from ceilings is awesome².
Climbing, if done well, could really set HJ apart from the crowd, even moreso than the spectactular art and unique game mechanics already in place.
----------------------------- Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
What means of travel will there be in HJ? One of UO's most uber traits were the runes (and one of the reasons my guild played the game for 5+ years). Being able to mark your own runes and travel by using these runes actually made you travel MORE in the game instead of the opposite effect. Lately, MMORPG's tend to fancy the "monotonous taxi ride route" where players are forced to ride or fly a pre-determined route to a set number of destinations, Or; Spend hours running there. This is fun the first couple of times but terribly tedious and boring after that and a waste of game-playing time. If Simutronic truly want to raise the "fun factor" in this game, they should really consider a highly flexible and fast travel system.
Also; Will there be mounts available and if so, will we be able to use them in battle as well?
I did a little digging and found my jaw on the floor when I discovered that Simutronics rewards those with a larger income.
I can understand how this would lead to the weeding out of the average player/casual gamer, who may be looking for an EQ clone, but how is paying upwards of $50.00/month (for a text-based game, mind you) going to translate to a game with such stunning graphics and options like Hero's Journey? Are we looking at $50.00/month as a baseline and added features and servers will fall somewhere in the $90-$100 range?
As much as I'm looking forward to this game, and how much I love to roleplay, I have a serious problem with someone reaching into my pocket for the very same things most other companies offer me for the same flat rate. Each character slot costs $2.50 extra?! This isn't Japan! We do not like to be nickel-and-dimed to death!
Granted, the GM events are likely the reason for so much cost, but there comes a time when the preciousness of the cargo is irrelevant because the burden is too great to be lifted.
If you can strike a balance at about $20 to $25 per month - with no 'l33t' servers or features, I'll grudgingly pay it for what you are offering - but I'll be satisfied that I'm getting my money's worth. Otherwise, I'm looking at paying through the nose for two to three accounts for my wife, my sister, and myself. I think a reality check needs to take place if Simutronics wants to realize greater success with a larger audience.
Here's the relevant info from the FAQ, for those who don't like to research:
How much does it cost? Each game you sign up for will be billed separately for unmetered play with no hourly rate at the following prices per month:
GemStone IV - $14.95DragonRealms - $14.95Alliance of Heroes - $14.95Modus Operandi - $14.95CyberStrike 2 (includes CyberStrike Classic) - $14.95
Premium services are available for most games at varying costs. Premium Memberships cost an additional $25.00 per month, and extra character slots cost an additional $2.50 per month.
GemStone IV and DragonRealms have Platinum Packages for $49.95 per month which include Premium, Basic, and access to a second (Platinum) version of the game.
DragonRealms: The Fallen is a no-holds-barred verson of DragonRealms, and is $5.00 in addition to the DragonRealms Basic subscription.
Hmm, with the Devs already being so vocal in both theirs and's boards, its hard to find something that hasnt already been answered...
1) Will your character need to eat and drink from time to time? If so what benefits do you recieve from keeping your character well fed?
2) HJ will incorporate Live Events, how will this be handled with a zoned world and a good portion of instanced areas?
3) How many pets, currently, do you plan to allow a single player to own? Will you be able to tame a large variety of creatures, like dogs and cats to say, dragons and wyrms?
4) What percentage of the game will be instanced/common? 40/60, 30/70, 20/80?
Well thats all i can tihnk of now, ill let others get some in. (More screenshots this time )
Will the in-game Game Masters have the ability to create scripted things within the common world for events? ie. rocks sliding into a castle wall to knock it down, etc.
Will these Game Masters have the ability to temperarily overwrite a large common area with an instance for a day or period of time for an event so they can have scripted actions/mutable enviroment for the players to manipulate?
On the "PvP servers" I would hope there would be "team damage/FF" for the field/AoE spells, will such a thing take place?
These scripted/manipulatable items like the rockslide should be able to affect players in events or in pvp realms, will this be possible?
Currently the field spells (from the E3 video) look like they simply make the enemies run away after doing minimal damage (presume that damage is based on time spent in the field). What methods will players have to confine or prevent a monster from leaving/slow the field of damage? ie. blocking it in with the PC characters, walls of force, etc.
Could the dev team provide a combat walkthrough with text/specials/combat stances/status actions, even if it is just theoretical or tenetive or possibly release a video of combat (with key/mouse presses shown) from the E3 demo? It is important to see how interactive and different combat will be from other games to create more hype
How will your character(s) interact with the Nemesis type creatures mentioned in the Warcry dev chat?
Will there be societies in the game that will grant you special powers for doing certain deeds? (Ex: Council of Light, Voln, both from Gemstone IV)
Will characters have specific guilds that they can join once they become a certain level to learn new, guild-specific abilities? (Ex: GSIV Rogue Guild's Stun Maneuvers/Cheapshots, etc.)
If we choose certain abilities or skills we decide we don't like or don't want, for both our weapons and our items, will we be able to unlearn or remove the abilities from our weapons or items and place alternate ones on them?
Will classes be able to learn certain abilities that will give them better positioning in combat? For example, will a rogue be able to learn an ability similar to Gemstone IV's RGAMBIT TUMBLE ability, but instead of causing you to leap to your feet it allows you to roll behind an enemy to position yourself for a nice backstab?
Will people be able to pickpocket NPCs or other characters, or perhaps lift an item from a shop?
Will characters be able to play as a villain ever, to cater to the people who like to play as an evil alignment? Or perhaps will we be able to play on a side that makes us a 'hero', so to speak, with the 'bad guys' and a villain to the 'good guys'?
Will there be quests outside of instancing?
Are the devs paying very close attention to balance, so that no class combination is much better than any other?
When characters become more and more experienced (gain levels), will their standard auto-attack moves gain more and more finesse?
EDIT: On an RP server, will you be able to attack other players at will if it's within RP? For example, let's say you get your stuff stolen by a rogue. If you catch said rogue, can you RP a brewing conflict and up and attack each other without needing a /duel command? Think Gemstone/Dragonrealms. You can attack other players, but unless a player initiates a conflict (stealing, in this case), it's against game policy.
EDIT 2 (July 18): Will RP be very strictly enforced on RP servers?
I thought of a few questions for the next round:
1. Pricing - Are they going to be competitive (~10-15 a mo.) This will probably decide if I play or not.
2. Classes - Are there going to be classes? How many?
3. If there are classes, can you switch classes after starting a character or are you stuck?
4. House - Can you build housing to show your friends or is it instanced?
5. Crafting - Can you build things from scratch or do you have to improve on what you find?
6. Harvesting - Is there a way to gather raw materials for crafting beyond killing stuff?
7. Inventory - Limited space?
8. Trade - Auction House / Baazar in the major towns? All connected? Seperate economies?
I'll leave it at that, hope the questions help w/ your next article.
Most of my questions have been asked already in previous replies to this one, but I have a question to add to the list that is very important to me in an MMORPG.
Will items/armour/weapons decay, wear out, get damaged until they break and can no longer be used or repaired?
The no.1 thing I cannot stand in mmorpgs is transient items like this, DAoC & SWG did it. I hated how you had to constantly craft or buy more gear/armour in swg as yours wore out. I say keep it like most other mmo's where you gear lasts forever if you choose to hang on to it for that long. Introduce skill/lvl requirements on equipment, that's the best solution to stop twinking.
Just from seeing the very first screen shots and reading an article about it a couple months back I can tell it's going to be something very special (using my exponential mmorpg experience). This mmorpg is my most anticipated at the moment even though it's so far off being released.
Eternal items...pah.
On topic:
1.) What kind of rewards will there be for PvP? Basically, what motivation do you have, other than bragging rights, for attacking other players?
2.) Will there be any form of non-consensual PvP? Including areas of the world where there is no Law, where PvP is completely open.
3.) How steep is the level curve? Will one or two levels make all the difference in combat between players, or will a players strategies, tactics and raw skill be important?
4.) What kind of death penalty are the developers considering at this time? Will there be options, i.e., hardcore mode, etc.?
5.) When is beta, how do we get in, and can I buy you a drink, sweet thang?
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
1. I want to see in the game were tactics make a difference in the aspect that if i stand in a tactical place that monsters and other enemy characters cant just pass me by. If my party wants me to hold a position for defensive purposes or my party wants to keep the healer or spell caster safe the monsters have to cut there way threw or use a skill to get past the formation. In to many games i see creatures run right threw the party to get to the person that is casting spells or is the grater threat. I opened a message board if you want to add to this.
2. I was hoping that there is a customizable attack. Like the auto attack. Is there a way you can make a script to incorrupt faint, slice, chop, cut, sweep, bash, and changing to defensive and offensive positioning like in DragonRealms. In DR i really liked that there was so many attack choices and the benefits of using them. I liked that i could build a script to incorporate them in a faster method like a combo. Would there be any chance of adding this feature to the game.
I'm going to answer some of your questions now.
Yes. 12. The list can be found on this forum somewhere. Do a search.
Both, probably. Depends on what you mean from scratch. If you want to smith a sword, you might be able to do that; Heroes sometimes make their own weapons, and some heroes are called heroes because they supplied the militia with enough arms to defend the city. Yeah, you can improve on what you find too.
Sounds like you're thinking of manufacturing rather than crafting in this game. So in a sense, no.
More fun, less tedium. That's Simu's motto. If there will be breakage, you'll probably be able to sunder your opponents weapons as well, and they won't have a system that will piss people off. Therefore, it is doubtful they will implement a system that causes your stuff to permabreak.
It'll probably be like Simu's other games, meaning the level curve is not very steep. Strategies and tactics all the way.
They won't say, but I would suspect that the following would happen, based on their other games: You will have to recover your HP, MP, Spirit (if they use that in the game) and Stamina, as well as your stats for a bit. After awhile, you'll be good to go. If you get a rez, these effects will be lessened. If you don't, they will be worsened. You may also be able to get favors with the Gods to lower the penalty. If there is Permadeath, it will most likely only occur if the favor system is in place and you have no outstanding favors.
This answer is merely speculation though.
Beta is later this year. You can get in by completing a survey, which is on their main page at I even started a topic about this. Goes to show that you should read the forums before posting questions. Ph34r the search button. And yes. Bawls, please.
They are considering adding scripting abilities, yes. I know the GM's will get it...for the critters and such. For yourself, it's unconfirmed.
You will have a total amount of hit points. At this time, there will not be damage locations (See: other messages posted on this forum, i.e. "Body Part Targetting". Characters can restore to full health over time I bet, as they can in all other Simu games. There won't be any permanent damage unless a body part targetting system is released eventually. Healing may work in such a way that the healer will actually have to GIVE the person their hit points and then heal themselves, if they plan to do it empath-style. If they don't, it'll probably be your typical "I cast a spell and heal you to full ^_^" type system. I'd prefer empath-style though.
Please check out the MMORPG forums before asking any questions, everybody, for most of the answers that I have given can be found in various topics.
EDIT: Bah, I forgot a few!
Dude. HeroBlade kicks our ass. Of course they will.
I would imagine. After all, Simu wants you to use tactics. If it means dropping a rockslide on a player trying to kill you, then there ya go.
You could probably block it in with PC characters, but why not just have your team draw a triangle of fire around the enemy and then use an AE spell on them while the fire is still going? They will have nowhere to run. MWAHAHA!
Take a look at the topics... The tope one "Billon dollar question" that was ment as a Reply to this topic
I already knew as much as you answered. That still doesn't come close to answering the question (hence the reason I posted it in this thread ) A "hit point" system can work concurrently with other health systems. Dragon Realms even has it, though it's called "vitality", it's far from your standard health system.
I didnt see any of those questions in the Q&A posted in this thread... none of our questions were there.
The first two Q&As were written before I opened this thread. Turn-around times and all
This thread will begin to influence Q&As beyond #2... For example, in the next batch there are more questions from this thread than from me.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
Will Hero's Journey be using the skill based learning system that's incorporated into the MUDs or will it be the standard Graphical MMORPG standard where you just get skills based on using the item and randomly get a level in it?
Oh ok cool, I was just a little confused thats all
(p.s, ask for more screenshots next time )
Is playing solo an option even at high levels?
Personnally I like grouping more, but like solo as an option if I don't feel like LFG....and at all levels, most games only have viable solo in the early stages.
*nod* My interest in the game hinges on that very issue. I enjoy roleplaying and otherwise socializing with people, but I prefer to do the actual "character building" activities of the game on my own. I like to be able to set my own pace, do my own thing, and otherwise just wander around without worrying whether or not it's a problem for someone else. I'd still be having nightmares about the early days of Everquest if I hadn't had that section of my brain removed and sent to Verant with a bill for the damage. Kudos to those who enjoy the group concept, but the more accessible the game is to various playstyles, the more appeal it will have.
Yes. The devs said this would be so.
Yes, we will definitely have it so that in nearly all cases you'll be able to accomplish your goals as a solo. It might be harder to some degree which we haven't identified at this point but we plan on making nearly everything scalable to handle the variations in group size and dynamics.
Of course my critters are going to kill you all before you accomplish it but that's a given.
GameMonster Uska
Critters Rule
Are you guys able to make creatures that can climb on walls/ceilings? UXO tried to do it but scrapped the creature later on. I would love to see players and monsters able to climb certain faces such as cliffs and walls, it would add a whole new dimension to the game and open up the world so much more. I think Warhammer online was planning on letting you climb cliffs...
Not sure at this time. Some things like the paranoid ghoulish slimemonster should be able to flow up walls but until we build it I just am not sure what all we'll be able to do.
GameMonster Uska
Critters Rule
I'm sure you've realized, but I'd like to grind on this point a little more: Climbing walls is awesome.
Critters climbing and/or hanging from ceilings is awesome².
Climbing, if done well, could really set HJ apart from the crowd, even moreso than the spectactular art and unique game mechanics already in place.
Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby
What means of travel will there be in HJ? One of UO's most uber traits were the runes (and one of the reasons my guild played the game for 5+ years). Being able to mark your own runes and travel by using these runes actually made you travel MORE in the game instead of the opposite effect. Lately, MMORPG's tend to fancy the "monotonous taxi ride route" where players are forced to ride or fly a pre-determined route to a set number of destinations, Or; Spend hours running there. This is fun the first couple of times but terribly tedious and boring after that and a waste of game-playing time. If Simutronic truly want to raise the "fun factor" in this game, they should really consider a highly flexible and fast travel system.
Also; Will there be mounts available and if so, will we be able to use them in battle as well?
Thank you
I did a little digging and found my jaw on the floor when I discovered that Simutronics rewards those with a larger income.
I can understand how this would lead to the weeding out of the average player/casual gamer, who may be looking for an EQ clone, but how is paying upwards of $50.00/month (for a text-based game, mind you) going to translate to a game with such stunning graphics and options like Hero's Journey? Are we looking at $50.00/month as a baseline and added features and servers will fall somewhere in the $90-$100 range?
As much as I'm looking forward to this game, and how much I love to roleplay, I have a serious problem with someone reaching into my pocket for the very same things most other companies offer me for the same flat rate. Each character slot costs $2.50 extra?! This isn't Japan! We do not like to be nickel-and-dimed to death!
Granted, the GM events are likely the reason for so much cost, but there comes a time when the preciousness of the cargo is irrelevant because the burden is too great to be lifted.
If you can strike a balance at about $20 to $25 per month - with no 'l33t' servers or features, I'll grudgingly pay it for what you are offering - but I'll be satisfied that I'm getting my money's worth. Otherwise, I'm looking at paying through the nose for two to three accounts for my wife, my sister, and myself. I think a reality check needs to take place if Simutronics wants to realize greater success with a larger audience.
Here's the relevant info from the FAQ, for those who don't like to research:
How much does it cost?
Each game you sign up for will be billed separately for unmetered play with no hourly rate at the following prices per month:
GemStone IV - $14.95DragonRealms - $14.95Alliance of Heroes - $14.95Modus Operandi - $14.95CyberStrike 2 (includes CyberStrike Classic) - $14.95
Premium services are available for most games at varying costs. Premium Memberships cost an additional $25.00 per month, and extra character slots cost an additional $2.50 per month.
GemStone IV and DragonRealms have Platinum Packages for $49.95 per month which include Premium, Basic, and access to a second (Platinum) version of the game.
DragonRealms: The Fallen is a no-holds-barred verson of DragonRealms, and is $5.00 in addition to the DragonRealms Basic subscription.
What the heck is included in the Platinum Package? For $50 I'd better have a personal GM...