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For those of you who wish to know about FFXI

ShinimouShinimou Member Posts: 14

FFXI is an invoative and difficult MMORPG, you won't just pointlessly slaughter things and become max level in a month like WoW, in a month... if your real good... and you have high level whm friends you might make it to 40+ which is still very far away from the max level. there are 2 reasons for this

1) it makes the game more rewarding when you get to higher levels and the game becomes very addicting and you can easily look back upon previous events your characters have experienced and they will be like little happy memories

2) Square likes money, the longer it takes for you to finish, the bigger their pockets get.

now, that said square isn't stupid and, like usual they have thrown togther a very deep interesting story that takes place between 3 kingdoms. (I'll be honest, you get the story through missions... first couple missions... don't expect much, they roughly treat you like a nobody... cause techiquly... your character is new, and generally... a nobody) the story lovely and the intro movie itself can almost make you immediatly want to get far into it.

lastly, the class/race system. instead of saying choose one class and be a good little human, your given 5 diffrent races, each with there own independent backround that you can learn about throughout the game, like most games each race has their own strengths and weaknesses, the races are Humes,Tarus,Elvaans,Galka and Mithra. after you choose your race you choose one of the many jobs Square leaves for you to choose.

Humans:Basic everyday humans, nothing to see here
Strength:No one Cares what class you choose because you can do any job decently
Weakness: Rarely do humes ever be called the best choice for the job... there stats are balanced after all

Taru: Wee little people that are very smart
Strength: Highest INT Greatest MP AKA: Good Mage
Weakness:Don't Be a Melee... Little people= Weakling compared to others... also know this ahead of time, regardless of what class you are... your cute... you can be Dark Knight Artifact Armor Screaming how your going to destroy the world, and people will just go SOOOOOOO CUTE (*^_^*) ... Soo Learn to Deal with it.

Mithra: Catwomen, Fast and Accurate, not many men though so they are kept in the village and the women run society.
Strength:Fast and Nimble, Good for Theif or Ranger
Weakness: Low on Charisma and Vit, i suggest no Paliden or Beastmaster. also... can't be a male mithra

Elvaan: Strong Noble Elvaans Blah Blah Blah
Strength:Highest Mind (Healing Stat) and Strength, good for almost everything... almost
Weakness: 2nd lowest MP, Low Dex.... don't be a Theif...

Galka:Take Arnold Swarternager mix him with an Ape, you got a galka, there are no female Galka cause Square knows the fine line of Creepy and Nightmarish. these incredible hulks are believed to Reincarnate.
Strength: Highest Defense and Great Attack, Great for Almost ANY melee job
Weakness:Lowest MP, Low Mind and Intellegence, Really not meant to be a mage.

Then there are the Jobs, which... there are quite the few... soo i am just gonna break them up to 3 Catagories 1)Tanks 2) Damage Dealers 3) Support

You'll Normally Find when looking for a party to Join, If your a Support, you'll get a party Quick, if a Tank you'll get one anywhere between 5min to an hour and if your a damage dealer... well that just depends on your choice of damage dealer and how many of them are you.

If your thinking of playing this game, just know this one damn thing, it requires understanding and patience, you don't have either of those things your going to have a hard time. cause we're gonna talk about the last thing on this list. Money AKA: Gil. Gil is hard to obtain, monsters give items which you have to sell in order to get money, givin enough you could end up with a decent amount of chump chains but other times Items you desprately need will be very expensive and your gonna have to farm for a long time, some people just buy gil, which i admit would be nice when i think about it (I'll admit it if i had full access to a credit card i would totally do it...) which of course has screwed up the economy a tad. but other then that, the game is great. good people, good enemies, good variarty of choices, Ahh FFXI the Addicting cocaine to video gamers.

PS: People will argue that FFXI is bad because it doesn't have PVP... essentially that is true but we do have Ballista, which is roughly a diffrent type of PVP... just imagine a football game where a player from the opposing side had the ball lodged the chest so you had to kill him to get it out... then run to the net... cause... the balls in your chest now... and the other teams looking at you funny.

PSPS: I have terrible Grammer skills... please don't mock them... -_- oh and if you get the game... dear god make sure you read the manual.


  • PimpslayerPimpslayer Member Posts: 205
    imageThats what I love about this game. It;s a slow progression with almost endless things to do along the way. There are so many options. The kind of MMOs that last will be the best in the end.

    Can someone please make me a sig. I would like it to have something to do with an eagle(the bird) Somewhere near the eagle can you put the words "Global Defense Initiative". Could you also have the line "If you can't buff up, don't step up!". Thanks!

    Private Message me about it!

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    FFXI was interesting, but i dropped out of it after only 2 weeks (not even to the end of my 30 day period) for 3 reasons, the main one for me was the graphics, compared to swg and wow, ffxi doesnt really cut it, at highest resolution, i dont recommend going above 1024x768, i tried it at 1280x1024 which is my normal resolution, (nvidia 6800 gt 256) but the graphics were blocky, even set for highest in game resolution, out in the wild it was hard to see things that werent 'very' close by, or at least differentiate one creature from another. also the general landscaping was, unappealing, perhaps this is to make the game able to work on much lower spec machines, but, the game definitely suffered because of it. the next problem i encountered was a distinct lack of other people, whether this was because i was in the uk, (european time zone) i dont really know. the third and deciding factor was the game play, it is really slow, and the control system is probably the most user unfriendly i've encountered in any online game, and takes some getting used to, i'd really only recommend this game for someone who is really into the final fantasy games, the combat is based on the ffvii limit break by the looks of things, and is not the sort of game i'd recommend for the casual gamer.. or anyone new to mmorpgs in general, as it could dissuade them from trying others.
  • ShinimouShinimou Member Posts: 14

    To be honest i have never seen the game to be blocky at all, things run fine on my PS2 and on my crappy ass computer, are you sure you managed your settings right? and yes the controls aren't exactly the easiest thing to manage but given a week or 2 you should have learned them quite easily.

     as for the lack of people that changed quite swiftly, whenever this game is released in other locations there is a HUGE boom of people, this game is also the very first MMORPG to go multiconsole in which you can still connect to the same servers. PS2 players, Windows players and the soon to be XBOX 360 players all can play together.

     I've played FFXI for over a year and the only times i ever wanna quit is when i have to get my character Artifact armor.... but that much later in the game, and alot of people i know just don't bother with it. image

    well anyways, thats my 2 gil

    PS: when the XBOX 360 release is out i predict an even larger Population.

  • ShinimouShinimou Member Posts: 14
    I Recently found out about Maats hat, that Japenese player is just crazy.... maxed every job.... just... amazing.
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