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$14.99 a month
$41.97 for 3 months
$77.94 for 6 months
Seriously, the people speculating on the monthly sub, expecting EA to come out and announce ridiculously high prices (what was it... $20, $25 a month?) had become my all time favorite MMO prelaunch posters.
To give them some credit though, I was wrong about the bundle costs. While the 1 month is standard, they are charging roughly $18 more for a 6 month bundle than most titles would. I can live with that, although I expect some of the standard "discount" deals MMOs offer these days won't be seen with SWTOR.
Also: the prices in euro's are not the same numbers but take the balance between the currencies into account. Always annoyed me when publishers went for the "15 of whatever" route.
My brand new bloggity blog.
I was relieved when I saw this, but then the "Cash Shop" worries kicked in. I have always believed that if you subscribe to a game, then EVERYTHING should be included in that payment. Unfortunately, the trend, even by companies that promise to never do this, is to open up a cash shop and try to sell "fluff" cosmetic items. Also they did say something about a standard subscription with a twist.
Here is to hoping that BioWare does NOT go this route.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
But.... ... wheres the "twist" ?
Yeah I agree. The sub prices are fine, but a sub really should come with everything...otherwise WTF are you paying for? Server maintenance and bandwidth fees are a load of crap. $15 a month from 100,000 people make those fees look like a drop in a bucket.
So the only thing you can reasonably assume you're paying for is a continuous stream of new content and/or excellent support. Since support in MMORPGs is typically horrible, I expect to have new content released relatively frequently.
If EA tries to charge for cosmetic items AFTER receiving sub fees then this is absolute crap. Hopefully this won't happen.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
I give SWTOR at most 2yrs before cash shops and item shops show up along with some kind of free to play up to lvl 20 or so.
in the Ferrari or Jaguar switching four lanes with my top down screaming out MONEY AIN'T A THING
A cash shop for meaningless shinies is inevitable. EA does this with other titles already and would be foolish not to do so here. Will you pay $5 for the super sexy puple saber color crystal? Maybe not but plenty of folks will.
I couldnt possibly agree more and frankly, If I were EA, i would absolutely have in game EA vendors that will allow you to purchase shinies (as long as they dont affect game play or make things unbalanced). its a great way to generate extra revenue. people should be able to "resell" them too. you could have a REAL economy ! lol (my little bar that i own in florida)
I think they will test the waters first,if they hold onto a few million subs they might throw a cashshop into the mix.But then again im only guessing hehe:)
EA is charging the same price as WOW
- $14.99 per month for a month-to-month recurring subscription
- $13.99 per month for a 3-month recurring subscription *
- $12.99 per month for a 6-month recurring subscription *
EQ2 fan sites
WHAT!!!?? They AREN'T going to allow me to barter for my monthly sub with black market human organs after all!!!??
BLEEP!!!!! Guess I'd better go clean out my deep freeze then.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Ye... so where IS the "twist" they were talking about..? It got cancelled?
And about a cash shop... didnt they say long ago that there would be a cash shop in the game, and then never talked about it again? Could have sworn there was a minor "outrage" about it some time ago...
The twist will come later. First they need to make as many as possible addicted. After that they can milk the brainless in every way possible
Sadly EA just started testing the water with stat boosting items in WAR. Pets with a 5% boost to a chosen stat, stat depends on which color pet you decide to have. Hopefully they're just trying to milk a dying game for some more cash with that one though.
I am fine with the new sub fees. Hopefully if they do add a cash shop though it is just fluff stuff and not actual items with stats etc. That is where cash shops can ruin games. That is called P2W (Pay to Win)
Other than I'm used to paying a bit less for going with a longer sub I can live with it because I still tend to sub month to month anyway as far as a cash shop goes I honestly play my games mmorpg's and all for vastly different reasons than the thrill of being better than someone so I couldn't care less if there is a cash shop or what kind of items are in it if I want to pvp I'll do it and don't care about wons and losses so couldn't see myself constantly hung up on worrying if a person "paid to win or not". Hell the way I see it is a cash shop is better for a player like me because of all the others who will spend money in it thus helping BW with development costs for content updates.
This had me laughing so hard the office just stopped and looked at me like wth is so funny. Thank you for making my afternoon. I always wonder why I read some this garbage that people post and occasionally I find one like this that makes me laugh. Well done.
I'm sorry but why is this a big deal? Who was surprised by this. $15 a month is the standard. This is not news worthy.
But I guess this is what happens when a company treats it's game like it's the Manhatten Project. People will speculate on anything and everything. FFS people on the OBoards were ASKING to be charged more money per month than the standard for TOR. Jesus Tits I don't understand people...
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Got the numbers for Euros, or even Pounds fella? I wasn't too happy with their change in pricing via subscription with WAR recently but at least they still sold the time codes on Origin for the proper prices so it ended up working out.
I agree with you. Two years max. FtP I'm not sure on though.
The massive amounts of people that bought the CE just for the Shop has proved a very dangerous point about what gamers will pay extra for. They have proved that they will pay extra money to be "different" than the rest. So welcome Cash Shop money whores.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
And here is the proof of what I'm talking about!
You SHOULD NOT have to pay extra for ANYTHING in this game! You are paying a sub, that is enough.
WTF is with people begging companies to charge more for things they have either took out of the game or are withholding it to be sold. Please stop it.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
I hope ToR has an extensive cash shop (cosmetic stuff only of course) .. I want to see light saber / blaster bolt colors, maybe some cool aura effects, like a high lvl sith could have some sort of dark mist around his hands or something. I love the choice of customizing my toon outside of farming rare items or having a "costume slot" for every peice of gear. I hope they have mini-pets in the store too
I think cash shop supporters need to speak up as much as the anti cash shop group.. otherwise companies like bioware might get the wrong idea :-)
As long as it stays cosmetic only, I think its a companies choice and perfectly fine to put cosmetic cash shops in.. And as a gamer , sometimes I tend to spend alot of money on gaming.. so if my PC is far beyond specs for ToR, and I am going to play it for a very long time, I cant think of any other game I would rather spend my money on..
(well I do have the "Pays perfect world salaries" achievment, but we wont go into that... was a very dark time in my gaming life lmao
I am against any cosmetic cash shop in a p2p modle mmo.
Wheres the line stop? Where do devs start with holding cosmetic stuff back out of game to put it in the cash shop. This is a very slippery slope to go down.
Maybe if all the cosmetic items were attainable in game with reasonable effort I might could see a cash shop selling them for the lazy people . but im still not sure about that.
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Man I'm glad I'm not the only person that is seeing the problem here. But looking at the previous poster we are in the minority on this.
I still am amazed at the amount of people that are begging to give MMO companies more money than the sub costs. Ignorance is Bliss says it all.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.