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Im just wondering which pet is better? All my life ive been an animal lover, cause my parents influenced me about having animals since i was 5 yrs old. I had my 1st pet a dog that was given to my by my mom and dad. 2 weeks after, I found a lost cat in the backyard its was just a kitten a brought it home with my puppy. I raised the 2 of them well and seems like they dont differ on anything maybe just in appearance, they were both good pets and always plays and sleep with each other. Then I found out that cats and dogs are not enemies after all. A huge thing stiked me when my aunt came the next year in our house she hated my cat and told that it only destroys things and cannot even protect the owner. Also most of my friends dont like cats as well. I really dont know how to answer this question i wrote. But i want to hear from you guys.
Apparently this editor doesn't know nuthin 'bout no Unicode.
Cat owner's = evil, Dog owners = good: Some well known cat owners include Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler, Mike Tyson and Martha Stewart. See, cat owners are B@STARDS!!! Well known dog owners? None other than Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, and even Jesus! Yes, even Jesus, son of God. How can you not like dogs better than cats when Jesus had one? What are you, SOME KIND OF HEATHEN!?!
Dogs defend people: Have you heard of guard dogs? Don't you feel safer with a dog in the home? Even little dogs bark if someone tries to break in to give you a warning. Dogs = safety. What about cats? Did you ever see that Stephen King movie, "Cat's Eye"? In it, some people say cats steal people's breath. Is that what you want? To be sleeping and have some F#$%^#* cat STEAL YOUR BREATH!?! If so you deserve what you get!! What about man eating tigers? Have you heard of them? Do you want to be eaten by some f#$%!*^ species of cat? What are you, stupid???? Is that the type of behavior you want to reward in an animal?
HAHAHAHA!! My Opinion >_<
Dogs are loyal companions who love their masters and can get very protective. People are said to feel safer around a dog and more protected knowing that no one is going to break into your house with a dog there. Dogs also get on really well with children and can give your child a new companion and friend - especially if he or she is an only child.
I personally love dogs - my girlfriend is a cat lover but I really don't see a point to cats. I mean ok they are pets and they can cheer you up and keep your lap warm, but you have to buy litter trays, food and cat litter and what do they return? At least you can exercise with a dog, know that he will protect you and your home and have a loyal companion to be around.
I like both, but my experience with both has shown me that you can assume the specific nature of a dog by it's breed, with cats it's a mixed bag. A litter of dogs end up pretty similar, but a litter of cats end up drastically different, that is if half of them even survive (but that's darwin's law in action, really). I would say the vast majority of cats are complete assholes, but there are some that are smarter and better mannered than any non-primate mammal I've ever seen.
So my end verdict is that dogs are a safe bet, but on a rare occasion a cat will put them to shame.
~Also, where dogs are perfect guards and alarm systems, cats are perfect pest control. I seen one chase an opossum out of a giant tree, onto a fenceline, and then across it. F**cked his ass up.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
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Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Both can make truly excellent pets, but they do tend to have different qualities. Which type is "better" heavily depends upon what kind of relationship you are looking for.
Let me put it this way, a good relationship with a cat tends to be one between companions, two freinds that understand and support each other. Cats are distinctly individuals, they tend to resist being directly controlled (part of why training them can be so difficult)
A good relationship with a dog is that of master and pet. Because canines think in terms of pack hierarchy, they will always respect you more if you retain a semi-dominant role.
Their role in the household differs as well. A good dog can serve as a protector, physically guarding the pack and/or acting as an alarm system. A good cat can act to eliminate vermin. Principally rodents, but also other animals. My cat, when she was a bit younger, used to kill any snakes, including those of the poisonous variety, that came into the area around the house. Still not sure how she managed it without ever getting bitten.
The personalities of both groups vary widely. Dogs in particular have a broad spectrum. One noticable trend is that the larger breeds of dogs tend to have MUCH better basic personality traits than the smaller ones, partly because a nasty Chihuaua is just anoying (I'm not sure there is any other kind come to think of it.), a nasty Great Dane gets put to sleep, fast. The variances in feline personality don't seem to be quite as complex for the most part. You've got two main spectrums, the independant hunter vs dependent pet, and sociable vs loner. (A sociable cat that hunts works out pretty well, a very low maintenance pet that still likes being with you. Unfortunately, hunters are also more likely to get hit with a car or something.)
And you are correct, the whole cats vs dogs thing is an utter farce. The moment a decently behaved dog is taught to treat any feline as a part of the extended pack, they tend to be fine with the entire species. A dog chasing a cat is normaly either curious and wanting to play, or alarmed that something it doesn't recognize is around. Cats just don't like being chased and/or cornered for their part. I've got a Maine Coon cat and a Belgian Turvuran dog, both are quite old, around fifteen years. They sleep together on the same bed, and have done so most of their lives.
As mentioned before, which pet suits you better depends upon what kind of relationship you desire. As for me, I enjoy having both kinds around and utterly refuse to pick a favorite in between them.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
Depends what you want in a 'good' pet. I've had cats and dogs and dogs are just a lot more work. They need emotional care to thrive. Cats are content to be fed and given a clean litter box. Dogs also need help to exercise, walks runs, cats exercise themselves due to their paranoia and inability to tell a fake animal (toy) from real.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
I like dogs better. Dogs are really cute and have lots of energy. I find cats a little.....boring because they do nothing!! But I still like cats its not like i am saying I hate cats, I just like dogs better. Oh and all dogs don't "drool all over" and "smell" like it says at the top. Cats and dogs are both really cute. Dogs HAVE to be walked and get their energy out and I love that about them. All a cat does is sleep all day. If you don't want to take care of a pet with energy then get a cat. I like cats and dogs but dogs are my favorite. Also i can say dogs cause u can train them more than a cat and u can train the dog to go pee out outside instead of shovleing it almost everydayy
Cats are the best because they are exactly like people. Dog do whatever you tell them to do where a cat does what IT feels like doing. And man! kitty's are freaking cute and awesome man! dogs are cool and all, but cats are freaking awesome!Dogs bark, puke, poop, pee, fart, whine, eat, eat, poop. (inside) you get a good outside cat and all they do inside is. nap. so therefor cats are the freaking THE BEST! Cats rule and Dogs drool. Also cats are (generaly,not always):easyer to train, quiter,smarter, and more independent. these are not opinyons the are FACTS(dpending on the breed of course).
Dogs not only make good pets but also are useful to Emergency Services around the world; fire fighters, police, paramedics and many more. They can help search for people in a wreckage, sniff out drugs on drug dealers, chase down criminals what can a cat do? Blind people's lives are changed by guide dogs; it's amazing to think that a dog can change someone's life and allow them to do things that they would struggle to do before like going to town alone.
Huskies are a way of life in places like Alaska, where sled dogs are used as transport to get around the city with ease. Without dogs it would be very difficult and very expensive for people to get to town. Sled dogs can travel over 90 miles in a 24 hour period while pulling 85 pounds each - now try walking that far whilst carrying the same amount of weight and see how far you get!
Dogs are very intellectual animals and it amazes me that people can treat them as badly as they do. Even though some dogs go through hell with their owners, they never stop loving them. A dog is a companion for life..but sometimes people forget this and don't really think about the extra work or money and space needed to home a dog and it's the dog who truly suffers.
As the saying goes..dogs are a man's best friend..not just because of their loyalty and fun loving personalities, but also because of the effect that they have on people's lives on a daily basis.
Just remember, it takes space, time and money to care for a dog. They might be little as puppies but they grow, they take time and patience to train. They need care and attention, as well as exercise. Dogs are not just for Christmas!
Okay, my claws are out; if you haven't already guessed, I'm a cat lover! But hold on, I love dogs almost as much! I've had both my entire life, but I get the feeling that its my cats that need my defending this time!
I'm reminded of a conversation I had with one of my brothers at a family gathering, and as usual he was making fun of my liking cats more than dogs, and he decides to illustrate his point, and my "ignorance" by saying, "You're never gonna see a cat sniffing out drugs at the airport! And you're never gonna see one riding in the back of a cop car. Face it, they're useless!" (Did I mention my brothers' a moron?)
Yes, I would have to agree with his lame (oops, I mean astute!) observation; you never would see a cat at an airport or in the back of a cop car for the simple fact that they know they don't have to work for their food. They're smart enough to know that all they have to do is BE. They don't have to get all up in your face like dogs do!
It may actually have to be a case of being a dog or cat person. Personally, I'm more of a dog person who happens to be afraid of dogs. I know, it's something to laugh at. It's crazy but it's true. I just had some problems with my dog as a kid that's why I'm afraid of them, but I honestly love dogs. So does my partner.
LASERCATS beat them all!
Dogs will be your loyal companion to the bitter end and cats would leave you in a heartbeat if it finds better source of food.
While dogs are loved and respected by their owners, I have to say that cats are far better pets. I have two cats, they have been a part of my family for years, we keep them inside and they are perfectly trained. They are cleaner, they don't make messes and rarely am I kept awake at night due to barking. Our main experience has been with cats so my family decided it was time to get a dog. We took a family trip to the pound and we brought a beautiful dog who was a one year old boxer. My children were instantly in love with this dog and we decided he was the one, that was until we actually got home with the dog. We figured he would be a handful for about a week, as it took any animal a little time to get used to his new home and his new family, but we were wrong, he was a handful the whole time we had him. We found that there were numerous reasons for not keeping the dog and we helped him to find a good home.
Sure, cats like to sleep all day and are easy to take care of but what if you want to cuddle with a cat? Some cats are ok with cuddling if they're used to it. Most if not all dogs love you like you're their best friend and they make it look like they can't live without you. Well, of course they can't without you feeding them but after they eat they almost have this hint of a smile on their face like they're so happy to be fed. Cats just sit there and lick their paws and walk off to find their sleeping spot.
Cats aren't what some people want, not because they're bad animals but because some people are allergic to cats, that's another reason a dog is a better pet for me than a cat. Our dogs are our best friends. They learn new things everyday and make it so rewarding when they are so happy. Loving your pet is nothing like anything else in the world. I wouldn't trade my dogs for a cat....
I would trade a cat for a dog any day! Swimming in the pool or the lake with your dog is fun especially watching him dog paddle, running on the beach without a leash knowing he'll run side by side. Those are the kinds of things that you want to be able to do with your pet but would a cat do that? I don't know.. but I know most dogs would.
Just my opinion, dogs ARE for sure better pets for us than cats.
Cats. Small, cuter longer, and easier to take care of. Dogs are annoying, and just bark and ruin your carpet. I can't stand dogs...honestly though, fish are the best.
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale
I prefer cats. Why? because they are more independent and less demanding (don't need to walk em x times a day which can be a pain if the weather is bad) and , though this is entirely subjective, i like their apathy, they seem to never care unless they want to be fed.
Oh and lastly, they don't bark all the time, sometimes i feel like shooting my neighboor's dog for that reason.
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.
Hitler had a German Shepherd called Blondie. He killed him just before he killed himself.
I have a cat and a dog. After they pass away, I am done with animals. They cost a fortune to feed and maintain.
All my animals eat Science Diet. Then there are vet bills. Then there are Flea applications<----EXPENSIVE
Also, dont get a dog with long ears. Constant ear infections. I have a Bloodhound/Basset 50/50
Dogs are more needy than cats. You always need a babysitter or Kennel when you go out of town.
Cats you can leave for weeks as long as they have plenty of litter, food and water. They can amuse themselves by staring at a dot on a wall.
The answer to this OP, as with most things in life is: "It depends" It is kinda like asking, "What is better, DPS, Tanking or Healing?" (you get the idea)
Cats are much easier to maintain. We adopted sisters from the same littler. They have each other while I'm at work. Leave them enough food, water and littler and I can go on vacation for a week with no problems. If you ignore a cat they will learn to live without you. Key to raising a kitten, HANDLE IT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN WHILE IT IS YOUNG! Once they are accustomed to constant handling, they are tons easier to manage when they grow up. I used to carry my kittens around all over the house and now they still love being held. My other cats were treated more like dogs and now they prefer to be left mostly alone...
Dogs require walking, create more of a mess and more structured training. They can also be more rewarding for the effort since they are more interactive. Dogs fetch, some guard, you can go running with them. They have more variety in their sizes, temperaments, etc. Dogs are also a bigger responsibility, since if you get a larger one, you have to make sure they don't hurt someone else. I've never had a cat chase me down the road when I was out for a jog but my neighbor's rotty has!
I had one that would follow me whenever I left home on foot, up to the end of the block, but some random toddler almost kidnapped him once, and he liked to lay in the middle of the street and stop traffic. He was awesome.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
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He was lucky, i have seen dead cats on the road around here, sometimes traffic just doesn't want to stop.
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
Among those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress.