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I am totally backing down from my "Make a Lineage 3" to "Keep up with Lineage 2". I just think that Lineage 2 was a great suscess (err spelling) and should keep being updated. The graphics are by far the best I've seen and can not be challanged any where in the next 5 years or so. Even then it can always be updated. Also if a point in the strory ever comes to where something in the world has to change then they can always change it since the meaning of a persistant world is one that will keep changing. Errr, thats all I have to say.
RF Online|LostGrace-3x Cora Caster-Spirit Server-Active
Lineage 2|LostGrace-4x Elemental Summoner-Gustin Server-Deactivated, Kiltor-3x Elven Oracle-Gustin Server-Baned T_T
EQ2 has possiable the worst ones i have ever seen.
But EQ2 beats LIneage2 in landscape graphics though =/
Anyone can say that. But the can you back it up? =P
RF Online|LostGrace-3x Cora Caster-Spirit Server-Active
Lineage 2|LostGrace-4x Elemental Summoner-Gustin Server-Deactivated, Kiltor-3x Elven Oracle-Gustin Server-Baned T_T
look at screen shots
EQ2 character models are freaking clay models
Way to go maxxx. Defend that Lineage 2 even if you are way wrong.
Because thats so terrible? And so clay...
Everquest 2 is maintaining 7.7 ranking and has been in the top since it came out.
Lineage 2 however is at 6.8...
Ragnarok Online has 7.2
So on the topic of Graphics.
If you want to have 1000 matching twins of your character in every town on every server...
If you want to see Dark Elves in leather bondage straps
Of course you want to see white panty shots of Light Elves and Humans
play Lineage 2.
Yes the character models are nice, the faces have detail and the thighs and breasts are enhanced for your viewing pleasure...
BUT who has their thighs exposed? Their Middrift? buttchecks? Cleavage? When sword fighting monsters?
EQ 2 has similar graphics, better over all terrain and more realistic armor.
But what ever...Fan boys will always be fan boys
Never played EQ2, playing Lineage II right now (won it as christmass prize on this site :P) for 3 months free play. I realy can't say witch has the best graphics, but lineage II don't have them. Even WoW got insane graphics (perhaps you don't like the cartoon thingy).
And if you speak about character customisation, the best I have seen so far is in SWG and Eve Online. WoW, Lineage II and even GW are mostly clones of each other. What I want to see is a bit more content in Lineage II because at this time it is just grind and kill monsters and that is certainly not what I like to be doing. I will hang out the full 3 months to see if it gets better at higher level or not.
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
and what was the point of your reply?
Drips from me? I don't even play EQ2. I recently stopped playing L2.
So I am obviously a fan boy.
The discussion was about the graphics and they mentioned Eq2 has awful graphics in comparison to L2. I offered a counter point and screen shots.
Why don't you make pointless assumptions about things?
I made my point clearly. You haven't really added anything into the conversation, why do you bother?
Lineage2 has great character models. Albeit Unrealistic armor, and every one looks alike.
Eq2 has better background and terrain textures, but their character models are pretty good too.
If I had to choose, I would go with Eq2, because I don't need to see thongs and panties every time I enter battle.
You must remember that Lineage 2 is based on Unreal Engine 2.0 and is only limited to the engine's power.
With the unveiling of Unreal Engine 3.0 at E3 2004 and an even greater showcasing at E3 2005; Lineage 2 has far to go to improve in terms of graphics.
Unrealistic armour? ITS A FANTASY GAME!!!!
Light Armor 1
Light Armor 2
Heavy Armor 1
Heavy Armor 2
Heavy Set 1
Heavy Set 2
Robes 1
Robes 2
Now what is so bad about that Unrealistic armor? That's 8 out of hundreds of armors sets in L2, I think L2 has by far the best looking items out of any MMORPG out there right now.
Please find me a cooler looking Bow then (this) in any other MMORPG.
Ive been playing L2 for a few days now, and kind of enjoying it. It has some major flaws. The point and click interface is basically on the level of the free mmorpgs and there are free mmorogs with better arrow / wasd controls. Other then the controls, there isnt allot to gripe about, I suppose there is a bit of grinding, but for anyone who likes mmorpgs and didnt start playing with in the last year or so, this will feel totally natural.
L2, as do most mmos, needs better character customization. Guild Wars is horrible, ect but when games that are like 3-4 years old like AO have better character customization then your game, you know you need to do a better job of it I cant even make my toon fat, wtf, oh well. Maybe they will try to make it better in future attempts?
I would enjoy some more purposeful combat, just being level 25 Im not that experienced, but if you compare the involvement level of L2 v.s. WoW, GW, EQ2, or WOW, L2 is going to loose 100% of the time. The reason, I believe, why I, and any other traditional mmoer will enjoy L2 over anything else on the market is because the game gets better as it goes on, not worse.
In Eq2 the game play horribly degenerates, the raids are boring and the higher level quest dont have as much involvement as the lower level quest and require allot more work. I enjoyed the hell out of EQ2 in the lowbie levels when I was doing the little quest, but as I went on the game turned into a typical grind-a-thon, and while L2 may be a typical grind-a-thon it has a payoff in pvp, land control, fun mounts, and looks. Once you have your first long sword in EQ2, all your long swords are going to look like that, once you hit level 20 your armor may change its tint a little here and there, but its going to be the same mesh, there is no pvp, there is no land control, the solo content over level 30 is nonexistent.
About the graphics of L2 v.s. EQ2, I must say EQ2 wins, its much more impressive, however the artwork its self in L2 is far far superior, I wouldnt call EQ2s art bad, so much as I would call it uninspired, its very bland and typical fantasy art where as L2 has some very flavorful art work with allot of interesting design aspects.
I find the gamplay in L2 much more rewarding, like there is a point to it all, in EQ2 you cant even look forward to your toon looking cooler, never mind trainable mounts, castles, and mass pvp.
Id like to see a L3 "if" it improved in the areas I listed as being bad, character customization, controls, quest involvement ect..
Lineage is boring. nuff said
"BUT who has their thighs exposed? Their Middrift? buttchecks? Cleavage? When sword fighting monsters?"
Xena and Conan were practicaly naked. And in the fantasy genre they kicked major ass