I have a dog and two cats, and I love them all! But I have to say, as pets go, cats are certainly easier to have as a pet. First of all, they're litter trained. While having a litter box in the house isn't ideal, it means they can take care of business without my help. If I have a long day at work and can't get home in the middle of the day, it doesn't make any difference to their bladders, but I have to worry about the dog, who has to wait for me to take him outside. Cats get exercise on their own. Mine prefer getting the crazies around 11:00 each night, chasing each other back and forth across the house, and attacking the legs of my kitchen chairs. This also serves as great entertainment in case the cable gets shut off. My dog doesn't get his exercise quota unless I take him for walks, something I don't do nearly enough in the winter because I don't like being cold.
Cats are pretty self-sufficient. I can go away for a weekend and leave a pile of food and a big bowl of water, and they're good. But having the dog requires me to get someone to come over and let him out a couple of times each day that I'm gone.
So aside from the convenience benefits to me, my cats are very affectionate and can snuggle in my lap or next to me in bed (or in some cases on my head), and their purr is so relaxing and happy. My 60-lb dog, despite what he thinks, is not lap-cuddling size, and he takes up too much of the bed so I have to make him sleep on a big pillow next to the bed. And he snores.
Don't get me wrong, I love my dog and wouldn't give him up for anything. He's fun and entertaining and I've got him very well trained. But as far as I'm concerned, the better pet is the one (or in my case, two) that can be an active member of the household and take care of themselves except for a bowl of food and water each day, which I'm happy to provide for them.
n my opinion, dogs make much better pets than cats. Not that I have anything against cats, but have you ever tried teaching your cats tricks or getting them to listen to you? Granted, some cats are willing undergo training, but most of them have a mind and attitude of their own.
Though dogs have to be toilet-trained initially, while cats know where to go once you show them their litter box, most dogs are very intelligent and learn the proper place to do their business after a few training sessions. Also, basic commands like "sit", "stay" and "come" are quickly picked up, especially if you train with the help of treats.
It is also very comforting to know that there is someone who will always be there to welcome you home with a happy bark and a wagging tail. I myself own a BullDog, Roofie, and he is a very smart dog indeed. Everyday when I arrive home from school, Roofie immediately starts barking in joy before I even get to open the door! I just walk up to my doorstep and Roofie can already sense my presence. He never fails to cheer me up even when I had a bad day in school. Those who don't own dogs might not know this, but dogs are capable of smiling too! Other than a frantically wagging tail, Roofie's mouth curls up at the ends when he is happy!
Besides that, dogs will permit you to hold them in your lap and stroke their fur when you feel down and just need a warm furry ball for comfort. They can even sense when you are out of sorts, and automatically come to comfort you. Cats, however, do not usually come to you when called. In fact, my friend keeps a cat and I once witnessed her calling her cat and it stared back and walked away with it's head held high.
Having a dog can also mean the start of a better and healthier life for you. Bringing them out for their daily walks mean daily exercise. No more slouching in front of the television all day munching on chips. A young puppy can initially only go for short walks as it has not built up it's strength and stamina yet. Similarly, if you have not been exercising in a long time, it is a good idea to start with short walks. As the puppy gets older, it will be able to walk further and even jog with you. Thus by slowly increasing your exercise intensity to suit the puppy's growth stage, you and your puppy can be in the pink of health, and you can shed those extra pounds safely too.
To a dog, you are their master and their world. The love in their eyes when they look at you is enough to melt any heart. Their affection for us has no conditions. To a cat, you are their source of food and someone to show affection to when they feel like it. At other times, you are almost non-existent in their world. Thus, though cats and dogs are great pets, I personally prefer dogs over cats as I feel they can provide me with more fun, happiness and joy.
Well I have neither. My younger brother had a dog named "sparky" which I guess you can kind of called it my dog too. I prefer dogs over cats, the claw's on cats scare the living daylights out of me. I'm fearful they may scratch me but with dogs it's the pit bull's and rotweilers that scare me the most. I know I'm kind of off topic having flashbacks of my run ins with these animals. But to answer your question I prefer dogs (the little ones)! LOL
It all depends on your life style, personality and what roll you want a pet to play in your life.
Dogs will make better pets if you want a pet that you can take for walks and go places with and play with.
Cats are good pets if you want a pet that is easy to care for, and likes to settle on your lap and sleep.
A pet is just like having a child. If you are a working individual that won't have that time to care for your pet, then a cat would be better than a dog.
Most cats are inclined to be indoors, where as a dog goes crazy with the barking and chewing up pretty much anything they can get a hold of. Dogs like to go for walks, they like to be the center of attention, and very playful. A cat is really laid back and as long as you have a sofa or window sill they are pretty much content. Coming home from work tired are you going to want to play and walk the dog daily?
So overall I would say cats are better for the more relaxed, laid back people and dogs are more for the fun, outdoorsy never-out-of-energy people. No animal is really a better pet for all people, but a better type for you individually.
I think you will find most people are cat or dog people. I am a neither like them all.
Dogs are a lot of work. If you have the energy they are great. You do need to consider how much time you have. You are looking at training, grooming and lots of walking. If you are the type that does not like getting up earlier for work or walking in the not so great weather a dog may not be for you. You need to spend time training so your dog does not disturb people around you. And yeah then there is the poop scooping. Cats are definitely easier fresh food and water a couple times a day, some grooming depending on the breed and scoop the litter box a couple times a day.
Both will run you into some cash for the vet as both should have yearly checkups and vaccinations.
Either can be quite cuddly and either can be quite destructive. Pups and kittens can be high energy and pretty wild. Both should be spayed/neutered. If you are the type that likes to hit the local watering hole after work with the crew get a cat. If you like to take weekend trips get a cat. If you are the homebody type that is active a dog could work.
Dogs are man's best friend, cats are much more independent. If you want a empathetic and loving relationship, A dog is the way to go. Moreover, dogs are used for behaviorial therapy, cats aren't. Obviously, dogs are better pets when compared to cats for emotional support. Now when it come to cleaning up after them, dogs require more work, cats are less work. So there are plusses and minuses to both. Emotionally yes, dogs, for less maintenance, cats.
========================== The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
It depends on your definition of pet. If you enjoy a pretty roommate to look at that occasionally jumps on your keyboard, cats are the better pet. If you want a creature who actively wants to be around you and interact with you, your chances are much better with a dog.
Dogs will tilt their heads and try to understand every word you say. Cats will ignore you and take a nap.
Cats look silly on a leash.
When you come home from work, your dog will be happy and lick your face. Cats will still be mad at you for leaving in the first place.
Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born.
A dog knows when you're sad. And he'll try to comfort you. Cats don't care how you feel, as long as you remember where the can opener is.
Dogs will bring you your slippers. Cats will drop a dead mouse in your slippers.
When you take them for a ride, dogs will sit on the seat next to you. Cats have to have their own private basket, or they won't go at all.
Dogs will come when you call them. And they'll be happy. Cats will have someone take a message and get back to you.
Dogs will play fetch with you all day long. The only thing cats will play with all day long are small rodents or bugs, preferably ones that look like they're in pain.
Dogs will wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.
I think you will find most people are cat or dog people. I am a neither like them all. Dogs are a lot of work. If you have the energy they are great. You do need to consider how much time you have. You are looking at training, grooming and lots of walking. If you are the type that does not like getting up earlier for work or walking in the not so great weather a dog may not be for you. You need to spend time training so your dog does not disturb people around you. And yeah then there is the poop scooping. Cats are definitely easier fresh food and water a couple times a day, some grooming depending on the breed and scoop the litter box a couple times a day. Both will run you into some cash for the vet as both should have yearly checkups and vaccinations. Either can be quite cuddly and either can be quite destructive. Pups and kittens can be high energy and pretty wild. Both should be spayed/neutered. If you are the type that likes to hit the local watering hole after work with the crew get a cat. If you like to take weekend trips get a cat. If you are the homebody type that is active a dog could work.
It all depends on your life style; personality and what roll you want a pet to play in your life.
Dogs will make better pets if you want a pet that you can take for walks and go places with and play with.
Cats are good pets if you want a pet that is easy to care for, and likes to settle on your lap and sleep.
A pet is just like having a child. If you are a working individual that won't have that time to care for your pet, then a cat would be better than a dog. Most cats are inclined to be indoors, where as a dog goes crazy with the barking and chewing up pretty much anything they can get a hold of. Dogs like to go for walks, they like to be the center of attention, and very playful. A cat is really laid back and as long as you have a sofa or window sill they are pretty much content. Coming home from work tired are you going to want to play and walk the dog daily?
So overall I would say cats are better for the more relaxed, laid back people and dogs are more for the fun, outdoorsy never-out-of-energy people. No animal is really a better pet for all people, but a better type for you individually.
Dogs stink. Coming home from work was always a surprise the dog smelled awful and no amount of bathing would cure the smell of the dog, keeping my house from having that smell was also very hard as well. We washed our dog almost daily and the dog still managed to make my house smell like this dog.
A lot of times the dog would bark all night long, usually for absolutely no reason. We spent 3 days sometimes awake all night, with neighbors banging on the door because the dog would be barking for hours.Cats are quiet and usually only meow when hungry or in need of attention, which usually stops as soon as you feed or pet them. Dealing with these problems have helped me to conclude that having a cat is much better than having a dog. While both give you companionship, the added expense and the problems associated with owning a dog is simply not worth the hassle.
Dogs will tilt their heads and try to understand every word you say. Cats will ignore you and take a nap.
Cats look silly on a leash.
When you come home from work, your dog will be happy and lick your face. Cats will still be mad at you for leaving in the first place.
Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born.
A dog knows when you're sad. And he'll try to comfort you. Cats don't care how you feel, as long as you remember where the can opener is.
Dogs will bring you your slippers. Cats will drop a dead mouse in your slippers.
When you take them for a ride, dogs will sit on the seat next to you. Cats have to have their own private basket, or they won't go at all.
Dogs will come when you call them. And they'll be happy. Cats will have someone take a message and get back to you.
Dogs will play fetch with you all day long. The only thing cats will play with all day long are small rodents or bugs, preferably ones that look like they're in pain.
Dogs will wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.
People are just posting the same peice of information over and over again. This is a General Discussion section but why is it appearing to be a "Spammed Discussion" section.
Many "robot" accounts, Is this one also part of the list?
I consider myself much more of cat person, hands down. There's nothing like the soft purr of a feline to lull one off to sleep at the end of a long, hard day spent posting at the Trap. While I love dogs, there's a certain coarseness about the drooling creatures that offends my sensibilities. While cats are living works of art; dogs are wrecking balls. Cats are independent nobility; dogs are slobbering cling-ons. Cat's curl up in your lap; dogs sniff your crotch. Cats roll in catnip; dogs roll in excrement
For me its better to have Cat rather than Dogs, because Cats can eat mice and helps you a lot. instead of calling pest control just adopt cat and trained it to kill the pest inside your house
Not had either myself but have had to look after family and friends ones regualy and to be hones you cant beat a well behaved loving dog. You just dont get the same connection with a cat that you do with a dog.
I have a Rotweiler/ Shepherd mix named Snooki. She scares annoying people away but is completely cuddely to my friends and I, so i'm going to have to saw dogs.
My latest dog is part Chihuahua (not one of them teacup ugly ones, my chihuahua is cute). Without all that hair on her face like most dogs have, I swear she makes human facial expressions with her eyebrows and other facial structures that perfectly fit human situations: impatient, demanding, serious, worried, happy, offended (I once almost sat on her and I could see the hurt look on her face 5 minutes later)
I get allot of time to look at her face since she's either sleeping with me or sitting in my lap for hours on end; looking up at me all sleepy eyed with part of her lip up and over a dry tooth. "Stop squirming so much, I'm trying to sleep here," she says.
Dogs stink. Coming home from work was always a surprise the dog smelled awful and no amount of bathing would cure the smell of the dog, keeping my house from having that smell was also very hard as well. We washed our dog almost daily and the dog still managed to make my house smell like this dog.
A lot of times the dog would bark all night long, usually for absolutely no reason. We spent 3 days sometimes awake all night, with neighbors banging on the door because the dog would be barking for hours.Cats are quiet and usually only meow when hungry or in need of attention, which usually stops as soon as you feed or pet them. Dealing with these problems have helped me to conclude that having a cat is much better than having a dog. While both give you companionship, the added expense and the problems associated with owning a dog is simply not worth the hassle.
Well obviously you're doing something wrong if a dog is barking all night long. Do you lock the poor guy out all night?
This! My ma has a citroen crested cockatoo, hatched July 1979. If cared for properly can be the most affectionate pets ever and they can't chew your face off and don't piss on your bed sheets
I have a dog and two cats, and I love them all! But I have to say, as pets go, cats are certainly easier to have as a pet. First of all, they're litter trained. While having a litter box in the house isn't ideal, it means they can take care of business without my help. If I have a long day at work and can't get home in the middle of the day, it doesn't make any difference to their bladders, but I have to worry about the dog, who has to wait for me to take him outside. Cats get exercise on their own. Mine prefer getting the crazies around 11:00 each night, chasing each other back and forth across the house, and attacking the legs of my kitchen chairs. This also serves as great entertainment in case the cable gets shut off. My dog doesn't get his exercise quota unless I take him for walks, something I don't do nearly enough in the winter because I don't like being cold.
Cats are pretty self-sufficient. I can go away for a weekend and leave a pile of food and a big bowl of water, and they're good. But having the dog requires me to get someone to come over and let him out a couple of times each day that I'm gone.
So aside from the convenience benefits to me, my cats are very affectionate and can snuggle in my lap or next to me in bed (or in some cases on my head), and their purr is so relaxing and happy. My 60-lb dog, despite what he thinks, is not lap-cuddling size, and he takes up too much of the bed so I have to make him sleep on a big pillow next to the bed. And he snores.
Don't get me wrong, I love my dog and wouldn't give him up for anything. He's fun and entertaining and I've got him very well trained. But as far as I'm concerned, the better pet is the one (or in my case, two) that can be an active member of the household and take care of themselves except for a bowl of food and water each day, which I'm happy to provide for them.
n my opinion, dogs make much better pets than cats. Not that I have anything against cats, but have you ever tried teaching your cats tricks or getting them to listen to you? Granted, some cats are willing undergo training, but most of them have a mind and attitude of their own.
Though dogs have to be toilet-trained initially, while cats know where to go once you show them their litter box, most dogs are very intelligent and learn the proper place to do their business after a few training sessions. Also, basic commands like "sit", "stay" and "come" are quickly picked up, especially if you train with the help of treats.
It is also very comforting to know that there is someone who will always be there to welcome you home with a happy bark and a wagging tail. I myself own a BullDog, Roofie, and he is a very smart dog indeed. Everyday when I arrive home from school, Roofie immediately starts barking in joy before I even get to open the door! I just walk up to my doorstep and Roofie can already sense my presence. He never fails to cheer me up even when I had a bad day in school. Those who don't own dogs might not know this, but dogs are capable of smiling too! Other than a frantically wagging tail, Roofie's mouth curls up at the ends when he is happy!
Besides that, dogs will permit you to hold them in your lap and stroke their fur when you feel down and just need a warm furry ball for comfort. They can even sense when you are out of sorts, and automatically come to comfort you. Cats, however, do not usually come to you when called. In fact, my friend keeps a cat and I once witnessed her calling her cat and it stared back and walked away with it's head held high.
Having a dog can also mean the start of a better and healthier life for you. Bringing them out for their daily walks mean daily exercise. No more slouching in front of the television all day munching on chips. A young puppy can initially only go for short walks as it has not built up it's strength and stamina yet. Similarly, if you have not been exercising in a long time, it is a good idea to start with short walks. As the puppy gets older, it will be able to walk further and even jog with you. Thus by slowly increasing your exercise intensity to suit the puppy's growth stage, you and your puppy can be in the pink of health, and you can shed those extra pounds safely too.
To a dog, you are their master and their world. The love in their eyes when they look at you is enough to melt any heart. Their affection for us has no conditions. To a cat, you are their source of food and someone to show affection to when they feel like it. At other times, you are almost non-existent in their world. Thus, though cats and dogs are great pets, I personally prefer dogs over cats as I feel they can provide me with more fun, happiness and joy.
Well I have neither. My younger brother had a dog named "sparky" which I guess you can kind of called it my dog too. I prefer dogs over cats, the claw's on cats scare the living daylights out of me. I'm fearful they may scratch me but with dogs it's the pit bull's and rotweilers that scare me the most. I know I'm kind of off topic having flashbacks of my run ins with these animals. But to answer your question I prefer dogs (the little ones)! LOL
It all depends on your life style, personality and what roll you want a pet to play in your life.
Dogs will make better pets if you want a pet that you can take for walks and go places with and play with.
Cats are good pets if you want a pet that is easy to care for, and likes to settle on your lap and sleep.
A pet is just like having a child. If you are a working individual that won't have that time to care for your pet, then a cat would be better than a dog.
Most cats are inclined to be indoors, where as a dog goes crazy with the barking and chewing up pretty much anything they can get a hold of. Dogs like to go for walks, they like to be the center of attention, and very playful. A cat is really laid back and as long as you have a sofa or window sill they are pretty much content. Coming home from work tired are you going to want to play and walk the dog daily?
So overall I would say cats are better for the more relaxed, laid back people and dogs are more for the fun, outdoorsy never-out-of-energy people. No animal is really a better pet for all people, but a better type for you individually.
I think you will find most people are cat or dog people. I am a neither like them all.
Dogs are a lot of work. If you have the energy they are great. You do need to consider how much time you have. You are looking at training, grooming and lots of walking. If you are the type that does not like getting up earlier for work or walking in the not so great weather a dog may not be for you. You need to spend time training so your dog does not disturb people around you. And yeah then there is the poop scooping. Cats are definitely easier fresh food and water a couple times a day, some grooming depending on the breed and scoop the litter box a couple times a day.
Both will run you into some cash for the vet as both should have yearly checkups and vaccinations.
Either can be quite cuddly and either can be quite destructive. Pups and kittens can be high energy and pretty wild. Both should be spayed/neutered. If you are the type that likes to hit the local watering hole after work with the crew get a cat. If you like to take weekend trips get a cat. If you are the homebody type that is active a dog could work.
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
It depends on your definition of pet. If you enjoy a pretty roommate to look at that occasionally jumps on your keyboard, cats are the better pet. If you want a creature who actively wants to be around you and interact with you, your chances are much better with a dog.
Dogs will tilt their heads and try to understand every word you say. Cats will ignore you and take a nap.
Cats look silly on a leash.
When you come home from work, your dog will be happy and lick your face. Cats will still be mad at you for leaving in the first place.
Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born.
A dog knows when you're sad. And he'll try to comfort you. Cats don't care how you feel, as long as you remember where the can opener is.
Dogs will bring you your slippers. Cats will drop a dead mouse in your slippers.
When you take them for a ride, dogs will sit on the seat next to you. Cats have to have their own private basket, or they won't go at all.
Dogs will come when you call them. And they'll be happy. Cats will have someone take a message and get back to you.
Dogs will play fetch with you all day long. The only thing cats will play with all day long are small rodents or bugs, preferably ones that look like they're in pain.
Dogs will wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.
I think you will find most people are cat or dog people. I am a neither like them all. Dogs are a lot of work. If you have the energy they are great. You do need to consider how much time you have. You are looking at training, grooming and lots of walking. If you are the type that does not like getting up earlier for work or walking in the not so great weather a dog may not be for you. You need to spend time training so your dog does not disturb people around you. And yeah then there is the poop scooping. Cats are definitely easier fresh food and water a couple times a day, some grooming depending on the breed and scoop the litter box a couple times a day. Both will run you into some cash for the vet as both should have yearly checkups and vaccinations. Either can be quite cuddly and either can be quite destructive. Pups and kittens can be high energy and pretty wild. Both should be spayed/neutered. If you are the type that likes to hit the local watering hole after work with the crew get a cat. If you like to take weekend trips get a cat. If you are the homebody type that is active a dog could work.
It all depends on your life style; personality and what roll you want a pet to play in your life.
Dogs will make better pets if you want a pet that you can take for walks and go places with and play with.
Cats are good pets if you want a pet that is easy to care for, and likes to settle on your lap and sleep.
A pet is just like having a child. If you are a working individual that won't have that time to care for your pet, then a cat would be better than a dog. Most cats are inclined to be indoors, where as a dog goes crazy with the barking and chewing up pretty much anything they can get a hold of. Dogs like to go for walks, they like to be the center of attention, and very playful. A cat is really laid back and as long as you have a sofa or window sill they are pretty much content. Coming home from work tired are you going to want to play and walk the dog daily?
So overall I would say cats are better for the more relaxed, laid back people and dogs are more for the fun, outdoorsy never-out-of-energy people. No animal is really a better pet for all people, but a better type for you individually.
Dogs stink. Coming home from work was always a surprise the dog smelled awful and no amount of bathing would cure the smell of the dog, keeping my house from having that smell was also very hard as well. We washed our dog almost daily and the dog still managed to make my house smell like this dog.
A lot of times the dog would bark all night long, usually for absolutely no reason. We spent 3 days sometimes awake all night, with neighbors banging on the door because the dog would be barking for hours.Cats are quiet and usually only meow when hungry or in need of attention, which usually stops as soon as you feed or pet them. Dealing with these problems have helped me to conclude that having a cat is much better than having a dog. While both give you companionship, the added expense and the problems associated with owning a dog is simply not worth the hassle.
Dogs are Better Pets Than Cats
Dogs will tilt their heads and try to understand every word you say. Cats will ignore you and take a nap.
Cats look silly on a leash.
When you come home from work, your dog will be happy and lick your face. Cats will still be mad at you for leaving in the first place.
Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you've ever made since the day you were born.
A dog knows when you're sad. And he'll try to comfort you. Cats don't care how you feel, as long as you remember where the can opener is.
Dogs will bring you your slippers. Cats will drop a dead mouse in your slippers.
When you take them for a ride, dogs will sit on the seat next to you. Cats have to have their own private basket, or they won't go at all.
Dogs will come when you call them. And they'll be happy. Cats will have someone take a message and get back to you.
Dogs will play fetch with you all day long. The only thing cats will play with all day long are small rodents or bugs, preferably ones that look like they're in pain.
Dogs will wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.
People are just posting the same peice of information over and over again. This is a General Discussion section but why is it appearing to be a "Spammed Discussion" section.
Many "robot" accounts, Is this one also part of the list?
I consider myself much more of cat person, hands down. There's nothing like the soft purr of a feline to lull one off to sleep at the end of a long, hard day spent posting at the Trap. While I love dogs, there's a certain coarseness about the drooling creatures that offends my sensibilities. While cats are living works of art; dogs are wrecking balls. Cats are independent nobility; dogs are slobbering cling-ons. Cat's curl up in your lap; dogs sniff your crotch. Cats roll in catnip; dogs roll in excrement
Cat... nothing much. I just love Garfield.. mMeeeOOOowww
For me its better to have Cat rather than Dogs, because Cats can eat mice and helps you a lot. instead of calling pest control just adopt cat and trained it to kill the pest inside your house
Not had either myself but have had to look after family and friends ones regualy and to be hones you cant beat a well behaved loving dog. You just dont get the same connection with a cat that you do with a dog.
I have a Rotweiler/ Shepherd mix named Snooki. She scares annoying people away but is completely cuddely to my friends and I, so i'm going to have to saw dogs.
My latest dog is part Chihuahua (not one of them teacup ugly ones, my chihuahua is cute). Without all that hair on her face like most dogs have, I swear she makes human facial expressions with her eyebrows and other facial structures that perfectly fit human situations: impatient, demanding, serious, worried, happy, offended (I once almost sat on her and I could see the hurt look on her face 5 minutes later)
I get allot of time to look at her face since she's either sleeping with me or sitting in my lap for hours on end; looking up at me all sleepy eyed with part of her lip up and over a dry tooth. "Stop squirming so much, I'm trying to sleep here," she says.
Well obviously you're doing something wrong if a dog is barking all night long. Do you lock the poor guy out all night?
This! My ma has a citroen crested cockatoo, hatched July 1979. If cared for properly can be the most affectionate pets ever and they can't chew your face off and don't piss on your bed sheets
Both is awesome.
If you are a dog, you run in like a barbarian and rip your enemies to shreds.
You a cat, you sneak in and destroy them from the inside out, then your gone before they know what happened
I like cats better.