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I am bored. BOOOOORED! I can't be the only one who just cannot seem to find compelling reasons to stay loyal to any one game.
WOW - Bored
AOC - Bored
RIFT - Bored
EQ1 & 2 - Bored
Champs Online, Star Trek, Aion.... Bored Bored Bored
Sorry LoTRO peeps - the camera makes me nauseaus for some reason.
I bounce from game to game and enjoy being back in that world for a period of time. Then something changes... almost overnight and I just cant seem to be bothered to log back into that game any longer. So the subscription stagnates and I eventually just cancel it.
When I come back, I have to relearn everything which eventually adds up to an army of low level minions I cant remember how to play.
Maybe it is just because I dont stick around long enough to make friends and get into a decent guild. The golden years of EQ1 were good for this, but no amount of re-visiting Norrath can bring back what once was. Now days, I dont have the same time to dedicate to contribute anything more than an extra body to a guild roster.
What do you do to combat this endless cycle? Is it just me?
Currently re-subbed to EQ and got on my old characters (when I typed /played, showed me 6 years and 277days! YIKES!) LOVING the community on Bristlebane server (Ayonae Ro, where my characters were merged with it). Really nice, answer questions without smartass remarks, and all around helpful. Have made a few friends already. And it is surprisingly not a ghost town.
But anyways...other than that...playing Stronghold Kingdoms A LOT...waiting for PAYDAY: The Heist to release (FPS), and playing various other games (EMPIRE:Total War, Whole Stronghold series creating my own maps and playing them. Can pick up whole series at Walmart for $20).
Feel pretty much the same you do. Just so many games...but devoid of any real communities, challenge, or anything new to peek your interest longer than a month or so.
It's definatly not just you nor do i think that it is in anyway your fault. You have to remeber that almost every game you just mentioned has the exact same kind of combat in it with the exception of star trek and that game has a good concept but its done poorly.
You see MMO's are much MUCH more costly to make than your tradition single player/ online lobby multiplayer games. Due to this fact developers tend to copy whatever game is doing well at the time which at the moment is still WoW. They feel that its a sure investment... they dont want to spend all that money and have the game bomb. The only companies that have attempted to break the mold are indy companies that dont have the staff to put out a game with an acceptable level of polish. As consumers we expect (as we should its 2011 for crying out loud) a certain level of production quality aka polish when a game is released. If an game fails to deliver that expected level of polish, or it plays basically the same as every other MMO that we have played before than we loose interest rather quickly because we do not feel immersed in the game... we dont feel like we are there and part of whats going on. Immersion is important because if you feel like part of the world then you want to keep coming back to it.
There are some very interesting titles coming out in the future from companies that do have that staffing requirement needed to produce a well made game that breaks the mold and still looks fantastic and pulls you into the world. Guild wars 2 is on top for me followed by archage and then tera. The all stray a significant distance away from the current MMO formula while still keeping that level of polish.
So chin up... its not just you... and i have faith that it will get better
In the meantime screw around with mincraft a bit or watch some cartoons or something. I plan to play skyrim when it hits for sure
"Don't mistake a fun game for a good game... Checkers is fun to play but its not exactly the highest point of gaming design... and definatly not worth $60 plus $15 a month"
I know what you mean. I've been there for a while myself. I have the time, but just don't want to play the games. I would probably still play WoW except they ruined the game when they ruined the world. Wow was one of those games I could pick up when I was bored and feel like I accomplished something. I don't know what else to say really. I'm waiting on GW2.. I hope it is worth playing, we will see.
I think the trick is to vary your gaming. If I go on a WoW spree i get burnt out real easy, but if I play for a little bit, then maybe play an hour of Rage, then pop on a LoL match, I find myself much more willing to go back to that MMO.
Maybe just me though.
The same thing happens to me. I bounce from game to game all the time. Currently on a Priston Tale kick now. Don't laugh lol, it has a good community and it's totally retro. Not too bad.
Try an action or arena based online game for a change... League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, S4 League, Cosmic Break, something like that.
It's because the Theme Park genre is boring. All of those games you have listed at linear Theme Park games. It's getting worse.
Theme Park games are more annoying than that childhood kid that used to flip his eyelids.
When I'm bored with every repetitive MMO, I just play minecraft.
I can do whatever I want. But you need alot of imagination, which isn't giving to everyone.
If you do have some, you might actually have more fun in that type of game.
Take a break from MMOs. I haven't played one in three years.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
I guess im in the same boat too..
And its because were not part of something "epic" anymore, just medicore. SP endevours that are well.. trivial...
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
I have been playing some old FPS game's again. Love game modding so have been back to that for a bit. I think your like many of us, we have become so bored and somewhat jaded at many MMO's. I'm going to go back to my old FPS roots since it has been providing me with laughs and entertainment value for now.
Few new mega MMO's coming that should fill some time.
Well it is good to know that misery loves company. Glad I am not the only one facing this dabilitating disease lol. I will check out Minecraft. It seems to get a lot of people hot and bothered.
Elsewise, I will be in and out of worlds levelling up to mid career some anonymous newbie =P
Even Minecraft got boring to me after a while.
Variety is key I think.
Right now hopping between WoW, BF2: Bad Company, Gears of War games, Oblivion, Rise of the Immortals.
Waiting on BF3, Skyrim, ME3, TOR, GW2
I've been playing Minecraft also, I was cycling between WoW, Minecraft, and Priston Tale. Done with WoW, and Minecraft's been boring me.
If I get bored of Priston Tale I'll try out some of the games listed, thanks everyone:)
For now, I'm too addicted to Priston Tale, we'll see if it fades...
Its not all your fault though. MMOs are getting older too. The genre is tired and way too influenced by that abyssmal heap of garbage they call WoW. All the MMOs just feel like clones of eachother recently. That is why I too haven't been able to hold interest in an MMO since probably 2005.
Yes, I suppose you are right, even though the old school MMO's such as Priston Tale have bugs and a lower playerbase, they are still way more interesting than the newer MMO's. It's like driving an old muscle car instead of a newer car. I haven't been enjoying these new MMORPG clones, so the older, more unique ones have caught my attention.
Also, pay by month sucks. Off to play more Priston Tale lol.