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Mass Effect 3 Executive Producer Casey Hudson has revealed that cooperative online missions will be featured in the latest addition to the ME series.
XBox Magazine's December issue will feature an article that reveals a lot of new information about the multiplayer facet of Mass Effect 3. Until then, the best we have is that the speculation can end and that multiplayer cooperative missions will be featured in the highly anticipated game set to be released in March 2012.
Bioware has officially confirmed via Twitter that more information will be released soon.
Total MMOs played: 274|Enjoyed: 9. >:|
If they give news that the full campaign can be online multiplayer then i'll get excited. I'm getting a little tired of the usual 'some' missions or modes' being co-op, especially as Borderlands did the whole thing so well and so cheaply.
I'd be much happier with co-op only missions that are completely seperate from the main story.
So yay hopefully they don't make the whole thing co-op.
Lots of DLC co-op missions added in later would be awesome addition to the series too.
Interesting to see how they are going to do the player character, one person is Shepard? Both are Shepard? Neither are Shepard?
Sounds like they're making a SWTOR clone
Out of curiosity, why would you hope that they don't make the main campaign co-op? It is a choice afterall whether to play it as single player or with others. If its a case of you don't want the single player to suffer due to focus being on multi i can understand but your sentence was pretty vague fella.
Personally i just love how games like Borderlands have the same story but multiply in difficulty and fun the more people you play with. I enjoy single player games but have more fun when they can be done in co-op for the full game rather than just side stuff.
Im with badspock on this one,
not so much of a choice thing but for me personally if the quality and substance will be there would be the main concern.
as taxing as Mass effect franchise can be on the developers side, adding a co-op feature is something that should be of no small matter, Esspecially this late in the developing cycle.
can only hope its a strong feature and not tacked on to say "here ya go, co-op mode, herp derp!"
I don't really understand why Mass Effect isn't 100% multiplayer missions.
"too much story" going on maybe?
I'm not sure I can describe it in a way that will make sense to anyone but me but I will try haha.
It is only partially due to the fear that the single player experience will suffer because effort was taken to make it more "multi-player friendly" and I'll feel "forced" to play it co-op.
If so, I mean not really a big problem I am very much looking forward to the co-op elements now.
But what it REALLY comes down to is the investment I've made into this series thus far.
Uber completely maxed out Shepard, MY Shepard, leaves ME1 and is imported into ME2 and super uber completely maxed out Shepard, MY Shepard is now going to be leaving ME2 to be imported into ME3...
The story, the characters, the romance options, the choices... its literally years of build up and so many hours invested into MY Shepard...
Something about the whole campaign being co-op would take away from it being MY Shepard and MY story.
I can't really explain it any better then that.
The story is based on one guy and his companions saving the version would be difficult with everyone wanting to be that "one guy"
I don't know. If I played it with friends I could see having a good time arguing over what dialogue options to say. Or having control over some of the Crew Members who aren't Shepard. It'd be fun to have control over those characters responses to Shepard.
just for the sake of butchering the story to obilivion
Shepard calls for help from the shepard family, where femshep, papashep, bubbashep and Great Grannyshep join forces against the tyranny of the reapers.
BUT it doesnt stop there!
Shepard, looking for more outside help, seeks a way to open up a portal, unlocking other alternate realities, bringing forth the shepard army.
blackshep, asianshep, SeanConneryShep, trollfaceshep, and so on and so on.
The Final Battle Begins.
Or Shepard just calls on some of the crew members.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
I'm sure some of the "main story" fights will be mutiplayer in some fashion.
I'm sure there will be some overpriced DLC.
I'm sure the solo game will remain and be awesome.
Multiplayer will be added on but will just be an arena experience seperate from the campaign.Perhaps some sort of holographic history lesson or recreation. They will have a story for the multiplayer, but it won't interfere with your single player masterpieces.
I'm sure it will be a blast though.
Have a sense of humor, no need to get ALL MODDY ! A Simpson's quote shouldn't be worth a warning. You are lucky anyone is bothering to read this rag.
Within a year, Mass Effect MMORPG release!
Mark my words. BioWare played Lucas and EA perfectly.
Btw, never played ME, nor have any intentions of playing any ME games.
I just see reality....and i'm drunk...take it for what its worth.
ME release? with in a year???
or the announcement, both seem like a hop, skip away from a miracle
ME mmorpg release within a year.
Yeaaaaaaa! Now i want after that Mass Effect MMO. Oh Miranda my love here i come back again
Mass Effect mmo for the 360 only, mark my words!
So , i thought this is a site about MMOs
Honestly i would not mind them making a mass effect based mmo, sicne it has a pretty good amount of info and back story to it without listing out everythign. THey would have a huge area to make the game seem filled out and massive with alot of new innovative thigns since it would have less of the tried and true traditions like the fact that all tanks are melee basically. THen you add in the amount of races as well as abilities, then you add in a tactical style of play which most if not all mmos are lack it would be great.
At first I thought so too but with the addition of LoL, Diablo 3 and now Mass Effect 3 news doubting it more and more. Shouldn't this news be posted at fpsguru?
We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!
"Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play."
"Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."
Yeah, the covered this topic several times and the short of it is is now more along the lines of MOG(.com).
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
Ugh, online. I wish there was a local co-op option for those of us with SO's that play alongside. Well, short of getting another 360 and copy of the game. Oh Wells