I remember at some point I was harrasing this one dude with my Alliance male toon (as they have the silliest dance John Travolta style) and kept getting behind him while he was in the bank. I would do the party boy dance behind him and he would move a couple feet over. So I would move a couple of feet over right back behind him. Eventually after 5 or 6 times, he told me that he was going to murder my ass and ran off with me in pursuit. A couple of hours later I found him in AH and continued my ventures in making his life miserable. I DID at one point have this all on video.
Always gives me a good laugh when i report people like you for harrasment and they get a temp ban
I was fairly new to the game still and had been levelling the hard way (pub groups which had a tendency to get ganked quite a lot). Worse, I chose a nasty first class combo to try and play in the Fighter/Ranger/HG w/DW Axes. Anyhow, I came across these two guys from an RPK guild that had been harassing our last party and it looked like they had just finished a battle, just two of them and a lot of carnage. So taking my chances I raced in and managed to gank them both in return and what do I find ? The Commander rune woot!
Well right then I start getting massive tells with threats, "we're coming for you", etc... and I see about 10+ ppl on my radar. So I start running to the nearby safehold but see they've blocked it off and turn around to the further, but open safehold. I'm running and these guys almost cut me off, their druids tossing snares, I'm getting stamina debuffs from templars, you name it, and the whole time i'm countering these with sprints and counters - having to stop and rest when I gain a bit of ground only to repeat the whole hair raising process over and over.
It felt like hours but I finally make it to the safe hold, almost dead, and fire off all my CD's for one last rush in to the city.
Man what an adrenaline rush, the best part is I sold it full price within minutes lol and found a really good HPK guild that had witnessed some of the ordeal. It was such a high, something i've rarely felt in MMO gaming since.
In fact, I'd say about half of my "remembered" mmo experiences were from Shadowbane ... like the time this guildie got kicked for dragging some huge ass tree monster back to our city and causing it to tear half the place down before we could get it under control lol ....
Anarchy Online. My first MMO. Played the bureaucrat. In AO 'crats are mezzers, with the ability to capture 2 enemy mobs at once, one on a long timer, one on a short timer. With the right buffs, you could control some fearsome monsters much higher level then you. You also get a robot that fights for you.
I could solo dungeons that usually took groups of 3 or more.... easily the MOST fun I have EVER had in any game.
In Tabula Rasa, the SPY class could take on the appereance and abilities of some of the Bane (the universal bad guy aliens). One of the forms you could take was the Kale, which looks like a huge alien gorilla. I would morph up, then run into the starting areas. Newbies would race around, some running in fear, some chasing me, blasting away. ahh... I miss that game...
4. WoW - making my way from the Night Elf starting area, at level 10, to Mulgore. I was a hunter, and I was determined to find and train The Rake. This was back when he was the best cat-pet available at that level. There were no shortcuts like there are now. I ran all the way, threading my way through high-level mobs. Which, thankfully, didn't have the same aggro range or tenacity as the previously-mentioned AC mobs.
Similar to that, one of my very fond early WoW memories was trying to find the Deadmines dungeon as a level 15 night elf druid. I had to stop and ask other players for directions every step of the way, which made it even more immersive. The boat from Darnassus to Auberdine, then another boat from there to Wetlands > hike up the dwarven mountain passes into Loch Modan > back down more carved out tunnels to Dun Morogh > to the dwarven capital, Iron Forge > take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind City > find my way out of the city into Elwyn Forest > to the farmlands of Westfall > only to die 15 times in Moonbrook trying to find my way into the secret passage to the mines.
It was an epic journey that spanned a solid 2 real-life hours. It's so sad to think that no new players would get the same perspective of the world since they can instantly teleport to all dungeons now. They won't even know what zone the dungeons are in or why they're there... You also don't gain an appreciation for mounts, flight paths, and flying mounts if you don't first experience lengthy adventures on foot.
Playing 29 lvl hunter twink in classic WoW and crushing BGs for almost a year. Always on top in kill board, always with 0 deathes. We had a guild too for lowlevel PvP
being a level 46 Necromancer in Felwith at the entrance killing guards with darkness slows, than fearing and sicking pet on them. Makin that money lol. Than realizing oh no i screwed up my faction horribly..... human necromancer /delete rerolled one as a dark elf no more faction problems cause we dont like anyone pretty much lol.
WoW brought some memorable moments from the times back.
This one time I noticed some orc warrior ganking another nelf warrior at HFP. The level disadvantage didn't give the alliance any chance, and he was dying really fast. I dismounted midair, managed to just barely catch the killing blow with intervene, stun the orc while bandaging the victim and throwing a swiftness potion at him - which he then used to flee while I finished off the orc. It felt epic, even though meaningless, as death penalties don't really exist in that game.
The most memorable experience, and maybe the most favourite one too, was the first 10 levels in Teldrassil back in 2004. Something about that scenery, music and feel made me feel like a 10yo kid on an adventure. Ever since, I've been trying to chase that virtual dragon, unsuccessfully.
For me if has to be Molten Core, setting foot inside just made my jaw drop, the place was so big and the mobs were like Giants compared to us, but the crowning moment has to have been the first time Ragnaros rose from the lava and his subsequent death, I will never forget that instance and I still hold it up as the best raid in warcraft. EVER!.
Other things of note have to be the world, early world PVP, southshore for example, which back before battle grounds was amazing, it will never stop confusing me that blizzard could see this happening on all servers, and yet instead of supporting and encouraging it, they killed it by adding battle grounds. what a bunch of dumbass' thats their first, of a long line of mistakes which leads the game to its current state.
Another amazing momenet would have to be in Air Attack (Fighter Ace 1.5 for the USA peeps) sitting on the tarmack on our first league match trying to sort out tactics and then charging down the runway for takeoff, then the next half hour spent shouting things like "AHHHH SHIT" or "Hes on my 6 help" or "GOT ONE", to this day it's still the single best example of how good arcade , skill based flight can be .
for me it was Vanguard..we had got to main boss in graystone i think it was called..and i got d/c..i got back and then another got d/c..eventually after everyone in the group had been disconnected one at a time..we finally got to fight the boss..only to find he was,nt there..he was invisible(not supposed to be).he proceeded to beat the crap out of us..lovely.gbt love those VG bugs.
When my Shaman got his Epic Spear in EQ. After you spend months trying to accomplish something like this you appreciate it. This is something the current generation of MMO players know nothing about. Everything today is handed to them on a plate.
Our alliance owned it and the server wanted us out.
I believe we have 24 or 26 clans on our side and theopposing side had a few more. It lasted the entire two hours and was decided in the last 5 minutes.
We lost but it was the best time I've ever had.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
1. Getting PK'd when I was carrying a rune and key to my house. When I finally got to my house, everything was gone except for a single note on the floor that said something like "Cleaning bill: All your stuff."
2. When I was a noob mining, this guy came up to me and said he had a spare suit of GM plate I could have, but it was in his house. So I followed him to his house, and once I entered, he placed a garbage can in front of me so I couldn't move and proceeded to kill me with a halbred.
3. "Skirmishing" with this PK right outside of town once. One of us would hit the other with a spell, then the other would run into town and try to call the guards...it went on for like a half an hour lol...no one died in the end, we just got tired.
4. This naked magic arrow PK that would stalk the mines near Covetous (Minoc). He killed me and many a good miner.
5. Going down to Covetous and getting a crap load of worthless orc helms, then crying my wares in the middle of town. I actually got a few people to buy them lol.
1. Freaking mountain rat...
1. Grief NPCS...Sand giants/spectres in oasis of Marr, Dvinn, Dorn, Holly Windstalker (the bitch).
2. Ninja looters that wouldn't listen.
1. First char I played was a NE rogue, and one of the quests asks you to kill some satyr that is standing on a branch off of the great tree. When I stepped out on the branch, it was breathtaking to see how freaking huge the tree was, and realize that I was on top of it.
Always gives me a good laugh when i report people like you for harrasment and they get a temp ban
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
My best moment was when a Leech(undead) killed me in Ultima Online and looted my brothers key for his house..
Yes..an NPC that took random stuff from you, I guess this went away rather quick..
I was fairly new to the game still and had been levelling the hard way (pub groups which had a tendency to get ganked quite a lot). Worse, I chose a nasty first class combo to try and play in the Fighter/Ranger/HG w/DW Axes. Anyhow, I came across these two guys from an RPK guild that had been harassing our last party and it looked like they had just finished a battle, just two of them and a lot of carnage. So taking my chances I raced in and managed to gank them both in return and what do I find ? The Commander rune woot!
Well right then I start getting massive tells with threats, "we're coming for you", etc... and I see about 10+ ppl on my radar. So I start running to the nearby safehold but see they've blocked it off and turn around to the further, but open safehold. I'm running and these guys almost cut me off, their druids tossing snares, I'm getting stamina debuffs from templars, you name it, and the whole time i'm countering these with sprints and counters - having to stop and rest when I gain a bit of ground only to repeat the whole hair raising process over and over.
It felt like hours but I finally make it to the safe hold, almost dead, and fire off all my CD's for one last rush in to the city.
Man what an adrenaline rush, the best part is I sold it full price within minutes lol and found a really good HPK guild that had witnessed some of the ordeal. It was such a high, something i've rarely felt in MMO gaming since.
In fact, I'd say about half of my "remembered" mmo experiences were from Shadowbane ... like the time this guildie got kicked for dragging some huge ass tree monster back to our city and causing it to tear half the place down before we could get it under control lol ....
Anarchy Online. My first MMO. Played the bureaucrat. In AO 'crats are mezzers, with the ability to capture 2 enemy mobs at once, one on a long timer, one on a short timer. With the right buffs, you could control some fearsome monsters much higher level then you. You also get a robot that fights for you.
I could solo dungeons that usually took groups of 3 or more.... easily the MOST fun I have EVER had in any game.
In Tabula Rasa, the SPY class could take on the appereance and abilities of some of the Bane (the universal bad guy aliens). One of the forms you could take was the Kale, which looks like a huge alien gorilla. I would morph up, then run into the starting areas. Newbies would race around, some running in fear, some chasing me, blasting away. ahh... I miss that game...
I remember tell Price Rurik to shutup constantly while travelling to the city of Rin to liberate it from the Charr...man that guy can talk for Kryta!
Similar to that, one of my very fond early WoW memories was trying to find the Deadmines dungeon as a level 15 night elf druid. I had to stop and ask other players for directions every step of the way, which made it even more immersive. The boat from Darnassus to Auberdine, then another boat from there to Wetlands > hike up the dwarven mountain passes into Loch Modan > back down more carved out tunnels to Dun Morogh > to the dwarven capital, Iron Forge > take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind City > find my way out of the city into Elwyn Forest > to the farmlands of Westfall > only to die 15 times in Moonbrook trying to find my way into the secret passage to the mines.
It was an epic journey that spanned a solid 2 real-life hours. It's so sad to think that no new players would get the same perspective of the world since they can instantly teleport to all dungeons now. They won't even know what zone the dungeons are in or why they're there... You also don't gain an appreciation for mounts, flight paths, and flying mounts if you don't first experience lengthy adventures on foot.
Playing 29 lvl hunter twink in classic WoW and crushing BGs for almost a year. Always on top in kill board, always with 0 deathes. We had a guild too for lowlevel PvP
being a level 46 Necromancer in Felwith at the entrance killing guards with darkness slows, than fearing and sicking pet on them. Makin that money lol. Than realizing oh no i screwed up my faction horribly..... human necromancer /delete rerolled one as a dark elf no more faction problems cause we dont like anyone pretty much lol.
WoW brought some memorable moments from the times back.
This one time I noticed some orc warrior ganking another nelf warrior at HFP. The level disadvantage didn't give the alliance any chance, and he was dying really fast. I dismounted midair, managed to just barely catch the killing blow with intervene, stun the orc while bandaging the victim and throwing a swiftness potion at him - which he then used to flee while I finished off the orc. It felt epic, even though meaningless, as death penalties don't really exist in that game.
The most memorable experience, and maybe the most favourite one too, was the first 10 levels in Teldrassil back in 2004. Something about that scenery, music and feel made me feel like a 10yo kid on an adventure. Ever since, I've been trying to chase that virtual dragon, unsuccessfully.
For me if has to be Molten Core, setting foot inside just made my jaw drop, the place was so big and the mobs were like Giants compared to us, but the crowning moment has to have been the first time Ragnaros rose from the lava and his subsequent death, I will never forget that instance and I still hold it up as the best raid in warcraft. EVER!.
Other things of note have to be the world, early world PVP, southshore for example, which back before battle grounds was amazing, it will never stop confusing me that blizzard could see this happening on all servers, and yet instead of supporting and encouraging it, they killed it by adding battle grounds. what a bunch of dumbass' thats their first, of a long line of mistakes which leads the game to its current state.
Another amazing momenet would have to be in Air Attack (Fighter Ace 1.5 for the USA peeps) sitting on the tarmack on our first league match trying to sort out tactics and then charging down the runway for takeoff, then the next half hour spent shouting things like "AHHHH SHIT" or "Hes on my 6 help" or "GOT ONE", to this day it's still the single best example of how good arcade , skill based flight can be .
for me it was Vanguard..we had got to main boss in graystone i think it was called..and i got d/c..i got back and then another got d/c..eventually after everyone in the group had been disconnected one at a time..we finally got to fight the boss..only to find he was,nt there..he was invisible(not supposed to be).he proceeded to beat the crap out of us..lovely.gbt love those VG bugs.
When my Shaman got his Epic Spear in EQ. After you spend months trying to accomplish something like this you appreciate it. This is something the current generation of MMO players know nothing about. Everything today is handed to them on a plate.
giant siege at Aden castle in Lineage 2.
Our alliance owned it and the server wanted us out.
I believe we have 24 or 26 clans on our side and theopposing side had a few more. It lasted the entire two hours and was decided in the last 5 minutes.
We lost but it was the best time I've ever had.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
I've got a few from different games...
1. Getting PK'd when I was carrying a rune and key to my house. When I finally got to my house, everything was gone except for a single note on the floor that said something like "Cleaning bill: All your stuff."
2. When I was a noob mining, this guy came up to me and said he had a spare suit of GM plate I could have, but it was in his house. So I followed him to his house, and once I entered, he placed a garbage can in front of me so I couldn't move and proceeded to kill me with a halbred.
3. "Skirmishing" with this PK right outside of town once. One of us would hit the other with a spell, then the other would run into town and try to call the guards...it went on for like a half an hour lol...no one died in the end, we just got tired.
4. This naked magic arrow PK that would stalk the mines near Covetous (Minoc). He killed me and many a good miner.
5. Going down to Covetous and getting a crap load of worthless orc helms, then crying my wares in the middle of town. I actually got a few people to buy them lol.
1. Freaking mountain rat...
1. Grief NPCS...Sand giants/spectres in oasis of Marr, Dvinn, Dorn, Holly Windstalker (the bitch).
2. Ninja looters that wouldn't listen.
1. First char I played was a NE rogue, and one of the quests asks you to kill some satyr that is standing on a branch off of the great tree. When I stepped out on the branch, it was breathtaking to see how freaking huge the tree was, and realize that I was on top of it.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?