It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! and Jagex have teamed up to give our users an exclusive opportunity to help name both an Autobot and Decepticon in-game class. We've got a special voting page set up for readers to check out the class description and to vote for or suggest their favorite class name.
You'll want to head to our special Transformers voting page later today to cast YOUR vote! VOTING has begun! Head to our Transformers Universe Polling page to make your voice heard!
Additionally, the Jagex team has laid out it plans for this weekend's New York Comicon:
At the TRANSFORMERS UNIVERSE MMO stand fans will get a unique experience as they pass through the enclosed stand at Comic Con. They will have the chance to pledge their allegiance to either the AUTOBOT or DECEPTICON faction, customise their very own TRANSFORMERS CHARACTER and even have their photograph taken alongside their creation in the interactive journey.
Visitors who pass through the enclosed stand will also be some of the first to view footage showing what the browser based MMO will look like, experience the graphical style and direction and be able to see firsthand how the Jagex development team is working with Hasbro to create the look and feel of the game through live concept art and animation demonstrations.
In addition to the activity on the show floor, members of the TRANSFORMERS UNIVERSE development team will be taking part in the following panel sessions at the show:
Date: Friday, October 14
Time: 7:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Location: 1A24
Why couldn't it have been G.I. Joe or He-Man?!?!?!?! Nooooooooooo
Are they suppose to look evil?
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
...Anorexibot and Anorexicon?!?!?!!?