Does anybody think that its stupid that you have to put in your credit card number for a free trial!? I thought it was FREE. I was really excited about trying the game again and then I find out that you have to put in a credit card. /cry
But most games do not use porn credit card companys for sign up. They used ibill then when they got in trouble they changed name (like ae to tulga) to ipay.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Its alot like the "free" trial of shadowbane. Its free as long as you give them your credit card number now and then figure out how to cancel before they can charge anything to it.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
C'mon, this is about as pedantic as it gets. Two of the oldest MMORPGs require a credit card to sign up to them too, and have done since early 1996 when the ones I'm referring to were launched.
It isn't just online games that employ this tactic. Anyhow thing is that as with all products that have a free trial and a credit card requirement, they are ensuring a few things. First by requiring a credit card companies have a unique way to identify you, and can tell if you're a freeloader just going for the trial and never actually purchasing the product (unfortunately there are a lot of teenagers who do exactly this because they don't want mommy or pops to notice any CC charges). Second, they ensure that if you continue playing, you will be billed appropriately.
If you want to take advantage of the free trial of Horizons, feel free to sign up and utilise a credit or debit card for it. If you don't want to continue beyond the 7 days, cancel the subscription. You won't be billed if you cancel the subscription but you can still play for the full 7 day trial. I should mention though that by cancelling immediately, when you decide that you like Horizons you will need to add a new subscription to your trial account.
Happy gaming, look forward to seeing you in Istaria!
What's not only stupid but annoying as heck is when you BUY a game for 50 bucks or so and have to enter a credit card to play the first free 30 days. I don't have a credit card, and I have to then go out and buy a prepaid visa card so that I can enter a valid credit card number and play -- and I PAID FOR THE GAME!!!!
There is not a single game I have tried that hasn't done this: HZ, EQ, EQ2, WoW, cetera.
But as others have said: it is the industry standard practice. *shrugs*
They require a credit card for two reasons.
One, age varification, so they know you are of age for their product (yeah, right...*laugh*)
Two, so that if you are lazy or forgetful, they get a free 12-15 bucks outa you. This is the primary reason.
The only game I can think of with a truly free free trial is eve and anything SoE the above is true of most games.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
this is true.
Its alot like the "free" trial of shadowbane. Its free as long as you give them your credit card number now and then figure out how to cancel before they can charge anything to it.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
C'mon, this is about as pedantic as it gets. Two of the oldest MMORPGs require a credit card to sign up to them too, and have done since early 1996 when the ones I'm referring to were launched.
It isn't just online games that employ this tactic. Anyhow thing is that as with all products that have a free trial and a credit card requirement, they are ensuring a few things. First by requiring a credit card companies have a unique way to identify you, and can tell if you're a freeloader just going for the trial and never actually purchasing the product (unfortunately there are a lot of teenagers who do exactly this because they don't want mommy or pops to notice any CC charges). Second, they ensure that if you continue playing, you will be billed appropriately.
If you want to take advantage of the free trial of Horizons, feel free to sign up and utilise a credit or debit card for it. If you don't want to continue beyond the 7 days, cancel the subscription. You won't be billed if you cancel the subscription but you can still play for the full 7 day trial. I should mention though that by cancelling immediately, when you decide that you like Horizons you will need to add a new subscription to your trial account.
Happy gaming, look forward to seeing you in Istaria!
What's not only stupid but annoying as heck is when you BUY a game for 50 bucks or so and have to enter a credit card to play the first free 30 days. I don't have a credit card, and I have to then go out and buy a prepaid visa card so that I can enter a valid credit card number and play -- and I PAID FOR THE GAME!!!!
There is not a single game I have tried that hasn't done this: HZ, EQ, EQ2, WoW, cetera.
But as others have said: it is the industry standard practice. *shrugs*