lol sorry bout the topic. well i got the game today. i got it right befor i had to leave for work so i got it installed and created a account and entered the world for about 20 seconds lol. pretty damn awsome home from work and started playing. first thing i saw were naked people dancing
. i asked a question and got flamed? my question was were do i get training. guess either they didnt know or were 8. but i left town lol and didnt see anyone. i soon started to wonder.... were is everyone!! but then i read up how after you leave town theres no one to play with but thats still cool cause it looks nice lol and its fun by yourself. it took me a while to figure out how to attack( im used to right clicking with WoW) but soon found out you just click em, by the way is there a way to change that. its hard as hell to try to click a monster and click beside them and run by em lol.after i killed a mob or 2 and done a quest i got to level 4 woot. i started to become bored and found a town and asked if anyone was gonna quest and if they needed a group.....2 minutes if silence them i hear selling armor dye!!!!! like 20 times. so i left
so i started questing again.( by the way the quests are fun like lighting candles for undead that are unhappy about somthing lol)i guess my question is do you have to be in a guild/party to have fun? and how much more world is there outside were i am ooo and are any of you in a guild i can join cause right now the games not very apealling with soloing my brains out and selling armor dye!!! lol. thanks for replys
In GuildWars you get most of the xp from quests & missions. Photics has a usefull newbie guide that will help you some.
Tip: Never sell black dye in pre-searing (newbie land), after academy they sell for 3000-4500g (to dye trader or other players). Silver is next one that is somewhat expensive (red & blue also a couple of hundred some days).
Edit: forgot skill quest link that shows what skills you can get in each area (so you dont need to buy them).
As for the clicking, I use a combination of keyboard and mouse. You can use A,S,D,W to move around, tab to target enemies, alt to see items and allies, cntrl to see enemies (i think), and space to attack. I only use the mouse when I'm feeling lazy or to change camera angles (hold right click). Also, if you hold cntrl and click something, it will tell your party about that (eg if you click your health or energy, it will tell your party how much health or energy you have. That's about all of the basics, have fun.
it's fun by yourself i solo'd Pre Searing (if you don't know what searing is you'll defiently find out ) but yeah it's fun, but sometimes you Defiently need a group and thats where the Real fun comes in.
Tip: To get a group going just stand in a town and yell (in a channel of your choice of course) LFG (Looking For Group) - Name of Quest Here - And how many people you need
Example for Quests: LFG - QUEST - NEED 1(or how many you need, but right now you can probally only have up to one guy per group)MORE
Example for Missions: LFG - MISSION AND BONUS - NEED 2 MORE
and if you've already done the bonus, just ask for MISSION
Well goodluck man, if you need anything else my in-game name is "Duordin Shadowcross"
"weekend warriors and my best friends" haha reminded me of a bad ass song...
Have fun with this game..its awesome..add me to friends and pm me if you ever need anything
saosin ender