It seems all that G1 can do successfully is add new items to the ARMAS, or implement pop-ups in game advertising it.
The game is over-run with hackers, and poorly designed objectives/spawns, repetitive missions, broken matchmaking etc etc.. and all G1 do is come out with hollow promises or PR spin. And now that the majority of their remaining players (which have dwindled greatly) are venting their frustrations on the forum, it seems all they can do now is go into damage control and try and censor the truth.
Anyone remember how G1 claimed they didn't work in "valve time", yet their patch promises never were delivered. What about HWID bans that were due prior to open beta? Or the racing/asylum/clan districts? lol
The best thing they could come up with to combat hackers - even though apparently >2% of they playerbase hacks (LMAO!!!!!!) was the police blotter, which relied on their players to do their damn jobs for them... and guess what happened to it? There were too many reports and they didn't have enough staff to go through them all so they closed it.
Or the lag issues, which they swore were CLIENT side, even though they affected everyone in the district. lol.
Can anyone say INCOMPETENT? These guys make funcom look good!
Truth is, G1 is a joke, and most of their mods are nothing but rabbid fanboy's with the professionalism of pre-schooler with ADHD. Kimiko is a fine example of this.
Poor APB, if only you got bought by a half competent developer....
I don't play but I've had my share of mod problems, some my fault, some the mods. But if the forums are private then they have the right to be overzealous. If you were selling a game would you want any negativity in the forums which basically advertise their game and are really not for venting and snarling at your fellow players.
Truth is, G1 is a joke, and most of their mods are nothing but rabbid fanboy's with the professionalism of pre-schooler with ADHD. Kimiko is a fine example of this.
Plot thickens...
I have played against Kimiko (official APB forum mod) in game on Colby several times in game lately, and in every match she has had a combination of the following players with her:
A blatant aimbotter
A osmaw spammer
A deathreater
A griefer
In most matches it was a guy called tempz, who is well known on the server as being a cheater. He has deathreated to bronze 1 now, so he can not only carry the team to an easy win, but also helps boost his team mates threat in the progress (Hi kimiko and dreamss).
So much for this goody two shoes little fanboy mod who keep spewing crap on the forums about how she's only ever seen 'two hackers EVER', and closes any thread that is even remotely negative (read: truthful).
It's pretty clear that G1 are milking this game for all it's worth before it goes under again.
my only gripe with the forum is that g1 gives the Mods to much power and there littkle policing of their actions, i seen first hand the bias, and lack of respect this people have.
forum mods should not have blanket inmunity to be a douche ingame... G1 loves double standards
kimiko herself... useless to defend her since her actions speak for her
Truth is, G1 is a joke, and most of their mods are nothing but rabbid fanboy's with the professionalism of pre-schooler with ADHD. Kimiko is a fine example of this.
Plot thickens...
I have played against Kimiko (official APB forum mod) in game on Colby several times in game lately, and in every match she has had a combination of the following players with her:
A blatant aimbotter
A osmaw spammer
A deathreater
A griefer
In most matches it was a guy called tempz, who is well known on the server as being a cheater. He has deathreated to bronze 1 now, so he can not only carry the team to an easy win, but also helps boost his team mates threat in the progress (Hi kimiko and dreamss).
So much for this goody two shoes little fanboy mod who keep spewing crap on the forums about how she's only ever seen 'two hackers EVER', and closes any thread that is even remotely negative (read: truthful).
It's pretty clear that G1 are milking this game for all it's worth before it goes under again.
Kimiko here, I was referred to this post so I thought I'd reply... :P Tempz is an old friend from RTW, and he's well known as one of the most anti-cheating players on the server. He maintains a laughable list of people that he thinks are cheating, and he has no problem telling anyone and everyone about it. Yep, he's dethreated, just like a ton of other random players. If you'll notice, when we play with him we STILL don't ever call backup, which almost always results in a similar match to if he was at the correct threat, which he's now well on the way back to. Inflating dreamss and my threat? Hardly, dreamss has been g8-g10 since the threat reset, and I've always hovered in the low-to-mid golds. If anything, Tempz has hurt my threat, I've fallen as low as S7 playing with him.
I play with ~4 people, none of which are blatant aimbotters. I have no problem admitting that myself and dreamss both osmaw spam, it's a hilarious weapon to make people rage. I have no idea who you think is a griefer, but hey, if you say so...
Also, way to try and quote me from months and months ago... :P I said I had seen a couple of blatant ambotters, and only a handful of suspicious players, though that was very close to the start of open beta, and I've certainly seen more since then. I think the ban list is proof enough there's more than a couple. Take a look at my post history, and you'll see I've made more than my share of negative posts, as well. The ones that get closed? Mindless ranting with absolutely nothing constructive. Screaming "Money first! Gamers last!" on the forums doesn't get anyone anywhere, but feel free to have a reasonable conversation about what you're unhappy with, I'll gladly let any well thought-out post run it's course.
just a tip for everyone: apb is a game u have to enjoy as it is, dont get anrgy of you loose or get killed, focus on your weapon roles and by the time your 12+ you will have enough skill to do well in the game
also... i been g10 since before the tl boost before when it was hard and took 1v3 golds to get my g10 ...
It seems all that G1 can do successfully is add new items to the ARMAS, or implement pop-ups in game advertising it.
The game is over-run with hackers, and poorly designed objectives/spawns, repetitive missions, broken matchmaking etc etc.. and all G1 do is come out with hollow promises or PR spin. And now that the majority of their remaining players (which have dwindled greatly) are venting their frustrations on the forum, it seems all they can do now is go into damage control and try and censor the truth.
Anyone remember how G1 claimed they didn't work in "valve time", yet their patch promises never were delivered. What about HWID bans that were due prior to open beta? Or the racing/asylum/clan districts? lol
The best thing they could come up with to combat hackers - even though apparently >2% of they playerbase hacks (LMAO!!!!!!) was the police blotter, which relied on their players to do their damn jobs for them... and guess what happened to it? There were too many reports and they didn't have enough staff to go through them all so they closed it.
Or the lag issues, which they swore were CLIENT side, even though they affected everyone in the district. lol.
Can anyone say INCOMPETENT? These guys make funcom look good!
Truth is, G1 is a joke, and most of their mods are nothing but rabbid fanboy's with the professionalism of pre-schooler with ADHD. Kimiko is a fine example of this.
Poor APB, if only you got bought by a half competent developer....
Pretty much this, played APB since the beginning but G1 has done nothing but made it a cash grab. It's unfortunate as this game could of been one of the top hub games around.
ACTUALY we can "claim" that we been hack free... AND yes we get our asses kicked every other day... and get on huge loose streaks (kimiko went from g4 to s7 on 1 night) we shrugged it off and keept playing
and now shes telling me to get online in apb
(FUN fact about the osmaw...spent about 200k apb$ to run the osmaw for 8hr straight )
I do love how the "fair" players / mods defend the game and themselves stating cheaters / hacks still exist, but we don't need them. PUH Lease....
I don't care if you had GM powers with lightning shooting out of your butts, your so called "L337" skills are no match for cheaters. When APB was in beta, there wasn't a single day I didn't run into some hacker griefing the crap out of people. Granted, Kamiko admitted to changing views on the amount of hacks and cheaters, doesn't change the fact that to be as "good" as Kamiko and her friends claim to be and still be "hack" free is laughable at best.
APB is a hackfest, and neither G1 nor any forum mod is going to convince even 1% of the gamer population otherwise.
P.S. Before anyone gets too butt hurt from above statement, I'm just trying to point out that Kamiko and friends may not hack now, but can you honestly 100% claim you and the so called legits never hacked since launch?
Actually, for myself and dreamss, yes I can. I can't say for 100% certain that others haven't, but the two of us have never used any cheat, from RTW beta, through all of RTW, and through all of G1. No autohotkey macros, no aimbots, no wallhacks, nothing remotely resembling a cheat. I'm actually kind of flattered if you're saying that I'm good enough that I have to be cheating, as I don't consider myself that great of a player. There are plenty of people who are completely on another level above me, many of which I've watched stream legitly.
I've found that the average cheater isn't impossible to beat, and I'd say I still end up winning 40% of my matches against them. Do they frustrate me? Of course, I rage about them in vent, and sometimes get so frustrated that I log for the night, not playing for days. Still, grab a weapon that works as a decent counter (osmaw is wonderful here, HVR if they're close, etc) and play with people you know, and tactics can win a reasonable amount. Nothing is more gratifiying that beating the blatant aimbots. Of course, the ones that are as familiar with the game as I am, and play in a coordinated group, are the ones that I just have no chance of beating, and they frustrate me the most. The problem has gotten worse and worse as time goes on, and HWID bans or something similar REALLY needs to be implemented, as we're losing more and more legit players to this frustration.
Tempz is an old friend from RTW, and he's well known as one of the most anti-cheating players on the server.
You honestly expect anyone to believe that? He's one of the most obvious scripties on the server, and if he's not blatantly scripting, or dethreating, he's busy hackusating anyone that kills him or trolling chat.
Naive much?
If you are indeed an official forum mod and continually group with this player like others have stated, then LOLZ.
Like I said, show some kind of proof that he's cheating and I'll personally see to it that he's banned. I play with Revoemag pretty regularly as well, and we all know he has no qualms about banning people, so if Tempz is the notorious cheater that people claim, it should be quite easy for someone to dig up proof. I only play with him about once a week, and I don't know him in real life, but while he's playing with me I've never seen him do anything that would've made me suspicious.
You're talking about the GamersFirst forums, not MMORPG's forums, yes?
GamersFirst is well known for their over zealous forum modding.
Just looked at their general section of their official forums, every second post was locked.
It seems if you bring up hacking, or the fact that G1 spends more time adding to their ARMAS than actually fixing their game, your post gets closed.
It's sad to see that G1 have stuffed up the game just as much as RTW did.
RIP. Again.
Yeah, it's quite sad.
It seems all that G1 can do successfully is add new items to the ARMAS, or implement pop-ups in game advertising it.
The game is over-run with hackers, and poorly designed objectives/spawns, repetitive missions, broken matchmaking etc etc.. and all G1 do is come out with hollow promises or PR spin. And now that the majority of their remaining players (which have dwindled greatly) are venting their frustrations on the forum, it seems all they can do now is go into damage control and try and censor the truth.
Anyone remember how G1 claimed they didn't work in "valve time", yet their patch promises never were delivered. What about HWID bans that were due prior to open beta? Or the racing/asylum/clan districts? lol
The best thing they could come up with to combat hackers - even though apparently >2% of they playerbase hacks (LMAO!!!!!!) was the police blotter, which relied on their players to do their damn jobs for them... and guess what happened to it? There were too many reports and they didn't have enough staff to go through them all so they closed it.
Or the lag issues, which they swore were CLIENT side, even though they affected everyone in the district. lol.
Can anyone say INCOMPETENT? These guys make funcom look good!
Truth is, G1 is a joke, and most of their mods are nothing but rabbid fanboy's with the professionalism of pre-schooler with ADHD. Kimiko is a fine example of this.
Poor APB, if only you got bought by a half competent developer....
Ye, and all the problems around APB is gonna have investors look away from anything similar to this, in the near future.
It was a great idea, but the game was too shallow.
Now, it's nothing but bad game, with bad developers.
Maybe when I turn 80 something awesome will be developed, just hope I live to see the end game.
I don't play but I've had my share of mod problems, some my fault, some the mods. But if the forums are private then they have the right to be overzealous. If you were selling a game would you want any negativity in the forums which basically advertise their game and are really not for venting and snarling at your fellow players.
Game is crap. Developers on it move at a snail's pace. And their producer, Neume, couldn't lead a production crew if his life depended on it.
Plot thickens...
I have played against Kimiko (official APB forum mod) in game on Colby several times in game lately, and in every match she has had a combination of the following players with her:
A blatant aimbotter
A osmaw spammer
A deathreater
A griefer
In most matches it was a guy called tempz, who is well known on the server as being a cheater. He has deathreated to bronze 1 now, so he can not only carry the team to an easy win, but also helps boost his team mates threat in the progress (Hi kimiko and dreamss).
So much for this goody two shoes little fanboy mod who keep spewing crap on the forums about how she's only ever seen 'two hackers EVER', and closes any thread that is even remotely negative (read: truthful).
It's pretty clear that G1 are milking this game for all it's worth before it goes under again.
first of all.. LMAO the hate.
my only gripe with the forum is that g1 gives the Mods to much power and there littkle policing of their actions, i seen first hand the bias, and lack of respect this people have.
forum mods should not have blanket inmunity to be a douche ingame... G1 loves double standards
kimiko herself... useless to defend her since her actions speak for her
Kimiko here, I was referred to this post so I thought I'd reply... :P Tempz is an old friend from RTW, and he's well known as one of the most anti-cheating players on the server. He maintains a laughable list of people that he thinks are cheating, and he has no problem telling anyone and everyone about it. Yep, he's dethreated, just like a ton of other random players. If you'll notice, when we play with him we STILL don't ever call backup, which almost always results in a similar match to if he was at the correct threat, which he's now well on the way back to. Inflating dreamss and my threat? Hardly, dreamss has been g8-g10 since the threat reset, and I've always hovered in the low-to-mid golds. If anything, Tempz has hurt my threat, I've fallen as low as S7 playing with him.
I play with ~4 people, none of which are blatant aimbotters. I have no problem admitting that myself and dreamss both osmaw spam, it's a hilarious weapon to make people rage. I have no idea who you think is a griefer, but hey, if you say so...
Also, way to try and quote me from months and months ago... :P I said I had seen a couple of blatant ambotters, and only a handful of suspicious players, though that was very close to the start of open beta, and I've certainly seen more since then. I think the ban list is proof enough there's more than a couple. Take a look at my post history, and you'll see I've made more than my share of negative posts, as well. The ones that get closed? Mindless ranting with absolutely nothing constructive. Screaming "Money first! Gamers last!" on the forums doesn't get anyone anywhere, but feel free to have a reasonable conversation about what you're unhappy with, I'll gladly let any well thought-out post run it's course.
just a tip for everyone: apb is a game u have to enjoy as it is, dont get anrgy of you loose or get killed, focus on your weapon roles and by the time your 12+ you will have enough skill to do well in the game
also... i been g10 since before the tl boost before when it was hard and took 1v3 golds to get my g10 ...
Pretty much this, played APB since the beginning but G1 has done nothing but made it a cash grab. It's unfortunate as this game could of been one of the top hub games around.
Oh well, another one bites the dust. Thanks G1.
ACTUALY we can "claim" that we been hack free... AND yes we get our asses kicked every other day... and get on huge loose streaks (kimiko went from g4 to s7 on 1 night) we shrugged it off and keept playing
and now shes telling me to get online in apb
(FUN fact about the osmaw...spent about 200k apb$ to run the osmaw for 8hr straight )
Actually, for myself and dreamss, yes I can. I can't say for 100% certain that others haven't, but the two of us have never used any cheat, from RTW beta, through all of RTW, and through all of G1. No autohotkey macros, no aimbots, no wallhacks, nothing remotely resembling a cheat. I'm actually kind of flattered if you're saying that I'm good enough that I have to be cheating, as I don't consider myself that great of a player. There are plenty of people who are completely on another level above me, many of which I've watched stream legitly.
I've found that the average cheater isn't impossible to beat, and I'd say I still end up winning 40% of my matches against them. Do they frustrate me? Of course, I rage about them in vent, and sometimes get so frustrated that I log for the night, not playing for days. Still, grab a weapon that works as a decent counter (osmaw is wonderful here, HVR if they're close, etc) and play with people you know, and tactics can win a reasonable amount. Nothing is more gratifiying that beating the blatant aimbots. Of course, the ones that are as familiar with the game as I am, and play in a coordinated group, are the ones that I just have no chance of beating, and they frustrate me the most. The problem has gotten worse and worse as time goes on, and HWID bans or something similar REALLY needs to be implemented, as we're losing more and more legit players to this frustration.
You honestly expect anyone to believe that? He's one of the most obvious scripties on the server, and if he's not blatantly scripting, or dethreating, he's busy hackusating anyone that kills him or trolling chat.
Naive much?
If you are indeed an official forum mod and continually group with this player like others have stated, then LOLZ.
Like I said, show some kind of proof that he's cheating and I'll personally see to it that he's banned. I play with Revoemag pretty regularly as well, and we all know he has no qualms about banning people, so if Tempz is the notorious cheater that people claim, it should be quite easy for someone to dig up proof. I only play with him about once a week, and I don't know him in real life, but while he's playing with me I've never seen him do anything that would've made me suspicious.