Guild Wars 2 is a MORPG not a MMORPG and not a F2P MMORPG or anything else MMORPG. It’s pretty much just an RPG with multiplayer elements like for example Diablo 3. It is pretty much no different than Diablo 3.
Diablo 3 has global and regional chat channel is has social hubs etc. it has instances zones and dungeons for those you invite to your group., however Diablo 3 also has Auction Houses etc. Guild Wars 2 will be getting an Auction House however so will Diablo 3 and that won’t be categorised as a MMORPG.
The developers of the game are comparing it to MMORPGs that is why they are saying it has loads of new stuff like no levelling curve, anti-grind features. This is because it’s going to be an 80 hour long single player RPG however you get the choice to invite friends a lot and add them to your instance unless you are in a social hub.
I am not saying the game will flop I am just letting the fan boys know that it’s not what they are expecting it’s not an MMORPG. That said I hope the game does well and I will defiantly be getting it, but im dont like the way the developers are advertising it as a MMORPG.
Link? Source?
oh wait...
You might want to go back and do some research lol. You've obviously done none. It's ok, won't hold it against you.
GW2 is an MMORPG. Minimal research would show you that.
What the heck? lol
Let's hear your definition of MMORPG first.
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
no need to be so passionate. me, i'll be calmly getting it.
Actually he is kind of right. That was one of the reasons I disliked GW1. It didn't feel like an MMO, it felt like a mediocre RPG with a lobby.
Biggus im not sure what that picture is supposed to mean, but damn did I LOL.
They are BSing you trust me they say the game is a persistent world and will not contain instancing I have already done the research this is why I do not like the way they are advertising it as a MMORPG. They also said that all dungeons and storytelling zones will be instanced. So basically there will be social hubs maybe more/bigger than GW1 but it will be the same.
“There will be changes to the instancing system used. Persistent areas, similar to those traditionally used in other online multiplayer games, will be introduced to Guild Wars which may allow players to meet and interact while exploring. Instances will still be used to further storytelling within the game and for missions and dungeons"
OP you as many others here confuse GW2 with GW.... they are not the same at all. I tried GW and never liked it but after seeing many GW2 videos I can clearly say that GW2 is a MMORPG. Read info about GW2 then post.
fans usually know what the game is.
GW2 fans know what the game is because many of us have played the demos and because we have had MANY blog posts and media reviews and the fan day dungeon marathon impressions and the many many videos of the game.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
LOL, that's my "Oh boy, shit is about to hit the fan" pic.
Yea. Sounds like SW:TOR.
read this I quoted from an interview with developer.
Seems to me that you are confusing Guild Wars 2 with Guild Wars 1. Guild Wars 2 has a persistant world, you can invite anyone you encounter there in your team. Just like in EQ2, WoW or any other MMORPG. It is not instanced like Guild Wars 1. Please inform yourself.
As for dungeons and storytelling zones, that is no different then the main story arc in LOTRO, or uncontested dungeons in any major MMO. These are instanced there too. These uncontested dungeons and storytelling zones excist NEXT to the persistant world. Again, just like in EQ2, WoW and LOTRO.
Hmm well if thats the case I stand correct however the interviews I have been reading seems to me like there is social hubs and the rest is instanced. Same as the first game but there hiding it but in a way that make you beleave it not the same as the first game.
Lol I dont see how the game can be completely free to play and be a MMORPG at the same time, the cost of the servers need players to pay a subcription for them to be able to keep them online. Unless they use a F2P system simlar to games like LOTRO where you have to buy unlock for certain zones/classes/skills/weapons.
I dont see how a game can pay for it self using just vanity items from a item store they will need more than that to make people purchase stuff.
glad to help, but just to make another point (maybe one that should have answered your real question and not what we all initially thought you were trying to say...
Shatterer wants to know who formed that unauthorized social hub in his "instance". Shatterer says disband or he will eat you.
oh and the game is buy to play, which just means that it has no sub fee. It isn't completely free. It just seems that way to people who can't imagine life without a sub.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
Sounds to me like its going to be a mix. The main world open and persistant as in traditional mmorpg's , but will also have instanced "mission" based parts of the world like the missions from GW1 as well as having instanced dungeons.
Incorrect for reasons listed in this video.
You haven't done an adequate amount of research in order to be making posts like these. All the features of Guild Wars 2 can be found on this thread.
heres an interview - from
The world design is expected to use less instancing than Guild Wars. Can you tell us what you have planned?
Eric Flannum:
We use a lot less instancing than we have in the past. The game is structured much more like other MMOs, with the world consisting almost entirely of fully persistent areas. That being said, we have a number of different ways in which we use instancing. Dungeons, for example, are instanced areas designed for group play. We also use instancing very heavily in the players' personal quest chain to reflect decisions that the player has made on those quests. For example, Logan Thackeray, captain of the Seraph, has an office located in Divinity's Reach; his office is instanced because we need to update his status based on choices the player has made.
EQ2 fan sites
Are you sure about that OP? I mean are you really sure? You willing to bet your life on it?
Read the sticky in this forum, watch some videos, read some interviews, and then come back and make those same statements.
You have the right to have your opinion.... but so do i
And i say its an MMORPG, with added features that increase story and background plot. Honestly ALL MMORPG's should have these features.... Otherwise they should be classified just as a MMO's .... Seeing there is a lack of Role Playing Game, after all, how does one role play to a character with no background story that is exsacly the same as everyone else...
And who are you to say what it is..... Oh wait your on the internet, you must be right...
Yeah im not buying that video at all! He is comparing it to Guild Wars 1 the cost of the box alone wont be enough for server costs and support and GMs and content patch he also says that most games dont release content patches without us having to pay for them I can name quite a few there that isnt the case! For example RIFT, Eve Online and Warcraft all release content patches every 2-3 months decent size content patches aswel.
They are banking on people using the cash shop. That's where the extra money will come from. Although I partly agree with what the dude is saying in the video, I believe it's more propaganda than truth as the purchase of the box alone can't feed a monster such as a persistant world MMO.
Plenty of F2P games have done just fine without forcing you to pay for either a box copy OR a monthly fee. LOTRO, DDO, etc., etc. If they can get away with it, then I don't see why GW2 can't when it will require about $50 for a box/download AS WELL AS $X amount for things like extra character slots, more bank space, stat transfer stones, character makeovers, etc.