I swear, every time I visit this site I spend the first 5 minutes wondering how I wound up on MO's official forums... it's like this page is just here to archive SV's site (selectively, of course).
Anyway, nice copy and paste. Sorry you're not taking your MO ban well
they need to add a wobble to it whilst riding that in itself would help fix the issue with it, also polearms need to handle hit like they should.
I find it very amusing why the devs havent seen there are something wrong with the polearms never having handle hits when half the fucking weapon is a handle.
I agree to both these suggestions.
And i agree with the OP, i stopped trying to balance this game after a year with different balancing threads to atleast get shit balanced. But with all the people running down good balance threads and nothing changing for the better i stopped.
Cause whats the point in getting good ideas to balance stuff and never getting heard cause the big skilless mob just runs u down so the devs always think their game is awesome and balanced ?
Rock, paper, scissor combat is outdated to wow clone games. Skillbased games like MO should be 100% balanced where every weapon is good enough to use, and the victor would be the one that is best with hitting his target, positioning himself better and blocking enemy hits.
A wise man does not fear, a man afraid does not think.
Two little goblins out in the sun, down came a griffin, then there was
I thought it was a good post with very valid statemnets.
Yet the botboys defend the game and attack the poster, really sad.
Spamming "Post Report" Tool
...but if you spam or abuse the report tool, penalties will apply.
I swear, every time I visit this site I spend the first 5 minutes wondering how I wound up on MO's official forums... it's like this page is just here to archive SV's site (selectively, of course).
Anyway, nice copy and paste. Sorry you're not taking your MO ban well
I do hope you will take Rohn to task too, since he does a LOT of copy pasting from the official forums.
Or is he exempt from your rule?
Pretty much this, thanks to Rohn copypasting every minor official update, I dont even need to bother visiting official forums.
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Norway
Age: 21
Rep Power: 3
Originally Posted by deathshroud
they need to add a wobble to it whilst riding that in itself would help fix the issue with it, also polearms need to handle hit like they should.
I find it very amusing why the devs havent seen there are something wrong with the polearms never having handle hits when half the fucking weapon is a handle.
I agree to both these suggestions.
And i agree with the OP, i stopped trying to balance this game after a year with different balancing threads to atleast get shit balanced. But with all the people running down good balance threads and nothing changing for the better i stopped.
Cause whats the point in getting good ideas to balance stuff and never getting heard cause the big skilless mob just runs u down so the devs always think their game is awesome and balanced ?
Rock, paper, scissor combat is outdated to wow clone games. Skillbased games like MO should be 100% balanced where every weapon is good enough to use, and the victor would be the one that is best with hitting his target, positioning himself better and blocking enemy hits.
A wise man does not fear, a man afraid does not think.
Two little goblins out in the sun, down came a griffin, then there was